DC Database

Shift was a sentient fragment of Metamorpho who joined the Outsiders.

At first it seemed that Metamorpho (Rex Mason) was appearing in two places at once but Mason informed the Outsiders that their Metamorpho was a regrown fragment of his own body. Metamorpho attempted to re-assimilate the Outsider but the team convinced him that the clone deserved a chance to lead his own life. Metamorpho reluctantly agreed on the condition that he takes a new name. The fragment re-named himself Rufus.[1]

Metamorpho later took the code-name Shift[2] and developed a relationship with the android from the future Indigo. After her Brainiac programming kicked in, Indigo begged Shift to end her life. He reluctantly complied and became very depressed over her death. Eventually, Shift willingly chose to re-assimilate with Metamorpho because he had inadvertently killed 44 people during Black Lightning's escape from Iron Heights Penitentiary[3]. Metamorpho then stepped in to fill Shift's position in the Outsiders.


  • Molecular Reconstruction: Shift could transmute his body to a wide variety of elemental compounds and form them to his will. He could alter the shapes and consistencies of these elements and combine them to form complex compounds. Rex could assume forms of gas, liquid or solid states.
    • Superhuman Durability: The nature of Rufus' body provided him with natural body armor offering damage resistance from blunt attacks and energy attacks.
    • Metamorphosis: Shift could also shape parts and portions of his body instead of the whole. He could form such complex shapes as a tank and a bicycle and such simple forms as a cloud or a spring.
    • Elasticity
    • Transmutation: Shift could alter the sub-molecular composition of matter he comes in contact with by touch. Using this aspect of his powers he was able to transmute Indigo into organic matter, killing her in the process.[4]



Outsiders 0001
Outsiders member
DC Bullet 2024

This character is or was a member of one or more of the teams known as the Outsiders. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Outsiders members" category.
