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DisneyZombies Wiki

Cabin in the House is the fourth episode of the animated miniseries.


Zed wants Eliza to go camping, but she has already programmed a perfectly lifelike, virtual campsite inside her bedroom, and she refuses to leave her VR world without a fight.


Zed arrives to pick up Eliza for their camping trip, only to find she has fallen into a "summertime coding hole". He finds her in her dark empty bedroom glued to her computer, typing nonstop, and surrounded by empty drink cans. Eliza tells Zed to leave her alone, but he has been instructed by her, in advance, to drag her outside if she ever falls into a "summertime coding hole". Eliza refuses to budge as Zed forcefully tries to pull her away from her computer. Then she quickly finishes whatever she is coding and declares she is now ready to go camping. But instead of going outside, she has programmed a lifelike VR camping simulation inside her bedroom, which is perfectly realistic. Though Zed finds it impressive, he insists she should experience real-life camping.

Eliza refuses to leave her VR world without a fight. So, Zed starts chasing her around the VR campsite, determined to get her outside and enjoy some real-life summer. She evades all his efforts, using whatever tricks her VR world offers. The two find themselves at a standoff with neither one relenting. That is until, much to Eliza's embarrassment, they see multiple VR Wyatts, including one of him as a raccoon. Eliza quickly shuts down her VR world. Then after a brief awkward silence, the two zombies head outside to go camping, promising each other to never mention what they saw to anyone.


  • Eliza and Zed are able to enter the virtual world without the use of VR headsets.
  • It seems that Eliza is quite close with Wyatt, since multiple versions of himself appear in her virtual world.
  • Although it may be a coincidence, the title of the episode seems to be referencing the children's sitcom, "Cory in the House".
  • This is the first piece of media in the Zombies franchise to not have Addison appear.



ZOMBIES- The Re-Animated Series Shorts - Episode 4 - Cabin in the House - @disneychannel
