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"Desperation Move" (りょうしゃさいせんじゅつ!! Ryōsha Saigo no Senjutsu!!, lit. "The Pair's Final Tactics!!") is the one hundred thirty-third chapter of the Dragon Ball manga.


The cover of this chapter shows scenes of Goku's and Tien Shinhan's fight.


Tien fires his Tri-Beam at Goku

Tien fires his Tri-Beam at Goku

Tenshinhan keeps shouting down at Goku to avoid this, but Goku is unmoving. Master Roshi continues objecting, while Chiaotzu pleads to Ten-san not to die. Tenshinhan looks down at Goku and says, "Here goes!!", and Goku stands ready to take it. Tenshinhan folds his hands in front of himself with the index fingers up and starts powering up. Then, he pulls his hands apart, and they start charging up. Krillin asks about his hands glowing, so Kame-Sen’nin explains that Tenshinhan is focusing all the ki in his body.

The effect of Tien's Tri-Beam

The effect of Tien's Tri-Beam

Tenshinhan puts his hands together in a triangle form. "The target… is the ring!!", Tenshinhan thinks he will completely use up all of his ki and deplete his strength, and then "Tri-Beam!!!!" There is a huge flash and explosion. Tenshinhan pants as he looks down at the ring, just as Kuririn and Kame-Sen’nin notice the damage. The announcer is shocked as well. "T-the ring is… gone!!!! W-what in the world is this, h-how… T-the ring was just here a moment before. I-it's completely disintegrated…!!!!" There is just a huge hole in the ground where the ring was. Where Goku was…

Goku fires a Kamehameha to propel himself towards Tien

Goku fires a Kamehameha to propel himself towards Tien

Kame-Sen’nin is impressed with the Kikōhō, but Kuririn is more worried about Goku having been disintegrated as well. Kame-Sen’nin doubts he is dead, and then Tenshinhan notices something and flies up. It is Goku! Tenshinhan is impressed with Goku for having jumped all the way up here just in the nick of time. Goku compliments his technique, saying he would have died if he had not gotten out of the way. The announcer looks up at the two of them with some binoculars, continuing to call the match.

Gravity is getting the better of Goku, and with there being no more ring, or earth where the ring was, simply touching the ground would constitute a ring-out now. Therefore, the first one to fall loses. Tenshinhan talks about how he can freely fly, so the outcome is pretty obvious. But Goku says he is going to try one last attack with all of his remaining strength. Tenshinhan thinks Goku is wasting his time, but Goku says Tenshinhan should be worn out from his attack. Goku starts up a Kamehameha, and Tenshinhan just laughs about this. But then Goku does an about face, firing off a pretty big Kamehameha, so that it propels him toward a worried Tenshinhan.


  • Goku vs. Tien Shinhan






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Volume 1 123456789101112
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Volume 3 252627282930313233343536
Volume 4 373839404142434445464748
Volume 5 495051525354555657585960
Volume 6 616263646566676869707172
Volume 7 737475767778798081828384
Volume 8 858687888990919293949596
Volume 9 979899100101102103104105106107108
Volume 10 109110111112113114115116117118119120
Volume 11 121122123124125126127128129130131132
Volume 12 133134135136137138139140141142143144
Volume 13 145146147148149150151152153154155156
Volume 14 157158159160161162163164165166167168
Volume 15 169170171172173174175176177178179180
Volume 16 181182183184185186187188189190191192193194
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