province of China
Asia > East Asia > China > East China > Zhejiang

Location in China
Not to be confused with Zhenjiang, a city in Jiangsu Province.

Zhejiang (浙江) is in a province in East China, very close to the major city of Shanghai.



Main cities

  • 1 Hangzhou (杭州市) – Zhejiang's capital, former capital of China, China's busiest destination for domestic tourism, famous for tea, silk and the great West Lake.
  • 2 Huzhou (湖州市) – borders Lake Tai to its south, includes the historic district of Anji.
  • 3 Ningbo (宁波市) – former treaty port, clean and compact with interesting islands nearby
  • 4 Shaoxing (绍兴市) – traditional Chinese cultured city
  • 5 Wenzhou (温州市) – major industral center, near the sea and Fujian border
  • 6 Yiwu (义乌市) – vibrant with Middle Eastern flavour due to large Islamic business community.
  • 7 Zhoushan (舟山市) – gateway to Mount Putuo, an island that is regarded to be one of the Four Great Mountains of Buddhism

Smaller cities

  • 8 Aojiang (鳌江镇)
  • 9 Beilun (北仑区) – international port near Ningbo
  • 10 Cixi (慈溪市)
  • 11 Jiangshan (江山市) – is a small city at the intersection of Zhejian, Fujian and Jiangxi.
  • 12 Jiaxing (嘉兴市) – civilized city of fish, rice and silk including famous resting-on-water towns Wuzhen and Xitang
  • 13 Longyou County
  • 14 Taizhou (台州市) - formerly known as Haizhou, Taizhou has a long history.
  • 15 Xikou (溪口镇)
  • 16 Yuyao (余姚市)
  • 17 Zhuji (诸暨市)
  • 18 Lishui (丽水市)



Other destinations

Yu'ao, a typical fishing village on the rugged coast of the Dayu Bay, in Zhejiang's southernmost Cangnan County.
  • 1 Mount Dalei
  • 2 Mount Putuo (普陀山) - is an island and National Park in Zhoushan, and derives its name from a sacred Buddhist mountain at the center of the island.
  • 3 Qiandaohu (千岛湖) – a scenic lake known for its clear water and 1,000+ islands (hence its nickname Thousand Island Lake)
  • 4 Yandangshan (雁荡山) - was formed 120 million years ago, is the edge of the Pacific Rim Volcanic Belt in one of the most complete, and typical of the rhyolite fire breakthroughs, experienced four phases of volcanic eruptions created the Yandang Mountain majestic and magnificent landscape.
  • 5 Moganshan (莫干山) – a mountain getaway from Shanghai
  • 6 Tiantaishan (天台山) – Rocks, waterfalls, and an ancient temple
  • Xiandu



Get in


Get around


By plane


Zhejiang is a very small province, it usually makes sense to prefer train over plane whenever possible considering both money and time.

By train


High-speed rail is most recommended. Most of the cities and towns in Zhejiang has at least one fast train station.

By taxi


Most cities have taxi providers, though online taxing platforms like Didi may be preferred.

  • Wuzhen (乌镇) is located on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and also around a net-work of other smaller canals and rivers. The town has numerous bridges, ancient harbors and water-side pavilions, and makes an excellent complimentary side-trip for visitors staying in nearby Hangzhou. Buses ply the route from Hangzhou to Wuzhen.
  • The China Danxia landscape near Jianglangshan is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
  • 1 Hengdian World Studios (横店影视城), Hengdian, Dongyang, Zhejiang, +86 579 86547211. Film studio used for the filming of Chinese period dramas, with a huge backlot featuring outdoor sets from different periods of Chinese history from the Qin Dynasty all the way up to the Republic of China era. Among the highlights is a replica of the Forbidden City, as well as a replica of the palace of Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of China. It is still in active use, and you could potentially catch some filming in action if you are lucky. In addition to Chinese period dramas, it is also often used in the filming of Korean period dramas for the scenes that are set in China. ¥180.

Zhejiang cuisine is one of the major cuisines of China. It isn't greasy and has a fresh and soft flavour with a mellow fragrance. A notable and prized product is Jinhua ham (金华火腿) from the city of Jinhua.





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