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Tyler "Ty" Blue is a main character on Shake It Up. Although he is a very good dancer, he does not want to go try out for Shake It Up, Chicago!, claiming he doesn't "dance for the man". Instead, he aspires to be a rapper. He is the son of Curtis Blue and Marcie Blue, and the older brother of Rocky Blue. He lives in an apartment in Chicago, Illinois with his family in the suite above the Jones family, for whom he babysits the youngest, Flynn Jones, often. His father is a doctor that returned in the second season after being away on business trips and working overseas. He attends John Hughes High School in Chicago, Illinois.


Ty is Rocky's hip, sarcastic older brother who is popular at school, loves to dance, and knows how to charm the girls. He is seen as a very cheerful and sociable guy, and always seems to have a date. Being raised with his sister, he is also logical and smart, especially when it comes to his money. He has been known to be saving up for a car, and he gets a job at Crusty's. His personality shone through most in "Split It Up" when he rapped about things like cheap haircuts, and had to consult Deuce and Flynn to up his bad boy image. By the end of the episode, he had helped an elderly woman retrieve her purse from a robber and delivered a baby panda at the zoo, calling the process "beautiful". Although Ty hasn't claimed to have any girlfriends, he has went on a date with Tinka, but nothing further has been showed about their relationship. It is revealed in "Weird It Up" that his relationships don't last because he blows girls off when the relationship gets too clingy.

Change Of Personality Over Time[]

Shake It Up, Chicago![]

In Season 1, Ty Blue stated that he "doesn't dance for the man", but in Season 3, Ty Blue auditions to be on Shake It Up, Chicago!. Ty learns to be proud of his dancing skills again and wants to be hired as a dancer on the show.

Initially the executive producer and the host are unsure which whether to pick Rocky or Ty. Eventually though, Ty is chosen over his sister to be a dancer on Shake It Up, Chicago!.

When Shake It Up, Chicago! is in need of a new host, Phil, the executive producer, hires Ty as the new host. Ty currently works on Shake It Up, Chicago! as the host and a featured dancer.

Relationships With Other Characters[]

Rocky Blue (Sister)[]

Rocky is Ty's younger sister. Rocky knows a few embarrassing things about him and at times, she threatens to tell the world about them. They are both talented dancers. Their dad, Curtis Blue, hopes that they will become doctors, even though Rocky wants to become a dancer and Ty wants to be a rapper. They work together (along with CeCe) to showcase their talent and dedication to their dad by setting up a surprise performance for him in "Doctor It Up", as well as Ty trying to keep their dad from turning on the television to avoid seeing Rocky on Shake It Up. There are instances where Ty looks out for his little sister, such as collecting signatures at school to sponsor her in the dance marathon in "Give It Up" and supporting her in "Model It Up". He also worked with CeCe and Tinka to get Rocky back on Shake It Up, Chicago!. (See: Ry)

Cece Jones (Close Friend)[]

CeCe is a close friend of Ty's, since she is his sister's best friend. They both attend JHHS and have several things in common such as a love for dancing. She often involves him in her plans, such as making it seem like they didn't care if Rocky left to model in New York in "Model It Up", where they also hugged (with Deuce and Flynn) when they thought Rocky was actually leaving. In "Show It Up", CeCe grabs Ty's leg when she's begging for him to help her and Rocky in the talent show against Candy Cho and the Bulldogs cheerleading squad. CeCe, along with Rocky, takes Ty and Deuce to the Olive Pit in "Meatball It Up". Although Ty doesn't pay much attention to CeCe or Rocky when they need his help, he's still there for them when they need it (as seen in "Match It Up", "Show It Up", and "Vatalihootsit It Up"). Ty and CeCe also teamed up with Tinka to try to get Rocky back on Shake It Up, Chicago!.

Deuce Martinez (Best Friend)[]

Deuce is Ty's best friend. They're always together, whether it be babysitting Flynn, at school, at Crusty's where they both work, or different situations that they get themselves into. They met in the 3rd grade and became friends after Deuce bought Ty's favorite video game and invited him over to play ("Twist It Up"). The two have similar personalities. Deuce seems to admire Ty a lot, once calling him his "hero", saying that he always felt safe when he was around ("Reunion It Up"). While Deuce is currently dating Dina, Ty goes out with different girls and seems to keep Deuce posted on his love life. Deuce knew that Ty really liked Gina so he asked Dina to please try to get along with her during their double date in "Parent Trap It Up". They both got tired of the girls fighting and Ty ran after Deuce after he embarrassed himself. Deuce agreed to be the translator for Ty's date with the foreign exchange student Gloria and didn't want Ty to know that she really likes him so he lies about Gloria wanting a long term relationship to spare his feelings ("Weird It Up").

Flynn Jones (Close Friend)[]

Flynn and Ty are close friends and neighbors. Ty babysits Flynn almost all the time. He is like a big brother to Flynn and he has taught him many things like how to whistle, dance, and flirt throughout the series. Flynn was jealous when Ty was paying a girl more attention than him in "Egg It Up", going as far as firing him and hiring Gunther instead. Flynn has also helped Ty, especially when it comes to his aspiring rap career "Split It Up".They get into interesting situations and adventures together, such as working for a toy company as toy testers ("Shrink It Up") and auditioning for a commercial ("Vatalihootsit It Up"). Ty is usually heard calling Flynn "Little Man". Ty often feels threatened by others earning Flynn's respect, such as Logan and Gunther.

Tinka Hessenheffer[]

Tinka and Ty went on a date in "Add It Up", where he described her as "a whack job with good hair." Gunther paid a hesitant Ty $50 to ask Tinka out because she felt bad about never going on a date. They danced together and got to know each other during the date. By the end of it, Tinka admitted she enjoyed the date, and so did Ty, but that being a couple wouldn't work because they're so different. They played ping pong against each other in "Camp It Up", where Ty was again hesitant to play against her because she's a girl. Tinka demanded that he not go easy on her just because she's a girl. In Whodunit Up?, when Ty saw Tinka putting the note in his locker he thought she was the one sending him the secret admirer notes (he also seems to be happy about it). In Ty It Up, Ty dances with Tinka for their audition for Shake It Up, Chicago!. They have been talking and interacting with each other in a friendly way since then. In Future It Up they are revealed to both be single while the rest of the group was married (Cece Jones, Rocky Blue, Dina Garcia, Deuce Martinez, and Logan Hunter) by the end of the episode they realized that they were meant for each other and ended up together (The reason the're quotation marks is because Ty never officially proposed to her meaning he never gave her a ring but did ask if she wanted to marry him) and Tynka was born.

Gunther Hessenheffer (Frenemy/Friend)[]

Gunther is a schoolmate and /frenemy of Ty's. Sometimes they don't get along, due to Ty thinking Gunther is unusual. For the most part, they are friends and Ty gets along with Gunther more than anyone else on the show besides Tinka. In "Age It Up", they were involved in a subplot similar to "My Fair Lady", where Ty tried to make Gunther more "hip" after seeing him get rejected by Gunther's crush, Danielle. He succeeded, turning Gunther into a "cool" guy called "G" by making over his appearance and attitude. When Danielle accepted Gunther's offer for a date, Ty offered to get a pizza with him to celebrate, which Gunther rejected because he thought he was too good for Ty. They made up by the end of the episode. They also played a few friendly games of ping pong in "Camp It Up" and got back at Flynn together in "Egg It Up".

Logan Hunter (Frenemy)[]

In their first episode together, Ty and Logan were good friends but after Rocky kissed Logan, Ty didn't like Logan because he is protective of Rocky. Ty hates it when Logan does the "call me" signal to Rocky. Despite that Ty think Logan is a cool dude.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

  • Start It Up: Ty first appears in front of the apartment where the Jones and Blue families live. Rocky is not feeling confidant about auditioning and Ty challenged her to copy his dance moves. Ty wouldn't audition though, because he doesn't 'dance for the man'.
  • Meatball It Up: Ty succeeds in guilt tripping CeCe and Rocky about how they spend their money only on themselves, so they invite Ty and Deuce to a meal at the Olive Pit. Ty brings his girlfriend, Tasha, with him. However, CeCe and Rocky don't have enough money to pay for the meal so Ty and Deuce have to help them eat a 10 pound meatball so that the meal will be free.
  • Give It Up: Deuce tells Ty that he is cheap for not supporting his sister with her donation to charity. Ty helps collect signatures for Rocky and calls in a donation during Rocky's marathon. However, he made a mistake, not realizing that the donation was for every hour they danced. Ty then tries to get Rocky and CeCe to stop dancing.
  • Add It Up: Gunther pays Ty to take Tinka on a date. Ty takes Tinka to the pickle museum and dancing. Afterward, even though Tinka says that they are too different to date, Ty says that he will be thinking about it a lot.
  • Age It Up: Ty sees Gunther get turned down by a cheerleader that he asks on a date and offers to help him. Ty teaches Gunther to be cool, but then Gunther decides that he is too cool for Ty.
  • Party It Up: Deuce and Ty agree to babysit Flynn so that Rocky and CeCe can go to a party. However, Georgia comes home early and torments them until they tell her where Rocky and CeCe are.
  • Hook It Up: Ty teaches Flynn how to get a girlfriend, only to find out that the girl that Flynn wants to impress is a girl closer to Ty's age. Ty and Flynn then compete for her attention.
  • Match It Up: Ty goes along with Rocky and CeCe's plan to show Deuce that his girlfriend is a gold digger, by pretending to be an internet billionaire.
  • Show It Up: CeCe and Rocky enlist Ty to perform with them at the talent show so that they can beat Candy Cho.
  • Heat It Up: When the heat in the Blues' apartment goes out, Ty and his family come to live in the Jones' apartment while it is being repaired. Ty, Rocky, CeCe, and Flynn try to convince their mothers to take them on a vacation, but their mothers can't get along. Ty and Flynn build a man `cave in the Jones' living room.
  • Hot Mess It Up: Ty and Deuce think that they can make an internet video that will get more views than Rocky and CeCe's "You're A Hot Mess and We're Not!".
  • Reunion It Up: When Deuce accidentally kills Flynn's goldfish, he and Ty must make a funeral (that meets Flynn's approval) for the goldfish.
  • Sweat It Up: Ty & Deuce help Flynn take care of Mrs. Lee's dog.
  • Vatalihootsit It Up: Ty tries out for a commercial, but Flynn gets the part. Ty responds to CeCe and Rocky's phone call to make up an excuse for them to leave the Hessenheffers, but they end up staying and give him their tickets to Katy Perry's concert instead.
  • Model It Up: When Flynn's game console is broken, Ty, Deuce, and Flynn have to do chores for Mrs. Locassio to earn the money to replace it. Later on, when Rocky is hired as a model and must move to New York, Ty joins in on CeCe's scheme to convince Rocky to leave.
  • Twist It Up: Ty helps Dina have the birthday party she wants, instead of the birthday party that her mother wants her to have. Ty also teaches Deuce how to dance the tango.
  • Break It Up: Ty goes on vacation to a lakeside cabin with the Jones family, Rocky, Deuce, and the Hessenheffers.

Season 2[]

  • Shrink It Up: Ty takes Flynn to a toy company to complain about their toys and they both end up getting hired to test toys.
  • Shake It Up, Up & Away: Ty and Deuce compete for a job at Crusty's.
  • Doctor It Up: Ty and Rocky work together with CeCe to find a way to convince their father that they can have careers at what they love to do.
  • Review It Up: Ty gives Deuce advice for his one year anniversary with Dina.
  • Auction It Up: Deuce breaks Ty's Yo Phone and in order for Ty to get a new one, the two must be the last ones standing with a phone between them.
  • Camp It Up: Ty has a ping-pong match with Gunther and Tinka.
  • Split It Up: Ty tries to do bad things to make him rap better, but fails.
  • Copy Kat It Up: Ty gets acknowledged by a big time producer, but doesn't like the song he's picked for him.
  • Egg It Up: Ty must babysit Flynn, but when Flynn replaces Ty with Gunther, he must find a way to make Flynn see that he's the better babysitter.
  • Parent Trap It Up: Deuce and Dina go on a double date with Ty and his new girlfriend, who happens to be Dina's arch nemesis from when they were Rainbow Girls.
  • Weird It Up: Ty falls for a girl who only speaks Spanish and recruits Deuce's help to communicate with her.
  • Whodunit Up?: Deuce helps Ty to figure who his secret admirer is. When they find out who it is, Ty is disgusted, but Deuce convinces Ty to have pizza with her as she's moving away.
  • Protest It Up: Deuce tries to help Ty impress a girl, but Ty thinks he can't because of the new uniform pants that he has to wear.
  • Wrestle It Up: Ty tries to help Deuce win Dina back after he dumps her.
  • Reality Check It Up: Ty attends Rocky and CeCe's viewing party at the Jones' apartment for the Shake It Up, Chicago! story on True Teen Life.
  • Rock and Roll It Up: Gary's grandmother tells a story about Shake It Up, Chicago! in the 1950's. Ty makes a parallel appearance as Felix.
  • Slumber It Up: Ty, Deuce, Flynn, and Gunther search for gold in Crusty's and overhear the girls' slumber party through a vent that connects to CeCe's place.
  • Surprise It Up: Ty helps Rocky to plan CeCe's surprise party. Also, Flynn gives him the hiccups and tries to help him cure them.
  • Embarrass It Up: Ty and Flynn record videos of CeCe and Rocky's most embarrassing moments and make money off the videos by charging people to watch them.
  • Made In Japan: Ty goes to Japan with the Shake It Up, Chicago! crew. Throughout the trip, Ty is video chatting with Deuce who couldn't join them on the trip.

Season 3[]

  • Fire It Up: Ty tells Deuce that he has to fire Gary Wilde.
  • Funk It Up: Deuce draws a mustache on Ty with a permanent marker and has to try to get it off. At the end, Ty is one of the friends who helps CeCe get out of her 'funk'.
  • Lock It Up: Ty tries to help Deuce find a way to tell Dina that she can't use his locker anymore.
  • Merry Merry It Up: Ty invites Deuce to spend Christmas with his family when Deuce gets left behind, but Deuce insists that they have to follow the Martinez family Christmas traditions.
  • Home Alone It Up: Ty tries to watch the Jones' apartment, but his cold makes the task difficult.
  • Ty It Up: Ty agrees to go to the auditions as Tinka's partner, but then realizes that dancing makes him feel proud and decides he wants to be on the show. Ty takes the last place on the show as the host.
  • My Fair Librarian It Up: Ty helps Deuce and Logan to construct a soapbox car for Flynn. Ty also competes with Logan to be Flynn's favorite.
  • Clean It Up:Ty kicks Logan out of the Shake It Up, Chicago! studio, when he doesn't approve of Logan and Rocky's flirtatious behavior.
  • I Do It Up: Ty stands up in Georgia and Jeremy's wedding. He also tries to keep Rocky and Logan away from each other.

Forward & Back It Up: Ty tries to help CeCe and Tinka to get Rocky back on the Shake It Up, Chicago!.

  • Switch It Up: In CeCe's dream, Ty is trying to escape Rocky's revenge for not giving her a part in the big dance number.
  • In The Bag It Up: Ty makes an appearance as the host of Shake It Up, Chicago! and voices his opinion on a girl joining a boys' team at school.
  • Opposites Attract It Up: Ty teases Deuce about his attempt at growing a mustache. He also tries to help James be cooler for his date with CeCe.
  • Psych It Up: Ty makes an appearance as the host of Shake It Up Chicago! and even dances in the performance. He also teases Flynn about the fake psychic that took his money.
  • Future It Up: Ty works as Flynn's Vice President and realizes that he may have missed out at his chance for love with Tinka.


  • "The name's Ty Blue. Friend me!"
  • "I got so many girls around me my nickname is shoe sale."
  • "That's because she can't do this."
  • "Yeah... I believe the psychological term for that is 'being a guy'."
  • Flynn: "I owe you"
    Ty: "No, we're even."
  • Ty: "Deuce, Truth or Dare?"
    Deuce: "Truth."
    Ty: "If you had to kiss any girl here, which one would you kiss?"
    Deuce: "Dare."
    Ty: "I dare you to answer that question."
  • Deuce: "Are you kidding me? I just got bitten by a ladybug!"
    Ty: "Hey! That's the most attention you've gotten from a lady all year!"
  • "What kind? A dilweed?"
  • "I don't know! For a girl who isn't on the show... she's on the show a lot."
  • "Man, I'm some kind of freaky genius!"
  • "You are a dingle who can't get a girl."
  • "That's not the circle of life... that's the circle of stupid!"
  • "Ping pong? MAN THAT'S MY GAME!"
  • "Clothes don't make the man, Attitude makes the man, alright- Hey, careful with that, this is a new shirt!"
  • Gunther: "I don't understand.. why isn't Danielle digging on me?" Ty: "Dude I'm gonna put it in the nicest way possible...You're a freak!!"
  • Rocky:" I did not want to go this far but...I do want you to remember that I have the picture "Ty:" Mum said she burned that picture"
  • Rocky: "Is that what she told you because the truth was she gave it to me because she knew that there would come a day when I would need it, and uh, today's that day" Ty: "You're bluffing" Rocky: oh really? Well, I guess this isn't the picture of a 7-year-old boy trick-or-treating as Princess Leia." Ty: "She lead the Rebellion. She was COOL!"
  • Gunther: "You're right, clearly we have been bamboozled" Ty: "Well maybe it's time for the bamboozled to do a little bamboozling back to the bamboozler to see if the bamboozler likes getting bamboozled,"
  • "No thanks, I don't dance for the man-but I do dance for the wo-man, hey!"
  • "You two-just-ugh, Deuce I got your pants buddy!"
  • "What do I need a secret admirer for? I have enough admirers that don't keep it a secret,"
  • "No Dad! No T.V!"
  • "Man, these pleated pants are my kryptonite,"
  • (In reply to Flynn) "Because I'm young, good looking, and I can dance,"
  • "You heard him red cards get outta here you didn't make the cut!-you weren't buying that performance either huh?"
  • You know what "Ty" stands for? "Told Ya!"
  • "I've realized, I really do wanna be on Shake It Up Chicago."

