DC Database

"Date Night": Barry and Iris go on a date, so Wallace West (Kid Flash) patrols Central City when Iris won't notice. He encounters a guy with a machine gun dressed like Santa and takes him to CCPD headquarters. He then encounters Tarpit who was stealing money to pay the ransom for thugs kidnappin

Quote1 The only thing that gets in the way of us being together is us. Why is that? Quote2
— Barry Allen

The Flash (Volume 5) #13 is an issue of the series The Flash (Volume 5) with a cover date of February, 2017. It was published on December 28, 2016.

Synopsis for "Date Night"

Barry and Iris go on a date, so Wallace West (Kid Flash) patrols Central City when Iris won't notice. He encounters a guy with a machine gun dressed like Santa and takes him to CCPD headquarters. He then encounters Tarpit who was stealing money to pay the ransom for thugs kidnapping his niece and nephew. He defeats Tarpit and hands him over to Iron Heights and then finds the children and return to their mom and takes the thugs to CCPD. When Iris and Barry get home, they find Wallace has made them Hot Chocolate and leaves them alone at Iris' home.

Appearing in "Date Night"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Tar Pit
  • Unnamed kidnappers (Single appearance) (Cameo)
  • Unnamed Santa Claus wannabe (Single appearance) (Impersonates Santa Claus)

Other Characters:




  • Captain Cold's Car


See Also

Links and References
