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Rippen is the main antagonist of Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero. He is an art teacher at Middleburg Central High and a part-time villain.[2]



Rippen is diabolical, menacing, and calculating. He is willing to use underhanded tactics to achieve his goals, like destroying Penn's MUHU if Penn doesn't turn the sleigh around in "North Pole Down". His main ambition is to become a full-time villain, and he'll do whatever it takes to achieve it, even desiring to get rid of Penn once and for all. Being very serious, Rippen gets easily annoyed with Larry's antics and anything that goes wrong. He is also short-tempered, quickly losing his patience and cool demeanor when his plans are threatened.

Physical appearance[]

Rippen is a tall and muscular humanoid with pale green skin. He has black hair with several greenish-gray streaks, along with a goatee, and he has red eyes and pointed ears. He wears a dark gray business suit with light gray sleeve ends and collar, a red tie, black pants with a black belt, and black shoes. When he's being an art teacher, he wears a gold-colored apron with paint smears and pockets to hold art supplies. He has a long devil-like tail hidden under his clothes.



In "North Pole Down", Rippen describes Larry as the most loyal yet least evil minion ever. Rippen is often annoyed with Larry's cheerfulness and bubbly personality. Rippen dislikes listening to Larry's ramblings and has a lot of impatience with Larry's mistakes.

Penn Zero[]

Rippen despises Penn and his interference with his evil schemes. He has no issues against annihilating Penn so that he'll stop ruining his plans.

Boone Wiseman[]

Believing Boone to be an incompetent fool, Rippen doesn't consider him much of a threat. However, Boone, like a genie in "The Fast and the Floor Rugs", tricks Rippen out of two of his wishes and from destroying Penn, much to Rippen's fury.

Sashi Kobayashi[]

Rippen describes Sashi as a competent one. He finds her as a serious threat, though his hatred for Penn runs deeper.


Vlurgen is Rippen's sister, whom Rippen despises for always getting better things than him. The reason he turned to villainy is because he wants to prove himself to be better than her.

Lady Starblaster[]

Rippen finds Lady Starblaster very attractive for her looks, attitude, and evil demeanor. Instead of being displeased when he finds out she has been using him to get rid of the heroes in the episode of the same name, he admits he is even more in love with her because of it.


  • In "The Princess Most Fair", Larry reveals that Rippen sleeps with a stuffed poodle named Freddy.
  • In "Zap One", he reveals to Penn that he is responsible for trapping his parents in the Most Dangerous World Imaginable.
  • In "Mr. Rippen", it is revealed that Rippen is actually an alien who was brought to Earth by Phil.



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Penn Zero Logo
Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero
Penn Zero • Sashi Kobayashi • Boone Wiseman • Phyllis • Brock Zero • Vonnie Zero • Aunt Rose and Uncle Chuck • Rippen • Principal Larry • Phil • Mayor Pink Panda • Princess Alrgelbaccch Blunkenthorttthhhph • Captain Super Captain • Professor Evil Professor • Eight Ball • Sheriff Scaley Briggs • Blaze • General Talon • Soda Jerk • Amber Briggs • Lady Starblaster • Nug • The Milkman • Coach Jackie • Coach Wallace • Mr. Snowman • Pirate Maria • General Bighorn • The Hooded Pixie • Sonny Sonnerstein • Grinkon • Super Amazing Bouncy Ball • Arata, Hideo, and Yumi • Vlurgen • The Guardian • Judge Blort Clooney • Mayor DiReginald Hindenburg • The Chinchilla
Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero (Opening Theme) • We're Breaking Out of Here for Christmas • Time to Kill • We Can Catch the Milkman • What is a Princess? • Pigoilet • Victory is Mine at Last • The Truth of It Is • Moonlight Bright • This is a Real Song • Boone Reads On • Race to the Top • Race to the Top (reprise) • You're a Karaoke King • High in the Sky • Breath In, Breath Out • Bad Weed • Today's The Day • My Name is Penn Zero • Save the Worlds • In the Splishy Splashy Sea • Come Aboard with Me • Training to Win • Wings of Destiny Song • Sometimes We Need a Friend • Build and Backup Now • The Time Table • Everybody Chillax • Why Won't You Turn Green • It's the Best Friend Song • It's the Best Friend Make Up Song • Grinkon's Song • Its Not Just Today
Season One: "North Pole Down" • "Chicken or Fish?/The Old Old West" • "Babypocalypse/That Purple Girl" • "I'm Super!/The Fast and the Floor Rugs" • "Brainzburgerz/Chuckle City" • "Flurgle Burgle/Temple of the Porcelain God" • "Defending the Earth/Number One, Number Two" • "3 Big Problems/Cereal Criminals" • "I'm Still Super!/Balls!" • "The Princess Most Fair/Hail Larry" • "It's a Colorful Life/Larry Manor" • "Lady Starblaster/Amber" • "Totally into Your Body/Fish and Chips" • "The Ripple Effect" • "Where Dragons Dare/Rip-Penn" • "Chuckle City 500/Rock and Roll" • "Plantywood: City of Flora/Boone's Apprentice" • "The QPC/Shirley B. Awesome" • "Massive Morphy Merge Mechs/Ultrahyperball" • "Zap One" • "Save the Worlds"

Season Two: "The Pirates, the Parrot, the Puzzles and the Talking Boats" • "Alpha, Bravo, Unicorn/A Game of Cat and Mouse" • "Wings of Destiny/Sensitivity Training" • "The Bewildering Bout of the Astounding Automatons/Back to the Past of Future Balls" • "A Tale of Two Wizards/Rockullan, Papyron, Scissorian" • "Be My Ghost/The Chinchilla" • "The Kobayashis/Cereal Fugitives" • "The Last Mountain Beast" • "Ninki Ninja Fight Town/My Mischievous Son" • "That Purple Guy/Rootilda" • "The Most Dangerous World Imaginable/Trading Faces" • "13 Big Problems/Mr. Rippen" • "At the End of the Worlds"

Middleburg • Middleburg Central High • The Odyssey • Fish Stick on a Stick • North Pole • Knight World • Superhero World • Arabian World • Plush Toy World • Clown World • Dinosaur Cowboy World • Cereal World • Old English World • Giant Monster World • Zombie World • Space World • Ocean World • Color World • Musical Fairy Tale World • Caveman Spy World • Future Barbarian World • Ultrahyperball World • Demon World • Alien World • Galaxy World • Temple World • Dragon World • Gothic Mystery World • Plant World • Animal Barbarian World • Toy World • Outer Space Court World • Robot World • Pirate World • Fairymania World • Steampunk World • Ball World • Ghost World • Rock, Paper, Scissor World • Beast World • Anime World • Sitcom World • Nothingness • Most Dangerous World Imaginable • Least Dangerous World Imaginable
Multi-Universe Hologram Uplink • Multi-Universe Transprojector • Pigoilet • The QPC Unit • Vortex Tops • Specs