DC Database

Following the death of Roy Harper and the exploits created by a recent group of Teen Titans that were led by Damian Wayne, the original Titans decided to turn their old Titans Tower into an academy to train youn

Quote1 We tried something here. We tried to create a place for the next generation of heroes. A place where we could teach them Where they could learn together, in peace. In Safety. And Deathstroke took it all away. We're building a new Titans Tower in Blüdhaven. But this is the scene of our failure. We lost our school... Quote2

The Titans Academy was a training academy for the new Teen Titans, located in the Titans Tower in New York City. It was officially named Roy Harper Titans Academy in honor of the then-dead Titan Roy Harper. It was abandoned after a single school year, during which it was razed to the ground twice.



Following the death of Roy Harper and the exploits created by a recent group of Teen Titans that were led by Damian Wayne, the original Titans decided to turn their old Titans Tower into an academy to train young heroes. Dick Grayson recruited what was left of Damian's team and offered them to join the academy, which they accepted.[1]

With a faculty made of Nightwing, Starfire, Cyborg, Donna Troy, Raven and Beast Boy, they received their first batch of students an began training new Titans.[2] The academy would soon be under the attack of a mysterious individual that wore the mantle of Red X, Dick's old identity.[3]

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Points of Interest

  • Roy Harper statue


See Also
