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NeuroQuantology is an international, interdisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles on the interface between quantum physics and neuroscience. The journal focuses on the exploration of the neural mechanisms underlying consciousness, cognition, perception, and behavior from a quantum perspective.
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About the Journal

NeuroQuantology is an international, interdisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles on the interface between quantum physics and neuroscience. The journal focuses on the exploration of the neural mechanisms underlying consciousness, cognition, perception, and behavior from a quantum perspective. NeuroQuantology is published monthly

NeuroQuantology aims to promote scientific dialogue and collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and scholars in the fields of neuroscience, quantum physics, psychology, philosophy, and related disciplines. The journal welcomes empirical, theoretical, and methodological contributions that enhance our understanding of the mind-brain relationship and the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics that apply to the study of cognition and behavior.

Some of the key topics covered in NeuroQuantology include quantum information processing in the brain, quantum coherence and entanglement in neural networks, quantum-inspired models of brain function, quantum-inspired models of perception and decision making, quantum consciousness, and the philosophical and ethical implications of quantum approaches to neuroscience.

NeuroQuantology is committed to providing high-quality, rigorous, and timely peer review and publication services to authors worldwide. The journal operates on a continuous publishing model, with accepted articles

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Submit manuscript at Online Article Submission page or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at submissions@neuroquantology.com
Table of Contents
Recently Published Articles
A Deep Learning Approach to Detect Depression from Facial Expressions and Speech Patterns
 Sneha Kumari, Shweta Tiwari
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Benchmarking K-Means and EM Algorithms for Spine MRI Image Segmentation
 Mrs. Jyoti.M.Waykule, Dr.V.R.Udupi
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Analyzing Digital Marketing Data for the Purpose of Developing and Monitoring Campaign Strategies
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Exploring the effectiveness of topical advertisements on brand building
 Dr. Mamta Mishra
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Monitoring laboratory data across manufacturers and laboratories—A prerequisite to make “Big Data” work
 ‏Fahad hassan algusheri, IBRAHIM ABDULLAH ALRAQIBAH, ‏Ahmed M. Alshehri, ‏ALAA HASSAN ALMELEIHI
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Building a Laboratory Workforce to Meet the Future: ASCP Task Force on the Laboratory Professionals Workforce
 Fahad hassanalgusheri, IBRAHIM ABDULLAH ALRAQIBAH, ‏Ahmed M. Alshehri, ‏Ahmed M. Alshehri
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Use and efficacy of intra oral scanning in the fabrication of removable prosthesis: A narrative review
 Abdulaziz Saud Aldayel, Jawaher Abdullah F Albarakati
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Clinical Success of Direct V/S Indirect Composite Restorations: a Systematic Review
 Mohammad Kamal Altwijry, Abdulmajeed Ibrahim Alfuraih, Abdulaziz Suliman Bin Maneea, Abdulrahman Khalid Alhazzaa, Mazen Abdullah Alshalhoob,OhoodBandar Alferm, Tariq Saad Alduhaimi
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