DC Database

In a pocket dimension created by Auteur.io, Martha Wayne survived the night in Crime Alley. As such she took over Wayne Enterprises and her son Bruce never became Batman. She aligned with Dr. Atom in the hopes of keeping her world and family safe.

From the night her husband died, Martha coddled and smothered Bruce in an attempt to protect him, which continued well into his adulthood. As a result of the trauma and Martha's overprotectiveness, Bruce grew up to be a coward and a dilettante. Martha also began a secret relationship with the family's loyal retainer Alfred.[1]

At some point, Martha was contacted by a mastermind in another reality called Dr. Atom, who was trying to create the perfect world. He had determined that Martha's world was the closest to perfection and they made a deal to creat a utopia: Dr. Atom would provide Martha with advanced technology which she would pass off as her company's inventions; meanwhile, she would provide him with criminals from her world to use for experiments, which also had the added beneift of removing crime from her world. Martha agreed, reasoning it was the best way to keep Bruce safe.[2]

While she was unveiling Dr. Atom's latest gift, the Omni-Battery, the press conference was attacked by Lex Luthor, aka The Unknown Wizard. Luthor was Dr. Atom's counterpart in their reality and therefore created many of Atom's inventions independently, and was convinced Wayne Enterprises was somehow stealing his ideas. Luthor was foiled by Superman and handed over to the police, but Martha was able to take him and hold him in the caverns under Wayne Manor in preparation to hand Luthor over to Dr. Atom.[1]

Later that night, two strange figures appeared in the Manor, coming through the secret entrance to the caverns: a man dressed as a bat and a boy in bright colours. Bruce was terrified and cowered while Martha defended him with a gun and the two strangers fled out the window, into a car carried by Superman. Unbeknowst to either of them, the Batman was an alternate version of Bruce from a parallel reality.

Martha took Bruce to Gotham Cemetery where they handed The Unknown Wizard over to Dr. Atom in exchange for a serum that would make somebody as strong as Superman. Martha injected Bruce with the serum, deciding the best way to protect him was to make him strong enough that nobody could hurt him. Bruce mutated into a powerful Bizarro-like creature, but was defeated by Superman after a short fight. Martha attempted to flee but the Batman stopped her. He unmasked and revealed he was the Bruce from the world Martha had purposely made worse to the benefit of her own. Martha realised that her schemes had hurt another version of her son and she surrendered.[2]

Martha was incarcerated in the Arkham Gardens Rehabilitation Center. During yard time on Father's Day, which was always a painful time for her, she was kidnapped from the prison by Bruce, now calling himself Bizarro Two-Face. He took her to Crime Alley, the site of his father's death, where he planned to create the opposite of that night. However, he could not decide what would be the opposite of his father's death, killing his mother or letting her live. Batman offered him a way to decide by flipping a coin, but rigged the toss so he would spare Martha. While Bizarro Two-Face was distracted, Robin dropped down on him from the rooftops and slapped a power suppression collar on him. Bruce and Martha were returned to prison.[3]




Batman Villains 0003
DC Bullet 2024

Batman Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of the Batman, or the Batman Family as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Villains."

Superman Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character has been primarily an enemy of Superman in any of his various incarnations, or members of the Superman Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Superman Villains category."
