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"New Androids" (あらたなる人造じんぞう人間にんげん Aratanaru Jinzōningen) is the 92nd chapter of the Dragon Ball Super manga.


DBS Ch 92 01

Piccolo vs. Gamma 2

Piccolo notices the Red Ribbon logo and realizes Gamma 2 is an android, recognizing the symbol from back when he was God. Gamma 2 tells Piccolo he was sent there on a basic trial run but decides instead to kill him as he knows too much. The two fight and with Piccolo confirming that Gamma 2 is an android. Following a mighty blast from his Gamma Blaster, Gamma 2 believes he's killed Piccolo and leaves. Piccolo, having just managed to dodge Gamma 2's attack and slip away in the dust, follows the android back to the Red Ribbon base.

There Piccolo subdues a guard and steals his uniform to use as a disguise. Piccolo finds his way into a control room where Magenta, Carmine, Dr. Hedo and the two Gammas are holding a meeting, along with a number of soldiers standing guard. Gamma 1 chastises Gamma 2 for not confirming Piccolo's death and reveals via camera footage that he got away. Angry over this, Magenta says that if this mistake reveals their identity to the enemy, they'll have to hasten their plans. He orders Dr. Hedo to quickly finish his work on "Cell Max", but Hedo insists the two Gammas can finish the job on their own. He is also hesitant to activate it as his control system isn't finished, meaning he could easily turn against them.

Overhearing the conversation about Cell Max, Piccolo slips away to contact Bulma by phone. He asks if Goku and Vegeta are around, but they're off training with Beerus. He asks Bulma to contact Whis. While waiting he heads to Korin's Tower to acquire some Senzu Beans. As Bulma searches for device needed to contact Whis, Korin gives Piccolo the only two Senzu Beans he has. Piccolo gets a call back from Bulma, saying she's had no luck contacting Whis. With few options left to defend the Earth, Piccolo wonders if Dende could give him what he needs.

DBS Ch 92 05

Goku vs. Broly

Bulma eventually finds the device and tries to contact Whis though he misses the call, being distracted by Goku and Broly who are engaged in a training match. The two fight in base form with Broly being the aggressor. Goku compliments Broly on his improvements and says that soon he will be able to fight with a level head without snapping into a rage. He suggests they kick things up a notch which Broly readily agrees to.


  • Piccolo vs. Gamma 2
  • Goku vs. Broly





Movie and Manga Differences[]

  • Piccolo and Gamma 2's battle is longer, with Piccolo putting up a better fight.
  • Unlike the film, Piccolo makes no comment about seeing Gamma 2's sound effects as words.
  • Cell Max appears to already have coloration and dots on his body, whereas in the film he does not gain them until his activation.
  • Part of Goku and Broly's training match (which was cut from the film) is shown, the fight is also the reason Bulma is unable to contact Whis, as his staff is sent flying from the shockwaves of the battle.




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Dragon Ball Super Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 123456789Special ComicSpecial Comic 2
Volume 2 101112131415Extra Edition 1
Volume 3 1617181920
Volume 4 21222324
Volume 5 25262728Extra Edition 2
Volume 6 29303132
Volume 7 33343536
Volume 8 37383940Extra Edition 3
Volume 9 41424344
Volume 10 45464748Special Edition 3
Volume 11 49505152Extra Edition 4
Volume 12 53545556Special Edition 4
Volume 13 57585960
Volume 14 61626364
Volume 15 65666768
Volume 16 69707172
Volume 17 73747576
Volume 18 77787980
Volume 19 81828384
Volume 20 85868788
Volume 21 89909192
Volume 22 93949596
Volume 23 979899100
Chapters not yet in Volume format 101102103