DC Database

"Superman and Batman: "The Super-Rivals"": When Princess Varina of Balkania decides to go to America to see the legendary heroes Superman and Batman, her prime minister Count Zito opposes the idea, but the princess will not be swayed. When news

Quote1 What the princess really means, strong-boy, is that she prefers my company... so why don't you just take off? Quote2
— Batman

World's Finest #85 is an issue of the series World's Finest (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1956.

Synopsis for Superman and Batman: "The Super-Rivals"

When Princess Varina of Balkania decides to go to America to see the legendary heroes Superman and Batman, her prime minister Count Zito opposes the idea, but the princess will not be swayed. When news reaches both Metropolis and Gotham City, both Superman and Batman are summoned to welcome the Princess on her historic visit to the United States. Also attending the arrival ceremony are Lois Lane and Vicki Vale who are there mostly to see their love interests than report the story for the Daily Planet and Vue Magazine.

When the Princess arrives, Lois and Vicki are upset to find that Batman and Superman have completely ignored them and are focusing their full attention on Princess Varina. As the royal visit begins, it becomes apparent that Superman and Batman appear to be fighting over the Princesses favor, when a balcony begins to collapse and the two super-heroes compete with each other to see who can pull off the most spectacular way to save the people trapped on the balcony. Their insistence to stay by the Princesses side and act as her bodyguards also earns the two men the ire of her chief aide, Captain Stefan.

At a press conference, Lois asks the princess if she has a fiancé back home, and both she and Vicki are upset when they hear that the Princess is single and that she could possibly marry someone while visiting America. They are even more upset when both Superman and Batman openly vie for Varina's favor, both men one-upping the other. While Batman's gifts and dates are more modest, Superman takes full advantage of his abilities to bring her more flowers and bigger diamonds and make grander public displays of affection. As the visit carries on, Commissioner Gordon calls on Batman and warns him of an underworld tip that crooks intend to steal the princesses royal jewels. Batman assures the Commissioner that he and Superman will do whatever it takes to ensure the jewels are kept safe.

Meanwhile, Lois and Vicki confront the princess about Superman and Batman's interest in her and the princess tells them that she has no interest in marrying either hero and in fact she intends to marry her guard Captain Stefan, hoping to elope while they are in America. As it turns out, Count Zitu has asked Superman and Batman to try and woo her so that they can avoid a wedding due to the fact that if the princess marries a commoner it will spark civil war in Balkania.

That night when the crooks attempt to steal the royal jewels, Captain Stefan bravely defends the queen until Batman, Superman and Robin arrive to stop the crooks, however doing so in secret so as to make Stefan appear to be the true hero. With this news getting out, the people of Balkania hail Stefan as a hero and are welcome to having him marry the princess.

Appearing in Superman and Batman: "The Super-Rivals"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Pete Kaney's Mob (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Princess Varina of Balkania (Single appearance)
  • Captain Stefan (Single appearance)
  • Count Zitu (Single appearance)




Synopsis for Tomahawk: "The Frontier Destroyer"

Appearing in Tomahawk: "The Frontier Destroyer"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


Synopsis for Green Arrow: "The Dangers from Tomorrow"

Appearing in Green Arrow: "The Dangers from Tomorrow"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Borman

Other Characters:





See Also

Links and References

Batman 0585
DC Bullet 2024

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Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Superboy Vol 4 69
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