DC Database

"Balance": Wonder Woman travels across Mount Olympus, first visiting Donna Troy and encourages her reintegration. Next Diana goes to Zola and Zeke where Hera joi

Quote1 This new costume is a symbol of that. It's a reflection of everything I am now: God, Queen, Warrior for Justice. It's finally time for me to leave the girl behind ... and embrace the woman I've become. Quote2
— Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman (Volume 4) #41 is an issue of the series Wonder Woman (Volume 4) with a cover date of August, 2015. It was published on June 17, 2015.

Synopsis for "Balance"

Wonder Woman travels across Mount Olympus, first visiting Donna Troy and encourages her reintegration. Next Diana goes to Zola and Zeke where Hera joins them and they discuss the isolation and the child.

After leaving Zola, Diana travels to Hephaestus where they tour his vaults and Diana reflects that she adopted the Wonder Woman suit as a girl and now she is a woman and changes into a new outfit, armoured and covering her body. Her first expedition is to defuse a bomb set by a teenager, getting closer the hooded villain maces Diana but as she holds him up he escapes and disappears into the river, calling her the God of War much to Diana's confusion.

The man, Nikos Aegeus, escapes to his basement room where a disembodied voice advises him on how to become the new God of War; by first obtaining a weapon that can kill a god.

Appearing in "Balance"

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See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
