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I believe the world can be made into a happier, and much brighter place, through the thorough application of nature's toolbox—chemistry!
―Honey Lemon[src]

Honey Lemon is a major character in Disney's 2014 animated feature film Big Hero 6. She is a bubbly and optimistic chemical engineering student at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology and a member of Big Hero 6.

Honey Lemon was created by Scott Lobdell and Gus Vazquez.


Honey Lemon lives in the city of San Fransokyo, but has Latin American roots. A lover of science, and particularly chemistry, Honey Lemon discovered her love for chemistry while in high school. She notes that she also fell in love with a foreign exchange student named Andre during her high school years (for whom she still harbors affections).

Currently, Honey is a star student at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, where she spends much of her academic time creating chemical concoctions. In and out of school, Honey is normally accompanied by her best friends Hiro Hamada, Baymax, Go Go Tomago, Wasabi, Fred, and Tadashi Hamada (prior to his death). She got her nickname from Fred for her sweet and sunny personality.

Honey once lived in an apartment with a girl named Regina but was forced to find a new place to live after a chemistry accident froze part of the building. Honey was invited to move in with Go Go, and the two have lived together since (in a notoriously bad neighborhood).

Apart from science, Honey Lemon is also a passionate artist. On the side, she takes lessons at the illustrious San Fransokyo Art Institute, which was founded by Honey's favorite artist and idol, Lenore Shimamoto. Honey initially kept her affiliation with SFAI from her friends due to the rivalry held between the schools, but Fred, Wasabi, Hiro and Go Go confessed to have already known, and accepted Honey for being both a talented scientist and artist.


The original Marvel version of Honey Lemon debuted in Sunfire & Big Hero 6 #1. Honey Lemon, also known as Aiko Miyazaki, represented the Japanese pop-culture archetype of the Magical Girl, with her name and Power Purse being a specific nod to Go Nagai's Cutie Honey and her ability to pull weapons out of nowhere.

For the Disney film, Honey Lemon was re-imagined as a Latina fashionista with a hidden destructive streak, creating a comical contrast with her sweet exterior. Early footage from a 2013 Rotoscopers report also featured early story material of a subplot between Honey and Go Go having a shallow rivalry over boys and Honey Lemon getting concerned about her clothes in spite of her pyromania. Early concept art and script drafts would also have her working as a barista at the Lucky Cat Café (also known as Sweet Bean Coffee in certain drafts), though this specific day job would occasionally be mentioned in other promotional material.

The Power Purse, which in the comics was a device that used miniaturized wormholes and Pym Particles to store anything, was completely re-worked to better fit the more grounded tone of the film. Early concepts showed it becoming capable of functioning like a stuffed-animal rocket launcher, though the filmmakers eventually settled on making it function as a portable chemistry lab.

Official Description

It's elemental when it comes to chemistry whiz Honey Lemon. Don't let her glasses and funky fashion fool you: Honey may be as sweet as her namesake, but she has a fire in her belly and a can-do attitude that make her pretty much unstoppable. Her knowledge of alchemy proves powerful, too, when the effusive brainiac becomes part of the Big Hero 6 and creates clever concoctions that when thrown, can get her team out of nearly any jam.[1]


Honey Lemon is best described as being as sweet as her namesake. She is outgoing, cheerful, and photogenic. Honey loves to take selfies or grab her friends for a group photo on her smartphone whenever she goes places or experiences something interesting; luckily, she loves life and seems to find most things interesting. Honey is the team member who keeps everyone smiling, and her sympathy towards other people's issues can help relieve moments of fear or tension within the group.

While her silly quirks and clothing may lead people to think otherwise, Honey is tremendously intelligent, attending the most prestigious technical university in San Fransokyo. Her knowledge of chemistry is innate and thorough enough for her to calculate and input types and amounts of chemical substances on her purse at incredible speeds without looking at the typepad. She also has an unexpected love of danger, and experiencing surprising and sudden events usually does not slow her down (or keep her from photographing the moment). This can be demonstrated by the fact that she is always mixing volatile substances through the potent purse, unfazed by the dangers of doing so during active battles.

Of all her teammates, Honey is also the most observant. Throughout their time as heroes, she managed to decode various pieces of evidence regarding the identity and motives of Yokai, having found his refurbished portal, as well as a recording revealing his true intentions. This arguably ties into the fact that Honey is the most intelligent member of the team, aside from Hiro.

Though she surrounds herself with a group of intellectuals with a love for science, Honey's passion for the subject (and specifically chemistry) reaches the point where her tampering with chemicals and such can give off a "mad scientist" vibe. During her first meeting with Hiro, this can be seen where she executes fast movements and verbal communication during her highly complicated experiment with a bright, almost eccentric smile and aura brimming the entire time.

Physical appearance

Honey Lemon Battle Render

Honey has slightly tanned skin, bright green eyes, and long honey-blonde hair that reaches her lower back. She is thin and distinctly tall, appearing to be so even without her trademark platform heels. She wears pink lipstick and large magenta-rimmed glasses that also function as impromptu safety goggles.

Like most characters in the film, Honey changes her clothing on a daily basis. Her clothing generally consists of '60s and early '70s style clothing, many of which are in various shades of yellow or pink. She also often wears various pairs of large platform heels that boost her to the heights of Baymax and Wasabi (6'2", to be exact) and often wears '60s style headbands that cover her hairline.

While encountering Yokai for the first time, Honey is wearing a large white peter-pan collared sweater with a pink ribbon and a headband in the same color. She wears a red, pink, and beige horizontal-striped skirt and pink polka-dotted sheer leggings.

At Tadashi's funeral, Honey wears a black long-sleeved dress with a belt and a white peter pan collar with black stockings and her hair up in a modest bun.

In her superhero form, Honey's outfit consists of a pink dress with white linings, dark magenta sleeves and leggings, purple platform heels, and pink armor with a belt to match. She does not wear her glasses; instead, she wears a purple helmet with orange highlights. Slung over her shoulder is her special purse for combat. The only alteration made to her super-suit in the TV series is her visor, which only covers her eyes.

Powers and abilities

Coinciding with her love of chemistry, Honey Lemon's battle armor is equipped with a special purse containing a mini-chemical lab inside and a touch screen with an encoding of the periodic table, capable of creating various weapons in the form of palm-sized "chem-balls" through the use of the aforementioned periodic elements.

The strap of Honey's purse is a string of empty capsules made of an advanced polyethylene shell, which are passed into the purse, where syringes inject the chosen chemicals into them. Such concoctions include hardening foam to halt movement, cushioning foam to break falls, ice to freeze enemies, and smokescreens for camouflage.

Despite her skills being based more around technology, Honey has demonstrated a good amount of physical capabilities. She has demonstrated the ability to perform flips and other forms of acrobatics, though not as good as Go Go. In addition, despite her lithe built, she possesses a decent amount of physical strength, as she was able to move a 400-pound ball of tungsten carbide without any aid.


Big Hero 6

Honey Intro

Honey Lemon's introduction in Big Hero 6.

At the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, Honey Lemon and her colleagues are in the process of creating new inventions for the world to see. Honey is working on chemical metal embrittlement when she is introduced to the younger brother of her friend and classmate Tadashi Hamada, Hiro, who's in the middle of a tour throughout the university. After showing her experiment to Hiro, Honey joins the others in the former's meeting with Fred, who notes the occasion of when he once asked Honey to concoct a formula that would turn him into a fire-breathing lizard at will, though she denied his request, believing that such ambitions were not science. Later on, after Hiro decides that he wants to join the university, Tadashi informs him of the annual science fair that would bestow upon him a chance to showcase an invention and if the showcase impresses the school's head professor, Callaghan, he'll be granted with enrollment. Honey joins the Hamada brothers, along with the rest of her friends, in assisting Hiro in creating a mass amount of miniature robotic nano-bots known as the Microbots.


Honey's celebratory group selfie, moments before Hiro's presentation.

On the day of the fair, Honey stands by Hiro's side for support, taking photos with the rest of her friends to remember the occasion. Fortunately, the fair is a success and Hiro is granted enrollment within the school. Honey and the others celebrate his triumph by heading to Cass' café while Hiro and Tadashi stay behind for some alone time, during which Tadashi and supposedly Callaghan are killed in a deadly fire, the latter being trapped in the burning school building and the former attempting to save him.


"No, don't push us away, Hiro. We're here for you."

Honey and the others join together in comforting the Hamada family over Tadashi's death, though Hiro distances himself from the group for several weeks. One night, however, they find him wandering around the city with Baymax, Tadashi's healthcare robot, prompting them to follow behind. Unbeknownst to the team, Hiro's Microbots were stolen by a mysterious man named Yokai, who he and Baymax were in the process of capturing. Worried for the safety of his friends, Hiro encourages the gang to leave, but a comforting Honey steps up and refuses to be pushed away, wanting to help her young friend recover from Tadashi's demise. Before the conversation can go any further, however, Yokai attacks (though not before Honey manages to snap a quick picture in awe).

Honey and the others evade the villain in Wasabi's van, where Hiro explains the situation. While Wasabi believes that Yokai is out to kill them, the eternally optimistic Honey points out that they don't know if he is actually trying to kill them until Yokai throws a car at their van. They are able to escape by falling into the bay and unintentionally fooling Yokai into believing them to be dead. The team then takes refuge at Fred's mansion, where they are able to recover from the incident.


Honey Lemon examining her chem-balls after her super heroine upgrade.

While they rest, Hiro begins to ponder Yokai's identity. Fortunately, Baymax reveals to have his health information (having scanned him during the escapade), allowing Hiro to track the villain. With this, Hiro suggests that the group upgrade themselves into a team of crime-fighting heroes. However, Honey believes that such an idea may not be the best, as they're merely a bunch of nerds. Even so, Hiro assures them that they can be far more and, with that, the group goes through with his plans. Honey receives a special purse capable of creating chemical weapons in the form of chem-balls. With these, Honey can create a variety of unique attacks. After some training, the group sets out to an abandoned island, where Yokai is said to be hidden.

Through security footage, they learn that the island was once a facility used by Alistair Krei for building and testing his teleportation portal. During the testing process, the test pilot, Abigail, was apparently killed, resulting in the facility's closure. The information leads the team to believe that Krei is the man behind Yokai's mask, wanting to rebuild the portal. Just as they reach this conclusion, Yokai appears and attacks them again. Honey assists Go Go in battling the villain, but she is soon defeated. The battle ends with Hiro finally unmasking the villain, who is then revealed to be Professor Callaghan, shocking every member of the team.

HoneyLemon Baymax Chip

Honey recovers Baymax's healthcare chip.

Callaghan explains that he used the Microbots to escape his supposed death, callously brushing off the fact that Tadashi died trying to save him, calling Tadashi's heroic act worthless. Enraged at how Tadashi's death was in vain and Callaghan did not care a bit about it, Hiro removes Baymax's healthcare chip (the chip that gives him his sweet and caring nature), leaving him to become a ruthless killing machine with one directive: to destroy Callaghan so Hiro has revenge for Tadashi's death. Wasabi, Go Go, and Fred attempt to fend off Baymax, knowing that murder is not the answer, but fail. Meanwhile, Honey recovers Baymax's original programming chip and, just as he is about to deliver the deathblow to Callaghan, restores the robot to his normal peaceful self. Unfortunately, this allows Callaghan the opportunity to escape after this close call with death at Baymax's hands. Hiro scolds Honey on her actions, furious that Callaghan had managed to avoid death, but Wasabi and Go Go defend her, telling him that they never agreed to kill Yokai. This only fuels Hiro's anger even further and, as a result, Honey and the others are left stranded on the island as Hiro storms off in frustration with Baymax, though they are eventually rescued by Fred's butler Heathcliff some time afterwards.

Honey final battle

Honey during the final battle against Yokai.

Once they return to San Fransokyo, they comfort Hiro, knowing that his actions were merely out of grief. After the boy apologizes for his behavior towards them and the team forgives him, Honey reveals to have found another recording from the facility that reveals that the test pilot, Abigail, was the daughter of Callaghan, revealing that his schemes are driven out of revenge. Honey and the others rush to Krei Tech to save the founder, only to be attacked by a vengeful Callaghan. During the battle, Honey encloses herself in a chemical bubble for protection, but Callaghan strikes his Microbots through the surface in an attempt to impale her. Fortunately, Honey manages to use her chemicals to grab hold of one of the Microbot tentacles, which pulls her out of the bubble upon retraction, thus saving her. After reuniting with her teammates, Hiro instructs a new plan—to take out the Microbots and send them within the sucking portal. To keep him from noticing their plans, Honey and Fred combine their abilities to create an array of clouds, thus blocking Callaghan from witnessing the damage that they're causing to the Microbots from below. Using her purse, Honey manages to wipe out an immense amount of Microbot clusters, putting the final touches on rendering the masked villain powerless.

Big hero 6 finale

Honey Lemon and the others during the finale.

After Callaghan is defeated and the portal is taken down, the magnetic containment field of the machine begins to glitch, sending it on the verge of exploding. However, before the team can retreat, Baymax senses life within the portal, leading the team to believe it to be Abigail. Baymax and Hiro journey inside to save her, but Baymax is forced to sacrifice his life in the process due to a major setback. Even so, Hiro and Abigail return safely and with Callaghan foiled, and behind bars, the city is saved. Honey and her friends return to their normal lives, officially welcoming Hiro into San Fransokyo Tech, greeting him at the Lucky Cat Café in the morning. As Hiro settles in Tadashi's former lab, he discovers Baymax's original healthcare programming chip, thus allowing him to recreate the bot. With Baymax revived, Honey rejoins her friends in the resurgence of Big Hero 6, who set out to protect San Fransokyo from any and all dangers in honor of Tadashi's dream of helping a lot of people.

Big Hero 6: The Series

Honey Lemon Big Hero 6 the Series

Honey Lemon in Big Hero 6: The Series.

Honey Lemon returns in the animated series with Génesis Rodríguez reprising her role. After the defeat of Callaghan in "Baymax Returns", Honey Lemon intended to return to her life as a normal college student, as did Wasabi and Go Go. When Fred tries to persuade his friends to reform back as Big Hero 6, Honey declines, not wanting to lose anyone else after losing Baymax and almost losing Hiro. Things changed when the city falls victim to Yama, which inspires Honey to suit up for the sake of protecting her friends and community. Rejuvenated, Honey and her friends reform Big Hero 6 and vow to protect San Fransokyo from then on. They meet a number of new adversaries along the way. In "Big Roommates 2", Honey is evicted from her home after a chemistry accident and moves in with Go Go in a sketchy part of town. While unpacking, Honey's purse was stolen by a thief named Dibs, whose mishandling of the purse inadvertently transformed him into a powerful new supervillain known as Globby. Despite Honey's attempt to reform him, Globby would go on to serve a mysterious villain called Obake, who had been observing Big Hero 6 since they defeated Yama.

Obake seeks the scientific research of Honey Lemon's favorite artist, Lenore Shimamoto, who founded the San Fransokyo Art Institute, of which Honey is a student. While on campus to partake in the annual Rivalry Week between SFIT and SFAI, Honey accidentally discovers Shimamoto's hidden laboratory. There, she finds Shimamoto's personal journal and decides to take it home with the intention of returning it later. As she and Go Go read the entries, they discover that Shimamoto was planning to share a revolutionary discovery with the world, but for some reason, her research never came to light. The journal entries apparently cease after the day prior to San Fransokyo's "Great Catastrophe" in 1906. Honey speculates the cause of this, and becomes determined to learn the truth. Obake, meanwhile—having spotted the journal in Honey's possessions—disguises himself as a historian and manipulates Honey into handing over the journal for the sake of preserving Shimamoto's legacy in a museum. Honey would later discover that this was a ruse, prompting Big Hero 6 to track down Obake and retrieve the journal back. Obake hands it over willingly, and leaves with the promise of seeing the team again.

In "Countdown to Catastrophe", Honey Lemon proposes an investigation into Lenore Shimamoto's scientific work for her final project of the semester. With Wasabi's help, Honey Lemon discovers that the "blank" pages of Shimamoto's journal are actually filled with information, which can be seen under blacklight. Honey and Wasabi continue their investigation at Shimamoto's lab, where they find a wax cylinder that reveals Shimamoto to be responsible for the Great Catastrophe of 1906. Not only that, Obake looks to recreate Shimamoto's catastrophe, in order to destroy San Fransokyo. Fortunately, Globby has a change of heart and joins Big Hero 6 in their efforts to defeat Obake. This delights Honey Lemon, who held onto the belief that Globby wasn't all bad. In turn, Globby shows appreciation for Honey Lemon's everlasting faith in him.

Obake looks to create a star near the San Fransokyo bay, which will wipe out the city, starting with Fish Town. Hiro and Fred work to create a giant wave that will counter the star's shockwave. Honey and Globby are sent to protect Fish Town with a breaker. Globby goes about this by enlarging himself and creating a literal barrier, with Honey Lemon standing by to support his form with her chem-balls. When Globby starts to question his life choices, Honey Lemon gives him moral support. Fortunately, their efforts are successful, saving Fish Town. A joyous Honey Lemon embraces Globby in celebration. The two then reunite with their teammates as San Fransokyo recovers from the event.

Other appearances

In Ralph Breaks the Internet, Honey Lemon can be seen walking amongst a crowd of net users in Oh My Disney.

In Once Upon a Studio, after Goofy accidentally destroys the camera intended for a group photo, a disappointed Honey Lemon is seen retuning inside until Alan-A-Dale starts a singalong to "When You Wish Upon a Star". Honey Lemon joins in, and can be seen standing beside Hiro, Aunt Cass, Baymax, Go Go, Wasabi, and Fred in the final shot.

Video games

Kingdom Hearts III

Honey Lemon - KH3

Honey Lemon appears alongside the rest of the Big Hero 6 team in Kingdom Hearts III in their hometown of San Fransokyo, which is besieged by Heartless when Sora, Donald, and Goofy first arrived in town after arriving on their Gummi Ship. Following a battle on the San Fransokyo Bridge that had Hiro and Baymax meet Sora, Donald, and Goofy while tending to an injured Go Go, Honey is back at Big Hero 6's base to oversee an online news article regarding Big Hero 6 getting their butts kicked by the Heartless at the bridge and casting doubt on their ability to defend the city, asking residents to evacuate while they still can, leaving Honey disheartened with the rest of the team, mentioning how people believe fiction more than truth, with Wasabi agreeing with her on how you can just make stuff up to convince the masses, rather than the honest truth. Honey is then formally introduced to Sora, Donald, and Goofy. Once Sora explains what the Heartless are and where they come from, Honey fears they have no way to combat them, causing Go Go to ask if they are just giving up, with Baymax also calculating their odds to be very slim in terms of victory against the Heartless. When Hiro puts Sora though a simulation to help the heroes fight the Heartless, it gives Honey Lemon the idea to change how she attacks with her chem balls, such as using combinations. She becomes fast friends with Donald that she shows interests in his magic, as her knowledge of the Periodic Table with her chem balls would work well with Donald's vast magical knowledge as King Mickey's court wizard.

Later, they discover that the Baymax whom Hiro had to leave behind when they rescued Abigail Callaghan from Krei's Silent Sparrow portal after defeating Professor Callaghan has been corrupted by the Heartless thanks to Dark Riku, one of Master Xehanort's thirteen pieces of darkness, along with the Microbots that were stranded with him, and is attacking the city with the Heartless. With the support of Sora, Donald, and Goofy, Honey and the rest of Big Hero 6 are able to purge the darkness and influence of the Heartless from the old Baymax and return him to normal. Afterward, Honey and the rest of the team continue to defend San Fransokyo with two Baymax by their side.

Disney Parks

Disneyland Paris

In 2015, Honey made her Disney parks debut in Disneyland during a private meet-and-greet event, donning her battle armor and chem-purse. She later made sporadic appearances in the park alongside other characters from the film. In 2017, she, Go Go and Hiro were featured during Guest Star Day. In 2018, Honey and Go Go made meet-and-greet appearances as part of the Disney FanDaze event.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Honey Lemon.


  • Honey Lemon appears on a power disc for the video game Disney Infinity 2.0.
  • In the original comic series, Honey's real name is Aiko Miyazaki. As indicated by her real name, she was Japanese in the original comic series, but in the movie, her ethnicity was changed to Latina.
    • In "Rivalry Weak", "Honey Lemon" is the name printed on her student ID.
  • She runs her own online boutique store.[2]
  • Honey Lemon is 5'10" (177 cm) in height, but is 6'2" (187 cm) when wearing her platform heels.[2]
    • She seems to be insecure about her height, as she insisted that she isn't "that tall" after being referred to as "Tall girl" by Karmi and Globby.[3][4]
  • When Honey Lemon's super suit is created, her purse displays is a miniature version of the periodic table of the elements.
  • She is fluent in both English and Japanese.[2]
  • In the Japanese manga Baymax, Honey takes over Fred's position from a deleted scene involving Tadashi's presentation of Baymax.
  • One of Honey's early concept designs, namely the "lolita" one, made it into the film in the form of a San Fransokyo advertisement billboard. It can be seen very quickly at the beginning of the film, and when Baymax and Hiro test their flying abilities in the city for the first time.
  • Honey's phone case resembles Nick Wilde, a fox and a major character from Zootopia.
  • Honey Lemon is currently the only Big Hero 6 character to have the same voice actor in multiple versions of the movie, as Genesis Rodriguez voiced Honey Lemon in the English and Latin American Spanish dubs of the movie.
  • According to the episodes "Big Roommates 2" and "Rivalry Weak", Honey suffers from snoring and sleep-talking.
  • Honey pronounces Hiro's name differently than the other characters, specifically with a Spanish accent. According to Genesis Rodriguez, she intentionally did so to accentuate Honey's Latina heritage, her pronunciation of his name means that she pronounces it the way a Japanese native would, since the Spanish and Japanese languages have similar R sounds.
    • However, in the film, she occasionally pronounces his name with an American would, such as when she first meets him and after taking a selfie with her friends.
  • Honey is seen listening to Boca, Doce Boca by Jose Luis Rodriguez, the father of her voice actress.
  • During renovations of the Walt Disney Animation Studios building, beginning in 2014, Honey was one of the character silhouettes featured on the wall mural.
  • Honey's the only Big Hero 6 member who's signature color (pink) is not part of the rainbow. Hiro's is either Indigo or Violet, Baymax's is red, Go Go's is Yellow, Wasabi's is green while Fred's is blue.


  1. Oh My Disney (July 14, 2014). "Baymax and the Big Hero 6 are Ready For Action". Oh My Disney.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Disneysbighero6-bh6 (November 2, 2014). "Honey Lemon...". Tumblr.
  3. "Fan Friction"
  4. "Countdown to Catastrophe"

External links

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Big Hero 6 logo
Films and Television: Big Hero 6 (video/soundtrack) • Big Hero 6: The SeriesBig Chibi 6: The ShortsBaymax!

Books: MangaThe Art of Big Hero 6Comic Books
Video Games: Big Hero 6: Battle in the BayBig Hero 6: Bot FightDisney Infinity seriesBig Hero 6: Baymax BlastKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Crossy RoadDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Magic KingdomsDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney Sorcerer's Arena

Disney Parks
San Fransokyo SquareThe Happy Ride with BaymaxThe AnnexThe Magic of Disney AnimationPLAY!

Entertainment: Baymax Super Exercise Expo
Fireworks: Happily Ever AfterDisney EnchantmentDisney in the StarsIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationMomentousReach for the StarsWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Parades: Dreaming Up!Disney Harmony in Color! Parade
Summer: Baymax's Mission: Cool Down
Halloween: Treat Trails

Original: Hiro HamadaBaymaxTadashi HamadaGo Go TomagoHoney LemonWasabiFredAunt CassRobert Callaghan/YokaiAbigail CallaghanAlistair KreiSergeant GersonMochiYamaMr. FredericksonMrs. FredericksonHeathcliffJudyThe Ringleader

The Series: Professor GranvilleObakeBaron Von SteamerKarmiHigh VoltageRichardson MoleGlobbyFelony CarlMomakaseMad JacksMini-MaxMr. SparklesWendy WowerTrevor TrengroveNoodle Burger BoyLenore ShimamotoTrinaLiv AmaraDi AmaraOrso KnoxMegan CruzChief CruzChrisAC and DCNega-GlobbyMayoiSupersonic SueHardlightRoddy Blair
Baymax!: Kiko TanakaSofiaAliMbitaYukioYachi
Deleted: The Fujitas

Big Hero 6: The Series

Shorts: "Baymax and Fred" • "Baymax and Go Go" • "Baymax and Wasabi" • "Baymax and Hiro" • "Baymax and Mochi" • "Baymax and Honey Lemon" • "Baymax Dreams of Too Many Baymaxes" • "Baymax Dreams of Evil Sheep" • "Baymax Dreams of Bed Bugs" • "Baymax Dreams of Mochizilla" • "Baymax Dreams of Too Many Freds"
Season One: "Baymax Returns" • "Issue 188" • "Big Roommates 2" • "Fred's Bro-Tillion" • "Food Fight" • "Muirahara Woods" • "Failure Mode" • "Aunt Cass Goes Out" • "The Impatient Patient" • "Mr. Sparkles Loses His Sparkle" • "Killer App" • "Small Hiro One" • "Kentucky Kaiju" • "Rivalry Weak" • "Fan Friction" • "Mini-Max" • "Big Hero 7" • "Big Problem" • "Steamer's Revenge" • "The Bot Fighter" • "Obake Yashiki" • "Countdown to Catastrophe"
Season Two: "Internabout" • "Seventh Wheel" • "Prey Date" • "Something's Fishy" • "Nega-Globby" • "The Fate of the Roommates" • "Muira-Horror!" • "Something Fluffy" • "Supersonic Sue" • "Lie Detector" • "Write Turn Here" • "City of Monsters" • "Mini-Maximum Trouble" • "El Fuego" • "The Globby Within" • "Hardlight" • "The Present" • "Hiro the Villain" • "Portal Enemy" • "Fred the Fugitive" • "Major Blast" • "Fear Not" • "Legacies"
Season Three: "The Hyper-Potamus Pizza-Party-Torium" • "Mayor for a Day/The Dog Craze of Summer" • "Trading Chips/Mini Noodle Burger Max" • "A Friendly Face/Big Chibi 6" • "Cobra and Mongoose/Better Off Fred" • "Big Hero Battle/Go Go the Woweroo" • "The New Nega-Globby/De-Based" • "The MiSFIT/Return To Sycorax" • "A Fresh Sparkles/Noodle Burger Ploy" • "Krei-oke Night/The Mascot Upshot"

Baymax!: "Cass" • "Kiko" • "Sofia" • "Mbita" • "Yachi" • "Baymax"

Big Hero 6
San FransokyoLucky Cat CaféSan Fransokyo Institute of TechnologyAkuma IslandFrederickson ManorKrei Tech IndustriesNoodle BurgerObake's LairSycoraxFrederickson Candy Co.
MicrobotsMegabotBaymax's ChipHoney Lemon's Chem-PurseYokai's MaskLittle YamaSilent SparrowSkymaxesLenore Shimamoto's JournalKentucky KaijuEnergy AmplifierGo Go's Cycle
StoryImmortalsWe've Got Dance PowerNoodle SongWe're Gonna Be GoodWe Are 4 2 SingDark MatterWoweroo RapB-A-Y-M-A-XA New AngleHappy SongBa La La La La La La La LaKoo Loo LeeOne Sweet Ride

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Beauty and the Beast: BelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChipMauricePhilippeGastonLeFou
Aladdin: AladdinAbuGenieJasmineJafarSultanIagoRajah
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyZeroLock, Shock, and BarrelOogie BoogieDr. FinkelsteinMayor of Halloween TownSanta Claus
The Lion King: SimbaNalaTimonPumbaaZazuRafikiScarEd
Pocahontas: PocahontasJohn SmithMeekoFlitPercy
Hercules: HerculesMegaraHades
Mulan: MulanLi ShangMushuFa ZhouKhan
The Emperor's New Groove: KuzcoYzmaKronk
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckGoofy
Chicken Little: Chicken Little
The Princess and the Frog: TianaDr. Facilier
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderPascalMaximusMother GothelQueen AriannaKing FredericCassandra • Fidella • Pub Thug
Wreck-It Ralph: Wreck-It RalphFix-It Felix Jr.
Frozen: AnnaElsaOlafKristoffSvenHansSnowgiesBruni
Big Hero 6: HiroBaymaxFredWasabiHoney LemonGo Go TomagoTadashi HamadaYokaiMochi
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeMayor LionheartFlashYaxGazelleChief BogoClawhauserFinnickMr. BigBellwetherJerry Jumbeaux Jr.
Moana: MoanaMauiPuaHeiheiTamatoaKakamora
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: ChipDaleGadgetMonterey Jack
Phineas and Ferb: Perry
The Lion Guard: KionOnoBungaBeshteFuli
DuckTales (2017): Scrooge McDuckHuey, Dewey, and LouieWebby Vanderquack
Kingdom Hearts: SoraRikuKairiAquaXemnasAnsem, Seeker of DarknessVentusTerra • Chirithy • LeaYoung XehanortRoxas • Dark Riku • Naminé
Sofia the First: SofiaMinimusSkye
Elena of Avalor: Elena
Enchanted: Giselle
Disney Fairies: PeriwinkleRosettaSilvermist
The Sword in the Stone: WartMerlin
Oliver & Company: Oliver
Raya and the Last Dragon: RayaSisu
Twisted Wonderland: Grim
Encanto: MirabelIsabela

Toy Story: WoodyBuzz LightyearBo PeepHammAlienJessieRexBullseyeStinky PeteLotsoForkyDucky and Bunny

A Bug's Life: FlikDotHeimlich
Monsters, Inc.: SulleyMikeBooRandallCeliaRozFungusGeorge Sanderson
Cars: Lightning McQueenMaterSallyDoc HudsonJackson StormCruz RamirezMackMiss Fritter
Finding Nemo: NemoDoryMarlinCrushBruceDestinyBaileyHankSquirtNigelGillSheldonPearlDarlaCharlieJenny
Ratatouille: RemyLinguini
Up: Carl FredricksenDugKevinRussell
Brave: Merida
Inside Out: JoySadnessAngerDisgustFearBing Bong
The Good Dinosaur: Arlo
Coco (film): MiguelHéctorImelda
Onward: Ian LightfootBarley Lightfoot
Soul: Joe22
Luca: Luca
Turning Red: Mei
Lightyear: Sox
Luxo, Jr.: Luxo, Jr.

Disney Parks
MonorailWalter E. DisneyDumboMad Tea PartySplash MountainAstro OrbiterMatterhorn BobsledsThe Haunted MansionAlbertEnchanted Tiki RoomOrange BirdPirates of the CaribbeanJungle CruiseBig AlBonnie BearTower of Terror
The Avengers: Iron ManCaptain AmericaThorThe HulkBlack WidowHawkeyeFalconWar MachineWinter SoldierAnt-ManBlack PantherVisionSharon Carter

Ultimate Spider-Man: Spider-ManVenomGreen GoblinMiles MoralesLizardRhinoDoctor OctopusIron SpiderSpider-GwenKraven the HunterHobgoblin
Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonGrootDrax
Marvel's Women of Power: WaspElektraCaptain MarvelShe-HulkSpider-Woman
Marvel Icons: DaredevilDoctor StrangeGhost RiderMs. MarvelThanos

Star Wars
Luke SkywalkerHan SoloPrincess LeiaC-3POR2-D2Moff TarkinYodaChewbaccaStormtrooperSandtrooperAT-AT DriverRed GuardTusken RaiderJawaWicketJabba the HuttGreedoObi-Wan KenobiQui-Gon JinnQueen AmidalaClone TrooperJar Jar BinksDarth MaulJango FettGeneral GrievousAayla SecuraAnakin Skywalker/Darth VaderMace WinduCount DookuPlo KoonReyFinnBB-8Kylo RenPoe DameronCaptain PhasmaFirst Order StormtrooperMaz KanataThe MandalorianThe Child
The Muppets
KermitMiss PiggyFozzie BearRowlfGonzoAnimalThe Swedish Chef

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Disney Crossy Road Logo
Disney Crossy RoadSoundtrack
Mickey Mouse & Friends: MickeyMinnieDonaldDaisyGoofyPlutoFifiPeteClarabelle CowHorace HorsecollarWillie the GiantChip and DaleMortimer MouseChief O'HaraDetective CaseyButch the BulldogGolden HarpFather TimePeter Pig

The Lion King: SimbaNalaShenzi, Banzai, and EdOstrichGazelleRhinoHippoZebraBlue BeetleGrubZazuRafikiTimonPumbaaMufasaScar
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderStabbington BrothersPub ThugsAttilaVladBig NoseHook HandUlfShortyPascalMaximusMother GothelThe KingThe QueenCaptain of the GuardsWarthogThe Lantern
Wreck-It Ralph: RalphVanellopeFelixSgt. CalhounKing CandyTaffyta MuttonfudgeCandleheadSurge ProtectorGeneNicelandersRancis FluggerbutterOther Sugar Rush RacersSour BillBlue RacerGeneral Hologram
Big Hero 6: Hiro HamadaBaymaxRobert CallaghanGo Go TomagoHoney LemonWasabiFredFred's DadTadashi HamadaCassYamaAlistair KreiHeathcliffAbbigail CallaghanMegabotSergeant GersonCass
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeFlashClawhauserGazelleYaxBogoMayor LionheartBellwetherDougFinnickMr. BigMr. OttertonManchasGideonJerry Jumbeaux Jr.NangiPriscillaMr. HoppsMrs. HoppsBusiness LemmingDuke WeaseltonFru FruKozlovOfficer McHornWrangledWreck-It RhinoPig Hero 6
The Jungle Book: MowgliKaaBalooAkelaRakshaGrayShere KhanColonel HathiKing LouieBandar-Log MonkeyFlying SquirrelCrocodilePeacockVultureElephantBee Hive
Alice Through the Looking Glass: Alice KingsleighDormouseTweedledee and TweedledumCheshire CatBandersnatchBayardWhite QueenMarch HareWhite RabbitMad HatterAbsolemTimeWilkinsHumpty DumptyRed QueenBorogroveFrog Delivery ManGentleman FishVegetable SoldierVegetable ServantVegetable ExecutionerArmored Chess Piece
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack SparrowWill TurnerElizabeth SwannJoshamee GibbsTia DalmaJames NorringtonMartyCottonBootstrap Bill TurnerPintelRagettiAngelicaBlackbeardPrison DogMaccusDavy JonesHelmsmanPhilip SwiftSyrenaCaptain SalazarGhost LesaroShansaHenry TurnerCarina SmythThe RedheadMurtoggMullroyTreasure ChestStray CatTinyPirate With PigsGhost SharkGhost SeagullAuctioneer
Aladdin: AladdinJasmineThe SultanPrince AchmedGazeemRazoulRajahIagoAbuGenieJafarMagic CarpetPink FlamingoBeggar JafarGolden Scarab BeetleMagic LampSnake CharmerGolden Camel
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyLock, Shock, and BarrelOogie BoogieSanta ClausBehemothWolfmanCorpse FamilyVampiresMummy BoyMayor of Halloween TownDr. FinkelsteinJewelHarlequin DemonZeroCreature Under the StairsHanging TreeHelgamine and ZeldabornMelting ManSkeletal ReindeerEaster BunnyMr. HydeIgorWinged DemonDevilCyclopsMummy BoyAccordion Player, Bass Player, and Saxophone PlayerZombie Toy DuckVampire Teddy
Mulan: MulanYao, Ling, and Chien PoFa LiFa ZhouHayabusaKhanCri-KeeLittle BrotherMushuShan YuCaptain Li ShangThe Emperor of ChinaThe MatchmakerGeneral LiGrandmother FaFirst Ancestor FaChi-FuGreat Stone Dragon
Moana: MoanaSinaFrigatebirdChief TuiGramma TalaPuaFrigatebirdKakamora ChiefMauiHeiHeiGhost MataiEelTamatoaFrog MonsterSloth MonsterEight Eyed BatChicken FeedMaui's HookThe Ocean
Beauty and the Beast: BelleMauriceChip PottsMrs. PottsGastonLeFouFrouFrouChapeauPlumetteBeastCogsworthLumiereThe Enchantress
Lilo & Stitch: Lilo PelekaiNani PelekaiDavid KawenaMrs. HasagawaMertle EdmondsStitch
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckDonald Duck (Classic)Huey, Dewey, and LouieWebbigail VanderquackMrs. BeakleyBeagle Boys (Big Time, Burger, and Bouncer)GyroDarkwing DuckFalcon GravesPixiu Chinese DragonPeghook's GhostLaunchpad McQuackHack and Slash SmashnikovGizmoduckShadow MagicaMa BeagleFlintheart GlomgoldPharaoh Toth-RaHeadless Man-Horse

Toy Story: WoodyJessieBuzz LightyearHammEmperor ZurgRexSlinky DogMrs. NesbitBo PeepWheezyBabyheadBullseyeLennyThe ProspectorMint in the Box ProspectorTrixieBig BabyGreen Army MenBabyfaceJaney DollStretchBookwormRocky GibraltarMr. PricklepantsChucklesButtercup

Inside Out: JoySadnessAngerDisgustFearBing BongFrank and DaveForgettersJanglesRainbow Unicorn
Finding Dory: DoryDebGurglePearlSheldonTadGillBloatSquirtNemoMarlinJacquesBubblesDestinyBaileyGeraldFlukeRudderHankCrushMr. RayBeckyJellyfishAnglerFishOtterCharlieJennyPhilip Sherman
Monsters, Inc.: BooNeedlemanWaxfordC.D.A. AgentMike WazowskiCelia MaeFlintMr. WaternooseJames P. SullivanRandall BoggsRozPhlegmCharlieSimulation KidGarbage CubeHarleySpike
The Incredibles: Bob ParrHelen ParrDashVioletJack-JackLucius BestSyndromeEdna ModeRick DickerGilbert HuphKari McKeenBomb VoyageRusty McAllisterThe UnderminerOmnidroid

Disney Parks
The Haunted Mansion: Professor Phineas PlumpMaidGargoyleCaretaker and DogButlerSally SlaterHeadless KnightExecutionerSpiderMadame LeotaRavenConstance the BrideThe OratorThe Cat LadyThe MedusaThe MuseArmorDoom Buggy

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Kingdom Hearts utilized logo
Kingdom Hearts (HD I.5 ReMIX/Soundtrack/Soundtrack Complete/HD I.5 ReMIX Soundtrack) • Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts II (HD II.5 ReMIX/HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue/Soundtrack/HD II.5 ReMIX Soundtrack ) • 358/2 DaysBirth by Sleep (Soundtrack) • codedDream Drop Distance (Soundtrack) • χ [chi]Unchained χ/Union χ [cross]Kingdom Hearts IIIDark RoadMelody of MemoryMissing-LinkKingdom Hearts IV
Other media
Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween PartyAgrabah (Kingdom Hearts pilot)
Incorporated Films and Shorts
Aladdin/The Return of JafarAlice in WonderlandBeauty and the BeastBig Hero 6CinderellaFantasiaFrozenHerculesThe Hunchback of Notre DameLilo & StitchThe Lion KingThe Little MermaidMickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three MusketeersMonsters, Inc.MulanThe Nightmare Before ChristmasPeter PanPinocchioPirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl/Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's EndSleeping BeautySnow White and the Seven DwarfsSteamboat WillieTangledTarzanToy StoryTron/Tron: LegacyWinnie the PoohWreck-It Ralph
Main Characters: SoraRikuKairiKing MickeyDonald DuckGoofyRoxasAxel/LeaNaminéXionAquaTerraVentus

Villains: XehanortAnsemXemnasMaleficentPeteVanitasXigbar/BraigXaldinVexenLexaeusZexionSaïx/IsaDemyxLuxordMarluxiaLarxeneTerra-XehanortYoung XehanortXehanort's Guardian
Other Characters: Jiminy CricketAnsem the Wise/DiZYen SidMaster EraqusDilanEvenAeleusIenzoLingering WillHaynerPenceOletteKairi's GrandmaRiku ReplicaJiminy's JournalForetellersMaster of MastersLuxuEphemerSkuldChirithyStrelitziaLauriamYozoraVorHermod
Original Monsters: HeartlessNobodiesUnversedDream Eater
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts: Queen MinnieDaisy DuckPlutoChip and DaleHuey, Dewey, and LouieMagic BroomsAliceWhite RabbitDoorknobCheshire CatQueen of HeartsCard SoldiersTarzanJane PorterClaytonTerkKerchakKalaSaborHerculesPhiloctetesHadesCerberusRock TitanIce TitanAladdinAbuJasmineGenieCarpetJafarIagoPeddlerCave of WondersPinocchioGeppettoMonstroCleoArielFlounderSebastianUrsulaKing TritonFlotsam and JetsamGlutJack SkellingtonZeroSallyOogie BoogieLock, Shock, and BarrelDr. FinkelsteinMayor of Halloween TownPeter PanTinker BellCaptain HookMr. SmeeWendyCrocodileMerlinWinnie the PoohTiggerPigletEeyoreRabbitOwlRooBeesBeastBelleSnow WhiteCinderellaFairy GodmotherAuroraPongoPerditaDalmatian PuppiesSimbaMushuDumboBambiChernabog
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts II: Flora, Fauna, and MerryweatherMaleficent's RavenScrooge McDuckMulanLi ShangShan YuHayabusaYao, Ling, and Chien PoThe EmperorLumiereCogsworthMrs PottsChipWardrobePegasusMegaraPain and PanicHydraHorace HorsecollarClarabelle CowClara CluckJack SparrowElizabeth SwannWill TurnerCaptain BarbossaBo'sunJacobyTwiggCursed CrewPrince EricAttinaAndrinaSanta ClausSkeletal ReindeerTimonPumbaaNalaRafikiScarShenzi, Banzai, and EdMufasaKiaraPridelandersHyenasTronMaster Control ProgramCommander SarkKangaGopherStitchChicken Little
Disney Characters introduced in Birth by Sleep: Prince PhillipMaleficent's GoonsDocGrumpyHappySleepyBashfulSneezyDopeyThe PrinceEvil QueenMagic MirrorPrince CharmingJaqLady TremaineAnastasiaDrizellaLuciferGrand DukeGrand CouncilwomanCaptain GantuJumbaExperiment 221Lost Boys
Disney Characters introduced in Dream Drop Distance: QuasimodoEsmeraldaPhoebusJudge Claude FrolloVictor, Hugo, and LaverneKevin FlynnSam FlynnQuorraCLUBlack GuardsBlue FairyBeagle BoysChernabog's MinionsJulius
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ: Mad HatterMarch HareRazoulRoyal GuardsMauriceGaston
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Union χ: SultanSamsonVanellope von SchweetzFix-It Felix Jr.Sergeant CalhounKing CandySour BillCy-BugsHero's Duty Troops
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts III: ZeusApolloAthenaHermesLava TitanTornado TitanLittle ChefWoodyBuzz LightyearRexHammSargeGreen Army MenLittle Green MenRapunzelFlynn RiderPascalMaximusMother GothelSulleyMike WazowskiBooRandall BoggsChild Detection AgencyTrailer FolkElsaAnnaKristoffOlafSvenMarshmallowHansMr. GibbsTia DalmaDavy JonesKrakenCutler BeckettDavy Jones' Locker CrabsBaymaxHiro HamadaGo Go TomagoHoney LemonFredWasabiLumpyWreck-It Ralph
Disney Characters introduced in Kingdom Hearts Dark Road: Tweedledee and Tweedledum
Disney Characters introduced in the manga: CaterpillarChi-Fu
Square Enix Characters: LeonCloudMoogleOthers

Plot Elements: Kingdom HeartsHeartKeyblade WarDark Seeker SagaMore

Game Elements: Gameplay in Kingdom HeartsMagic

Sea-salt ice creamWayfinderDoor to DarknessKeybladeX-bladeMorePixar BallA113Pizza Planet Truck
Original Worlds: Destiny IslandsTraverse TownRadiant Garden/Hollow BastionDisney Castle/Disney Town/Timeless RiverDive to the HeartEnd of the WorldRealm of DarknessTwilight Town/Mysterious TowerThe World That Never WasCastle That Never WasLand of Departure/Castle OblivionKeyblade GraveyardDaybreak Town/Scala ad Caelum

Disney Worlds: WonderlandDeep JungleOlympus Coliseum/Underworld/OlympusAgrabahAtlanticaHalloween Town/Christmas TownNeverlandHundred Acre WoodThe Land of DragonsBeast's CastlePort Royal/The CaribbeanPride LandsSpace ParanoidsDwarf WoodlandsCastle of DreamsDeep SpaceLa Cité des ClochesThe GridPrankster's ParadiseCountry of the MusketeersToy BoxKingdom of CoronaMonstropolisArendelleSan FransokyoGame Central Station/Niceland/Cy-Bug Sector/Candy Kingdom

Organization XIIIPrincesses of HeartDisney Villains Council
"Dearly Beloved" • "Simple and Clean" • "Sanctuary" • Face My FearsDon't Think TwiceMickey Mouse Club MarchSwim This WayPart of Your WorldUnder the SeaUrsula's RevengeA New Day is DawningDestatiThis is HalloweenHe's a PirateBeauty and the BeastBibbidi-Bobbidi-BooIt's a Small WorldNight on Bald MountainWinnie the PoohThe Sorcerer's ApprenticeThe Pastoral SymphonyNutcracker SuiteYou've Got a Friend in MeHealing IncantationPut That Thing Back Where It Came From or So Help MeLet It GoDo You Want to Build a SnowmanYo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)A Whole New WorldCircle of Life

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Disney Heroes Battle Mode logo
Disney feature films
A Goofy Movie: PowerlineMax Goof

Aladdin: AladdinGenieJafarJasmineRajahAbu
Alice in Wonderland: Alice Mad HatterQueen of HeartsCheshire Cat
Atlantis: The Lost Empire: Kida NedakhVincenzo SantoriniHelga SinclairMilo ThatchAudrey Ramirez
Beauty and the Beast: GastonBeastBelleLumiereCogsworth
Big Hero 6: Hiro HamadaBaymaxHoney LemonWasabiGo Go TomagoFred
Bolt: Bolt
Chicken Little: Chicken Little
Cinderella: Fairy GodmotherCinderella
Encanto: Mirabel MadrigalBruno MadrigalIsabela Madrigal
Frozen: ElsaOlafKristoffSvenAnna
Hercules: HadesHerculesMegaraZeusPhiloctetesPegasus
Lady and the Tramp: LadyTramp
Lilo & Stitch: StitchPleakleyJumbaAngelLilo Pelekai
Meet the Robinsons Bowler Hat GuyDOR-15Franny Robinson
Mickey Mouse & Friends Mickey MouseGoofyMinnie MousePlutoPeteDaisy Duck
Moana: MoanaMauiGramma Tala
Mulan: Fa MulanLi ShangShan YuMushu
One Hundred and One Dalmatians: Cruella De VilJasper and Horace
Peter Pan: Peter PanCaptain HookTinker Bell
Pocahontas: PocahontasMeekoFlit
Raya and the Last Dragon: RayaSisuNamaari
Robin Hood: Robin HoodSheriff of NottinghamLittle John
Sleeping Beauty: MaleficentAuroraPrince PhillipFlora, Fauna, and Merryweather
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: The Evil QueenSnow White
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderMaximusMother GothelStabbington Brothers
The Black Cauldron: The Horned King
The Emperor's New Groove: YzmaKronkPachaKuzco
The Great Mouse Detective: Basil of Baker Street
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: EsmeraldaQuasimodoPhoebus
The Jungle Book: King LouieBalooBagheeraKaaShere Khan
The Lion King: ScarRafikiTimonPumbaaSimbaNala
The Little Mermaid: ArielUrsulaKing Triton
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyOogie BoogieLock, Shock, and BarrelMayor of Halloween Town
The Princess and the Frog: Dr. FacilierTianaLouisRayMama OdieJuju
The Rescuers Down Under: Percival C. McLeachJoanna
The Sword in the Stone: MerlinMadam Mim
Treasure Planet: Captain AmeliaJim HawkinsJohn SilverMorph
Wreck-It Ralph: Wreck-It RalphVanellope von SchweetzFix-It Felix Jr.Sergeant CalhounShank
Winnie the Pooh: Winnie the PoohTiggerEeyore
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeYax FinnickChief BogoClawhauserKoslovMr. BigBellwetherFlash

Disney animated shows
Amercian Dragon: Jake Long: Jake LongRose
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: Chip and DaleGadget HackwrenchZipper

Darkwing Duck: Darkwing DuckMegavoltQuackerjackNegaduck
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckDonald DuckHuey, Dewey, and LouieFenton CrackshellLaunchpad McQuackMagica De Spell
Gargoyles: GoliathDemona
Kim Possible: Kim PossibleDr. DrakkenShegoRon StoppableRufusDuff KilliganMonkey Fist
Phineas and Ferb: Agent PHeinz Doofenshmirtz
The Owl House: Eda ClawthorneLuz Noceda

A Bug's Life: FlikHopperHeimlich

Brave: Merida
Coco: Miguel RiveraDante
Finding Nemo: GeraldMarlinNemoHankDory
Inside Out: AngerJoySadnessDisgustFearAnxiety
Luca: Luca PaguroAlberto Scorfano
Monsters, Inc.: James P. SullivanBooMike WazowskiRandall Boggs
Onward: Ian LightfootCorey the ManticoreBarley Lightfoot
Ratatouille: Alfredo LinguiniRemyColette TatouChef Skinner
Soul: 22
The Incredibles: Mr. IncredibleElastigirlDash ParrViolet ParrJack-Jack ParrFrozoneSyndromeThe UnderminerVoyd
Toy Story: WoodyBuzz LightyearJessieRexEmperor ZurgBo PeepBilly, Goat, and GruffDuke CaboomDucky and BunnySlinky DogHamm
Turning Red: Mei Lee
Up: Carl FredricksenDugRussellKevin

Disney live-action films
Hocus Pocus: Winifred SandersonSarah SandersonMary SandersonThackery BinxBilly Butcherson

Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack SparrowHector BarbossaTia DalmaDavy Jones
The Rocketeer: Cliff Secord
Tron: Kevin FlynnQuorraTron

The Muppets
AnimalMiss PiggyGonzoDr. Bunsen HoneydewBeakerKermit the FrogThe Swedish ChefFozzie BearStatler and WaldorfSweetums