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Anna Matronic in animation

Anna Matronic in her only animated appearance.

Darkwing Duck - 50 - In Like Blunt - YouTube2

Big Time Beagle, Magica De Spell and Flintheart Glomgold appear among the crowd of villains.

In Like Blunt is the sixty-third episode of Darkwing Duck.


S.H.U.S.H. agents have been getting knocked off at an alarming rate and J. Gander calls on Darkwing to work with Derek Blunt, the famous secret agent, to find the criminal Phineas Sharp who has stolen a list of the top agents for S.H.U.S.H. and has knocked them off to prove that he has it. Derek does not want to work with Darkwing but J. Gander insists. Darkwing tries to impress Derek with all his gadgetry at his hideout, but Derek doesn't believe in using gadgets like in the movies about his life. They get in the Thunderquack and go to the island that Derek believes Phineas to be. Launchpad does his usual landing, more exactly crashing, and they make their way to Phineas' location. They make it there after a few funny scenes and see that the place is crawling with a lot of criminals. It appears that Phineas is going to auction off the list to the highest bidder. Darkwing, Derek, and Launchpad sneak in. Derek and Darkwing find the vault that should hold the list and they break in only to find that it's a trap. Launchpad comes in to warn them, but he is caught as well. Phineas devises a fiendish device to eliminate Derek and Darkwing along with Launchpad. Phineas leaves and Darkwing tries to use his acid cuff link to burn through the ropes holding them and accidentally uses it on a table leg and starts a fire. He gets an idea and pulls his cape off with his teeth and it falls, catches fire, and floats to the ceiling causing the sprinklers to go off. Darkwing and Derek are able to wiggle free due to the water. They use disguises to sneak onto the auction stage and sneak away the list. The egotistical Phineas who has started the auction by receiting a list of his crimes suddednly notices the list missing and follows them into an office. They pull the rug out from under him and hide in the closet. Phineas shoots the closet up with his ray gun and goes back to the auction with the list. The closet door opens and Derek and Darkwing appear out of the hole in the floor that Derek made with Darkwing's other acid cuff link. Hammerhead wins the auction and gives the money to Phineas who hands it off to his lackey. Darkwing and Derek ambush the lackey and show Phineas the list and the money. Hammerhead grabs Phineas and reads off the list which is a grocery list; an angry Hammerhead deceides to pound Sharp. Derek and Darkwing walk outside and laugh about what has happened when Darkwing remembers Launchpad. They run back into the fitness room and open the steamer where Launchpad was and a tiny Launchpad walks out.


  • Derek Blunt is based on James Bond, even to the extent to having his untrue life story being exploited in movies and a British accent.
  • The episode is based on the spy movie spoof series, In Like Flint.
  • Phineas Sharp is voiced by Jonathan Harris.
  • When Darkwing takes off his bell boy disguise and puts on his hat, his face mask magically appears.
  • Hammerhead Hannigan, Steelbeak, Ammonia Pine, Magica De Spell, Flintheart Glomgold, Lilliput, three of the Beagle Boys and Anna Matronic (all of whom were previously recurring villains on DuckTales), and Crocosaurus (from The Wuzzles) make cameo appearances in this episode. They are among the bidders for the secret S.H.U.S.H. agent list.
  • Hammerhead Hannigan has a different voice here than in Darkly Dawns the Duck.
  • It's very likely that the name Derek Blunt is a reference to Anthony F. Blunt, one of the infamous 'Cambridge Spies'. He, along with three other men (Guy Francis de Moncy Burgess, Donald Maclean, and Harold Adrian Russell), worked as a Soviet spy for over 30 years. The four men met at Cambridge, and actively served the KGB against British and American interests, going down in history as the greatest spies of the 20th century. Blunt (1907-1983), both recruited for the KGB, and transmitted secret documents to Russia. He was an Art History scholar, who rose to be both the director of the Courtauld Institute, and the Keeper of the Queen's Pictures, and was even knighted. While the four men were eventually exposed, they were never caught.
  • According to the production number of this episode, this was meant to be the 2nd episode to air.

Voice Cast[]


  • Tad Stones - Hammerhead Hannigan


v - e - d
Darkwing Duck Logo
Darkwing Duck (Videography) • Reboot • Walt Disney's World on Ice: Double Feature... Live!

Video Games: NES game • TurboGrafx-16 game • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: High Wave Robbery • The Silly Canine Caper • The Darkest Night • Boom! Studios comic • Joe Books comic

Heroes and Allies: Darkwing Duck • Launchpad McQuack • Gosalyn Mallard • Honker Muddlefoot • Tank Muddlefoot • Herb and Binkie Muddlefoot • Gizmoduck • Morgana Macawber • Neptunia • Stegmutt • J. Gander Hooter • Derek Blunt • Vladimir Gryzlikoff • Sara Bellum • Rhoda Dendron • Gloria Swansong • Princess of Oilrabia • Goose Lee • Comet Guy

Villains: Negaduck/Negatron • Bushroot • Megavolt • Liquidator • Quackerjack • Steelbeak • Taurus Bulba • Hammerhead Hannigan • Hoof and Mouth • Tantalus • Clovis • Tuskernini • Dr. Fossil • Phineas Sharp • Professor Moliarty • Ammonia Pine • Ample Grime • Paddywhack • Lilliput • Jambalaya Jake • Gumbo • Bug Master • High Command • Major Synapse • Hotshot and Flygirl • Dr. Slug • Splatter Phoenix • Camille Chameleon • Anna Matronic • Isis Vanderchill • Johnny T. Rex • Fluffy • Dark Warrior Duck • Nodoff • Brainteasers

Syndication: "Darkly Dawns the Duck" • "Beauty and the Beet" • "Getting Antsy" • "Night of the Living Spud" • "Apes of Wrath" • "Dirty Money" • "Duck Blind" • "Comic Book Capers" • "Water Way to Go" • "Paraducks" • "Easy Come, Easy Grows" • "A Revolution in Home Appliances" • "Trading Faces" • "Hush, Hush Sweet Charlatan" • "Can't Bayou Love" • "Bearskin Thug" • "You Sweat Your Life" • "Days of Blunder" • "Just Us Justice Ducks" • "Double Darkwings" • "Aduckyphobia" • "When Aliens Collide" • "Jurassic Jumble" • "Cleanliness is Next to Badliness" • "Smarter Than a Speeding Bullet" • "All's Fahrenheit in Love and War" • "Whiffle While You Work" • "Ghoul of My Dreams" • "Adopt-a-Con" • "Toys Czar Us" • "The Secret Origins of Darkwing Duck" • "Up, Up and Awry" • "Life, the Negaverse, and Everything" • "Dry Hard" • "Heavy Mental" • "Disguise the Limit" • "Planet of the Capes" • "Darkwing Doubloon" • "It's a Wonderful Leaf" • "Twitching Channels" • "Dances with Bigfoot" • "Twin Beaks" • "The Incredible Bulk" • "My Valentine Ghoul" • "Dead Duck" • "A Duck By Any Other Name" • "Let's Get Respectable" • "In Like Blunt" • "Quack of Ages" • "Time and Punishment" • "Stressed to Kill" • "The Darkwing Squad" • "Inside Binkie's Brain" • "The Haunting of Mr. Banana Brain" • "Slime Okay, You're Okay" • "Whirled History" • "U.F.Foe" • "A Star is Scorned" • "The Quiverwing Quack" • "Jail Bird" • "Dirtysomething" • "Kung Fooled" • "Bad Luck Duck"

ABC Season One: "That Sinking Feeling" • "Film Flam" • "Negaduck" • "Fungus Amongus" • "Slaves to Fashion" • "Something Fishy" • "Tiff of the Titans" • "Calm a Chameleon" • "Battle of the Brainteasers" • "Bad Tidings" • "Going Nowhere Fast" • "A Brush with Oblivion" • "The Merchant of Menace"
ABC Season Two: "Monsters R Us" • "Inherit the Wimp" • "The Revenge of the Return of the Brainteasers, Too!" • "Star Crossed Circuits" • "Steerminator" • "The Frequency Fiends" • "Paint Misbehavin'" • "Hot Spells" • "Fraudcast News" • "Clash Reunion" • "Mutantcy on the Bouncy" • "Malice's Restaurant" • "Extinct Possibility"

Vehicles and Gadgets
Ratcatcher • Thunderquack • Darkwing Duck's gas gun • Ramrod • Super Sensitive Darkwing Duck-tector • Tronsplitter
Darkwing Duck Theme • Little Girl Blue • Kickin' in the Groove • I'm the King • I'm Darkwing Duck
See also
DuckTales • The Disney Afternoon • Disney XD (Netherlands) • Justice Ducks • Fearsome Five • F.O.W.L. • S.H.U.S.H. • St. Canard • Negaverse