DC Database

"The Crew of the Crossed, Finale": Dick feels the fear surging again, but overcomes it to dive into the water below. He saves Bea and carries her ashore where they take shelter in a shack. He uses the field surgery skills that Alfred taught him to dew up her wound, fortunately Dirk missed all he

Quote1 But if you and your friends find them before we do, make them pay. Quote2
— Bea Bennett

Nightwing (Volume 4) #109 is an issue of the series Nightwing (Volume 4) with a cover date of February, 2024. It was published on December 19, 2023.

Synopsis for "The Crew of the Crossed, Finale"

Dick feels the fear surging again, but overcomes it to dive into the water below. He saves Bea and carries her ashore where they take shelter in a shack. He uses the field surgery skills that Alfred taught him to dew up her wound, fortunately Dirk missed all her vital organs and blood vessels. When Bea wakes up, he tells her that Dirk has declared himself Captain, imprisoned her crew and taken her ship. Bea says that he will be going after the Hold and she needs to beat him there. She releases Dick from his debt and tells him she will give him the contents of his box when she regains the Hold, but he insists on coming with her.

Bea flies them in a seaplane to where the Hold is hidden. Along the way she tells him the story of Hendrik Blüd, the first Captain of the Crew of the Crossed Keys, who slew a kraken that was menacing the waters around Bludhaven and is remembered in the name of the town and the huge statue in the park. She also tells him how she first met her adopted father Ruben Blüd when she stole a billionaire's superyacht which the Crew then boarded. She says that she understands why some people would prefer Dirk as Captain to her, since he is Ruben's son; but Dick tells her she is Ruben's real daughter, Dirk just happens to be related to him. When Bea takes them down, she notices Dick once again suffering a minor panic attack.

They land in the water next to the Hold's ship and the new Quartermaster, who was told Bea was dead, immediately acknowledges her as her Captain. When Dirk arrives, Dick swings down to fight him and his men, while Bea sneaks aboard the ship to free and arm her crew. They burst up on deck and demand that Dirk surrender. His men immediately drop their weapons, but Dirk won't until Bea puts her sword to his throat. She punches him out and has the Crew hand him over to the Norwegian authorities, as that is the country where he is facing the most jail time.

The Quartermaster open Dick's box and gives him the contents, which turn out to be a disc. He plays it and it is revealed to be the missing security footage from the night his parents died, proving that Tony Zucco sabotaged their trapeze. He says he needs to get back to Bludhaven and bring Zucco to justice.

Appearing in "The Crew of the Crossed, Finale"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • American Yacht (Flashback only)
  • Batmobile (Cameo) (Flashback only)
  • Batplane (Cameo) (Flashback only)
  • Bea Bennett's Seaplane
  • The Hold's Whaling Ship (Flashback and main story)

Synopsis for "Beast World: Prologue"

Damian Wayne realises that there are fewer Beast-People in Gotham than there should be. He suspects that they may be being held in the cages underneath Gotham Zoo, and discovers he is correct when he goes to investigate. Suddenly all the cages open and he is mobbed by the Beast-People. They pin him down and a mysterious woman with green skin and animal tattoos forces a spore into his mouth, transforming him into a cat.

Appearing in "Beast World: Prologue"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:






  • In the first story, a customer of The Hold is named after the DC editor, Jessica Chen.

See Also

Links and References
