DC Database

"Loco Luke: "Out West, Part 4 (of 4)"": Having been robbed *again* by Black Dan of everything he was carrying--including his clothes--Luke turns to Turkey Tail for more help. Turkey Tail manages to disguise hi

Quote1 Let's hide in this cave. Quote2
Brad Hardy

New Fun Comics #4 is an issue of the series New Fun Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1935. It was published on April 12, 1935.

Synopsis for Loco Luke: "Out West, Part 4 (of 4)"

Having been robbed *again* by Black Dan of everything he was carrying--including his clothes--Luke turns to Turkey Tail for more help. Turkey Tail manages to disguise him as an Indian. But the disguise falls apart when Luke takes liberties with the Indian maiden Keed and her father, Chief Growling Dog, organizes a war party to perforate the amorous cowboy.

Appearing in Loco Luke: "Out West, Part 4 (of 4)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Turkey Tail (Final appearance)


  • Chief Growling Dog (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Keed (Single appearance)


Synopsis for Sandra of the Secret Service: "The Gavonian Affair, Part 4 (of 13)"

Sandra is forced to drop her gun by the Gavonian agent behind her. Tied, gagged and rolled up in a carpet, Sandra is at the mercy of her Gavonian captors, who prepare to leave the ship. Meanwhile, Lothar and the secret agent devise a plan to disguise Sandra as a man, in order to get her safely ashore. A few minutes before docking, Lothar finds a threatening letter on his pillow. He and the secret agent check on Sandra, but are convinced she's still sleeping on her cabin. While waiting for Sandra on the dock, the men see the Gavonian agents carrying a carpet and connect the dots. Lothar and the secret agent rush to Sandra's aid, and the Gavonians escape in a car.

Appearing in Sandra of the Secret Service: "The Gavonian Affair, Part 4 (of 13)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Lothar
  • Reynolds (not yet named)



Synopsis for Spike Spalding: "Prince of Patrania, Part 2 (of 25)"

The mysterious men, Alex and Nikko, plot how to kidnap Spike. They decide to wear costumes, so as not to be recognized in the streets. Pincus asks Spike if he had any more nightmares, which he hasn't. The two friends say goodbye and part ways, but not long after, Pincus hears Spike yelling for help. Pincus sees that Spike is being kidnapped and clings to the back of the kidnappers' vehicle. Alex and Nikko drive away, convinced that no one saw them.

Appearing in Spike Spalding: "Prince of Patrania, Part 2 (of 25)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Pincus


  • Alex
  • Nikko

Other Characters:

  • Philip of Patrania
  • Red


Synopsis for Magic Crystal of History: "In Ancient Egypt, Part 4 (of 10)"

Pharaoh Cheops and his entourage are engulfed in a sandstorm, and a pair of conspirators see this as the perfect opportunity to kill him. The Pharaoh, who's busy protecting Bobby and Binks from the sandstorm, can't see the approaching regicides. But the kids do see them, and Bobby warns the Pharaoh just in time. The guards get rid of the threat, and once the sandstorm abates, the group gets back on their way to the palace. Bobby and Binks are received there with honors, recognized as saviors of the Pharaoh, and placed in Hotep's care by the Queen. Meanwhile, in Thebes, the high priest is furious, and he commands his servants to kill Bobby and Binks.

Appearing in Magic Crystal of History: "In Ancient Egypt, Part 4 (of 10)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • High priest
  • Two conspirators

Other Characters:

  • Queen


  • Egypt, 26th Century BC
    • Thebes



Synopsis for "In the Wake of the Wander, Part 2 (of 17)"

Captain Grim and Slim climb aboard the dismasted ship, which seems completely deserted. Inside the ship's quarters, Grim sees an interesting-looking box. Grim opens the box, and a snake jumps out of it, but he dodges its bite and shoots it. A note inside the box details how the crew slowly went missing while investigating an island, being attacked by a "thing." Continuing their investigation, Grim and Slim go below decks, where they find an injured man raving about the "Death That Leaves No Mark." The Wander's crew decide to investigate the Island of Missing Men themselves.

Appearing in "In the Wake of the Wander, Part 2 (of 17)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Slim

Other Characters:

  • Holcomb, last surviving crewmate (not yet named) (First appearance)


  • Wander

Synopsis for "Oswald the Rabbit"

Oswald takes a bath and dresses, but a bar of soap causes him slip and fall in the bathtub again, undoing all his work.

Appearing in "Oswald the Rabbit"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for Buckskin Jim: "Indian Ambush, Part 4 (of 7)"

Buckskin Jim and Trapper Pete have escaped the Indians under the cover of night, but are now lost. Luckily, they spot a campfire in the distance, and it's from the wagon train they've been looking for. Wasting no time, Jim, whose horse is fresher than Pete's, rushes to warn the wagons of the incoming Indian attack. But Jim is a little too late, he's too far and the Indians are about to make their ambush, and to make matters worse, the sentry of the wagon train is asleep. With a chance of one in a million, Jim throws a rock from far away, at the sleeping sentry.

Appearing in Buckskin Jim: "Indian Ambush, Part 4 (of 7)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Trapper Pete


  • Indians



  • Late 1840s

Synopsis for Ivanhoe: "Episode 4 (of 26)"

The Disinherited Knight fights Bois-Guilbert on one side and Athelstane on the other, he is overwhelmed, but Prince John refuses to stop the fight. Finally, a companion of Disinherited Knight, Black Sluggard, rushes to help him, and together, the two are able to defeat their opponents. Prince John proclaims Black Sluggard the winner of the tournament, but he is nowhere to be seen, so the award goes to his companion. Honored, Disinherited Knight bows to Prince John ready to receive his prize when...

Appearing in Ivanhoe: "Episode 4 (of 26)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Black Sluggard (First appearance)


Other Characters:

  • Athelstane (First appearance)


Synopsis for Don Drake on the Planet Saro: "The Midget Men of Saro, Part 4 (of 4)"

The Many Armed Beast is attacking the Stratosphere, Don and Betty's gondola. Don Drake, seized by one of the beast's many tentacles, manages to shoot the beast in its eye with his Atomic Energy Gun, killing it. The Midget Men, grateful, promise Don that their queen will reward him greatly, but first, they must get to their city of Zetruria. Crossing some caves, Drake's gun proves useful once again. Out of the caves and into the Valley of the Winged Death, an Amazon scout of the Winged Death cavalry spots them. Don kills her steed and they take her prisoner. But soon enough, a swarm of Amazons of the Winged Death are on the offense.

Appearing in Don Drake on the Planet Saro: "The Midget Men of Saro, Part 4 (of 4)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Many Armed Beast (Dies)
  • Amazons of the Winged Death (First appearance)

Alien Animals:

  • Giant ant-like bugs of Saro's caves

Other Characters:

  • Midget Men of Saro


  • Planet Saro
    • Valley of the Winged Death
    • Zetruria (Destination)


  • Drake's Atomic Energy Gun


  • Stratosphere (Final appearance)

Synopsis for Little Linda: "Run Away Again"

Hank wakes Linda and Buddy up and serves them breakfast. But the kids have to escape when they find out the man's wife, Mary, has gone to the police station to report them, as Linda is unwilling to return to an orphanage. While walking around the city, Buddy sees his uncle, who quickly runs away. Uncle Wilbur calls the police, incredulous that he saw Buddy, but the police confirm that they know the allegedly abducted boy is in the city. Uncle Wilbur realizes he's in a tough spot.

Appearing in Little Linda: "Run Away Again"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Buddy Stone


  • Wilbur Stone (Final appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Hank (Final appearance)
  • Mary (Mentioned only)

Synopsis for Jack Woods: "Pancho Villa, Part 1 (of 14)"

Jack Woods is about to face the firing squad, when suddenly, the news arrives that Pancho Villa is galloping in, with fifty horseman to attack Governor Don Pedro. Amid the turmoil, Dolores frees Jack, and everyone takes refuge inside of Don Nogales' ranch. A siege begins, and as the hours pass, Don Nogales and the governor realize that they can't hold out much longer, they need to call in reinforcments from town. Jack Woods volunteers for the dangerous mission, but his attempt to sneak past Pancho Villa's men fails.

Appearing in Jack Woods: "Pancho Villa, Part 1 (of 14)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


Synopsis for Brad Hardy: "The Underground Kingdom of the Snakemen, Part 2 (of 2)"

Brad Hardy dodges the massive rock that was about to fall on his head, and saves the unknown captive from the Snakemen, who flee the scene. The unknown captive turns out to be Prince Kardos of the Underground Kingdom of Agharti, and he promises Brad that his father will reward him greatly. Brad, Lorraine, and Kardos try to hide in a cave before the Snakemen return armed, but the cave turns out to be a passage to the dangerous city of the Ratmen. Brad and his companions are now trapped between the Snakemen and the Ratmen.

Appearing in Brad Hardy: "The Underground Kingdom of the Snakemen, Part 2 (of 2)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters


  • Snakemen
  • Ratmen


Synopsis for "After School"

Slimsy gets a "jinx chaser" to ward off the bad luck that Lefty's uncle supposedly causes him. He wants to try it out, so he invites Lefty and his uncle to the club, but they refuse to go, causing an argument. The argument makes Uncle Wilbur cry, which alerts the little girl, who tries to comfort him. Uncle Wilbur bites her finger and she blames Slimsy for the whole affair. Slimsy, angry that his "jinx chaser" is useless, tries to get a refund from the children who sold it to him.

Appearing in "After School"

Featured Characters:

  • Lefty Peters
  • Slimsy Simpkins

Supporting Characters:

  • Uncle Wilbur
  • Gertie (not yet named)

Synopsis for "Cap'n Spinacker, Part 2 (of 16)"

Mrs. Kluk proposes to Cap'n Spinacker, he's flattered, but when he finds out that Mrs. Kluk has four kids, he runs away.

Appearing in "Cap'n Spinacker, Part 2 (of 16)"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Mrs. Kluk
  • Mrs. Kluk's children


Synopsis for Barry O'Neill: "Fang Gow of China, Part 4 (of 35)"

The seaplane lands right next the boat, its aircrew drops a rope ladder, and they force Barry and Le Grand to climb aboard. While they climb the ladder, Barry begins to fight the aircrew and he tells Le Grand to get in the rear seat. Barry successfully hijacks their seaplane and takes off, but unbeknown to him, one of Fang Gow's men is still holding on to the rope ladder.

Appearing in Barry O'Neill: "Fang Gow of China, Part 4 (of 35)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Fang Gow (Behind the scenes)
    • Ivan
    • Seaplane crew

Synopsis for "Charley Fish"

Charley Fish's boss wants Charley to take a picture of Hiram Zupp, the erratic millionaire. At Zupp's house, Charley goes to great lengths to take a photo of the man, and ends up getting beat up by Zupp's guard. Back at the office, a battered Charley hands the camera to his boss, who discovers the camera was never loaded, much to Charley's dismay.

Appearing in "Charley Fish"

Featured Characters:


  • Hiram Zupp's guard

Other Characters:

  • Charley Fish's boss
  • Hiram Zupp (Behind the scenes)

Synopsis for Wing Brady: "The Bedouins, Part 4 (of 17)"

While the Bedouins torture the captured Wing Brady, Slim flies back to Corporal Levun's company for help. Slim's gas tank springs a leak, forcing him to land in the middle of the desert. A Bedouin stalks Slim, but before he can do anything, Corporal Levun and his men come to Slim's rescue, who informs them of Wing's capture. As the legionnaires gallop to Wing's rescue, they see a Bedouin galloping ahead, and they realize that they must reach the camp before he gets a chance to warn their enemies of their arrival.

Appearing in Wing Brady: "The Bedouins, Part 4 (of 17)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Bedouin marauders


Synopsis for "Caveman Capers"

Ur and Wur wonder what horrible creature left the footprints they've encountered. The children follow the footprints' trail, and come across a gigantic ape-man. They climb a tree to safety, but the ape-man shakes the tree, catapulting Ur and Wur into the air.

Appearing in "Caveman Capers"

Featured Characters:

  • Ur
  • Wur


  • Gigantic ape-man (Single appearance)


Synopsis for Jack Andrews: "The Mysterious Stranger, Part 4 (of 4)"

Jack Andrews collides with the stranger, knocking Jack unconscious. The stranger reveals that he didn't shoot Jack as he felt he owed him one out. As Jack recovers, the stranger advises him to return to school.

Appearing in Jack Andrews: "The Mysterious Stranger, Part 4 (of 4)"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Stranger

Synopsis for Midshipman Dewey: "Dewey and the Pirates, Part 1 (of 16)"

As the fight rages on, Jack jumps onto the pirates' ship and sets it adrift. The Hornet's captain fires to sink the Jolly Roger, unaware that Jack is on board. Jack tries to jump ship, but the pirates stop him.

Appearing in Midshipman Dewey: "Dewey and the Pirates, Part 1 (of 16)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Captain Smith (not yet named)


  • Pirates



Synopsis for "Pelion and Ossa"

Pelion and Ossa see an advertisement, promising to pay $100 to anyone that manages to stay one round in a fight against an unknown combatant. Pelion convinces Ossa to give it a try, and the two friends go to see the fight's manager. The manager wishes Ossa good luck and sets up to promote the fight. Before the fight begins, Pelion advises Ossa to keep his eyes on his opponent's two gloves, but it is then revealed that the opponent is a kangaroo with five gloves, one for each limb and one for his tail.

Appearing in "Pelion and Ossa"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Fight manager (Single appearance)
  • Kangaroo boxer (Single appearance)

Synopsis for 2023 Super Police: "Captain Kiddlaw, Part 4 (of 12)"

Rex, Brut, and Professor Shanley don cosmic ray helmets, to protect themselves from the pressure of the ocean. Rex advises Joan to stay on the Hi-Lo, but soon after he and his party leave, Joan and Axel follow their trail. The inexperienced pair are attacked by a sea monster, Joan yells for help, and the Super Police rush to her help. Professor Shanley recognizes the monster as an electric devil fish, Brut tries to fire his cannon at it, but Rex stops him, as the cannon could kill Joan as well. Rex, with incredible precision, fires his small pistol at the beast's weak spot, saving Joan and Axel. Once they make sure that Joan is unhurt, Brut rushes his companions to move on.

Appearing in 2023 Super Police: "Captain Kiddlaw, Part 4 (of 12)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Electric devil fish


  • Hi-Lo, Super Police's stratoplane-submarine



  • Tom Cooper signs his In the Wake of the Wander story as "Mac Fergus".

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
