DC Database

James Gordon, Jr. is the second child of Commissioner Jim Gordon and Barbara Eileen Gordon.

After his father's kidnapping and his sister's crippling at the hands of the Joker, James became obsessed with him.[1]

James was an inmate at Arkham Asylum and was still alluded to as being the catalyst behind Barbara's paralysis. He helped Charise Carnes (the villain Knightfall) survive the rigors of the Asylum, saying he admired her views of a city bathed in blood before it was made good.[2] During a break out, he managed to escape. During the Joker's attack on the Batman Family, he called Barbara to inform her that Joker thugs were coming to attack her at her apartment. He then led her to where Joker had been keeping their mother hostage. He drugged Barbara and traded her to the Joker for their mother's life. He later fell from a roof top after his sister threw a Batarang at him just as her father arrived on the scene to witness him fall to his demise.

He was believed dead until he was recruited into the Suicide Squad by Amanda Waller. His motivation for joining was that he was in love with Waller. He knocked out Deadshot and gone out on standoff with Harley Quinn. He then became an analyzer for the team.

James was later reformed and rendered sane due to an experimental drug. When the Batman Who Laughs started killing the Bruce Waynes of various alternate universes and went after the Batman of Prime Earth, he joined his father and Bruce in helping to put a stop to his plans to infect the city through the waterworks. Together with his dad, he also put a stop to The Grim Knight.

He developed a split-personality disorder and started murdering redheads, dressing them up as Batgirl out of jealousy. His peaceful side was however unaware that he was the killer and searched for clues about the culprit. He helped Barbara discover that the killer would next strike at the lighthouse, but his violent personality soon took back control. At the lighthouse Barbara confronted him and his murderous personality stated that he did it for James. Taking back the reins and horrified at what he had done, James jumped off the lighthouse and fell to his death.[3]

Infinte Frontier

At some point after the rebirth of the multiverse, he was revived and became a Talon.


Other Characteristics

  • Mental Disorder: James is a recovering sociopath and psychopath, although by his own admission he is not as stable as he would have hoped to become.[5] He later developed a split-personality disorder.[3]
  • Missing Eye



Batgirl Vol 4 5 Textless
Batgirl Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character, team, or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of Batgirl. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Batgirl Villains category."

Suicide Squad Vol 4 8 Textless
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Suicide Squad member
This character is or was a member of the Suicide Squad, a team of imprisoned super-villains who perform high-risk missions for the U.S. Government in exchange for commuted sentences, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Suicide Squad members" category.

Court of Owls 008
DC Bullet 2024

Court of Owls member
This character is or was a member of the Court of Owls, a secret society that has controlled Gotham City for centuries, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Court of Owls members" category.
