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MacFroogle is the main antagonist of the 2011 animated short The Ballad of Nessie.



MacFroogle is described as a greedy developer who builds a massive mini-golf course over Nessie's old pond. He is shown to ignore anyone who demands to get the lake back, such as Nessie protesting to get her lake back.

Role in the short[]

MacFroogle is introduced as a tycoon developer who plans on building his own golf course in Scotland, leaving Nessie to search for a new home, to no avail. When Nessie finally breaks down in tears over her misfortune, crying for weeks on end, her tears grow into a huge lake known as "Loch Ness". He later appears during the credits, floating on his sign, crying over the destruction of his own golf course, due to Nessie's tears flooding over his golf course as well.

