Business Videos

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a woman with her mouth open and the words avoid your company social media marketing tips
MLM Success: Can you take your company social media marketing tips seriously?
MLM Success: Can you take your company social media marketing tips seriously? Go to: - MLM Success: Can you take your company social media marketing tips seriously? Have you heard from your MLM the proper way to promote your business on social media?. And Im not talking about spamming Facebook groups with before and after pictures of your amazing products!. Your home based business will NOT show you the exactly way to promote simply because: they dont know the proper way it will require you to educate yourself Your home business is using you to promote its products and services. Now if for any reason they change the compensation plan or products you are DONE! That is the reason why you MUST find a solid alternative. {Twitter Training} Im inviting you this Wednesday at 9pm EST for an EXCLUSIVE Twitter training with my buddy Adam. He will reveal how top producers leverage Twitter to create instant authority daily traffic and leads and also how to take advantage of the recent Twitter updates and changes to grow your business. Want to learn more? Go to now MLM Success The solution is BRANDING yourself not your company. Thats my MLM success tip 1. People must feel a connection with you they must know like and trust you before they spend money with you. So if your company told you to post in as many Facebook groups you will be very disappointed to see a few OTHER thousand REPS promoting their own stuffAS WELL. STOP annoying your friends and family members on Facebook. Instead learn the ATTRACTION MARKETING. FULL Blogpost: Otherwise your business is going to fail miserably on social media. Remember you MUST be social. There is a HUGE secret you need to know in order for you to achieve the level of MLM success that you deserve. Watch the video below to find out exactly what you need to do with your post to bring attention to what you are doing when using social media Watch the video about your MLM Success and the #1 Ingredient YOU need when posting on Social Media FULL Blogpost: Replay video MLM Success: Can you take your company social media marketing tips seriously? To connect: Fill out the form OR Facebook: OR Email:
a woman with the words 5 tips to make videos that sell your biz opp more effectively
5 Tips to make videos that sell your business opportunity more effectively
5 Tips to make videos that sell your business opportunity more effectively | Are you looking to find a way to make videos that sell your business opportunity more effectively so that you can leverage your time and effort better? Awesome I've got your back!!! It's all about EDUCATING your audience and why your business is the BEST deal on the planet...according to you So please STOP throwing your PRECIOUS business link on social media hoping that somebody will sign up instantly. How to make videos that sell your biz opp effectively #1 Make Videos that sell The "Why I joined my business" video. Essential to explain WHY you decided to join your business opportunity. People get so wrapped up with SIGNING up people that they forget to mention WHY they joined. You have surely a lot to say so go for it. It can't only be for the money. Or if it is fine but share in more details instead of just throwing your precious link out there. #2 Make Videos that sell The "Back office" video. People want to know WHAT they are going to see once they sign up with you. What does the back office of your company looks like? what does it offer how do you go around it how do you get started and so on. They want to see for themselves the inside of the back office to get more familiar with it before they get started. It's AS IF they were already in the business with you. #3 Make Videos that sell The "compensation plan" video. Especially if you want to build a team your future teammates want to know how they are going to get paid. How often what does the payment structure look like do they need to build a large team (MLM model) to reach their target income or can they make a good income only by recruiting a few people (top tier direct sales model click here to watch a presentation of this business model #4 Make Videos that sell The "Training" video. You need to share what kind of marketing is going to help your teammates generate leads and make sales to build their business. This is crucial otherwise people will simply find somebody else who has a marketing strategy in place to get them going. #5 Make Videos that sell The "Vision" video. What is your vision for YOUR life and YOUR business partners?. What do you want to achieve what is your greater goal. People not only join a business but they also buy into a VISION bigger than themselves. People buy into YOU and your vision. So show them the Promised Land. Guide them to fulfil their journey. FULL BLOG POST : Watch the video below to find out how to make videos that sell Click here to learn how to brand yourself online and attract high quality leads to you so that you can create your DREAM life by design
a woman with the words 5 tips to make videos that sell your biz opp more effectively
5 Tips to make videos that sell your business opportunity more effectively Are you looking to find a way to make videos that sell your business opportunity more effectively so that you can leverage your time and effort better? Awesome I've got your back!!! It's all about EDUCATING your audience and why your business is the BEST deal on the planet...according to you . So please STOP throwing your PRECIOUS business link on social media hoping that somebody will sign up instantly. How to make videos that sell your biz opp effectively #1 Make Videos that sell The "Why I joined my business" video. Essential to explain WHY you decided to join your business opportunity. People get so wrapped up with SIGNING up people that they forget to mention WHY they joined. You have surely a lot to say so go for it. It can't only be for the money. Or if it is fine but share in more details instead of just throwing your precious link out there. #2 Make Videos that sell The "Back office" video. People want to know WHAT they are going to see once they sign up with you. What does the back office of your company looks like? what does it offer how do you go around it how do you get started and so on. They want to see for themselves the inside of the back office to get more familiar with it before they get started. It's AS IF they were already in the business with you. #3 Make Videos that sell The "compensation plan" video. Especially if you want to build a team your future teammates want to know how they are going to get paid. How often what does the payment structure look like do they need to build a large team (MLM model) to reach their target income or can they make a good income only by recruiting a few people (top tier direct sales model click here to watch a presentation of this business model #4 Make Videos that sell The "Training" video. You need to share what kind of marketing is going to help your teammates generate leads and make sales to build their business. This is crucial otherwise people will simply find somebody else who has a marketing strategy in place to get them going. #5 Make Videos that sell The "Vision" video. What is your vision for YOUR life and YOUR business partners?. What do you want to achieve what is your greater goal. People not only join a business but they also buy into a VISION bigger than themselves. People buy into YOU and your vision. So show them the Promised Land. Guide them to fulfil their journey. Watch the video below to find out how to make videos that sell Click here to learn how to brand yourself online and attract high quality leads to you so that you can create your DREAM life by design
a woman with her mouth open and the words avoid your company social media marketing tips
How to BEAT Information overload when starting a new home based business online?
How to BEAT Information overload when starting a new home based business online? 10 steps to overcome INFORMATION OVERLOAD Are you building your business and suffering from INFORMATION OVERLOAD? I know how you feel my friend but as one the quotes below's a question of choice you can decide to be overwhelmed or to say NO MORE! WHAT????? Yep let me explain how you can overcome these symptoms and be more in control of your mind and your time. The information overload syndrome is common especially with "newbies" who believe they need to know everything about everything. The excitement leads to more discoveries new territories new information saturation exhaustion and then a feeling of hopelessness. Overload and overwhelm and feeling of anxiety are very common. It's like overeating but your mind telling you to keep on eating REGARDLESS. Wrong move! I used to feel overwhelmed and I love it because I knew I was learning something new and exciting...but after a while it can come at a cost. Full BLOGPOST 10 steps to stop the overload of information Step 1: take ACTION. I could probably stop the blog post right there. As one of my mentors said "ACTION cures all" Step 2: create a DMO (daily method of operation) So you know exactly what to do on a daily basis and remember to include holidays time spent with the children your spouse training listening to webinars motivational calls to improve your mindset prospecting etc... (watch the video below for more details) Step 3: Find an accountability partner. It's all about managing information overload by finding ways to trigger you to take action and execute your plan. Step 4: Use tricks to set yourself up for success (7 figure mentor shared the strategy he used to conquer his feeling of overwhelm and inactivity into a multi-million dollar business)... Step 5: Learn and Share what you have learned. And the best thing would be to add it to your blog so you can refer people to your evergreen content. for more information about blogging continue here Step 6: feel good about yourself for taking action. Be aware of your progress no matter how small you think it is. You must recognise and acknowledge it to be able to move to higher heights. Listen to Step 7 to 10 by watching the video below One word of advice don't become a digital junky... Check these powerful and insightful information overload quotes "My brain is experiencing technical difficulties...please stand by "The result of information overload is usually distraction and it dilutes your focus and takes you out of your game. Zig Ziglar" "Information overload is a symptom of our desire to NOT FOCUS on what's important. It's a choice. Brian Solis" Watch the video below about information overload and leave a comment sharing your own experience Full BLOGPOST Click here to get unstuck and receive support through a FREE Strategy Call Session
a woman with the words 2 key steps to a build a successful home business
2 Key Steps To Build a Successful Home Business
2 Key Steps To Build a Successful Home Business - 2 Key Steps To a Successful Home Business Are you in a home based business and you want to find out how to start a successful home business? Well done for doing your due diligence. In this Vlog I'm going to share with you 2 key elements that you MUST incorporate in your marketing strategy if you don't want to leave any money on the table without complicating the process. First Step To a Successful Home Business You need to BELIEVE in what you are doing. You must believe in the products or services that you are providing. Now because you may be REALLY EXCITED about your business opportunity you might feel the URGE to share it online with as many people as you can. However failure to learn how to properly the art of marketing your home business will bring you more hostility than business. You need to know how to promote your business to its best lights NOT SPAM. In the video below I share 4 effective marketing ideas to help you build your home business effectively online. However there is SO MUCH MORE you can do. Second Step To a Successful Home Business You see not everyone who will see your information about your business will join you so what do you do with the people who might not be interested in joining your business but still want to work with you?. Apart from your home business what else can you offer? If you are ALSO able to cater for your target audience on how to get leads. That will help you stay well ahead of your competition. Still want to know how to be successful in your home business without really trying? Teach your audience how to get leads for their own business. It will build a lot of trust with your target audience which will be more willing to listen to you. What is so cool about is that those who were not interested in your business might now want to join you because of the value you shared with them and the help you provided which positions you as a great LEADER. That's the LAW of RECIPROCITY I do believe that ALL home based owners should know these two keys before starting a home business. - 2 Key Steps To a Successful Home Business Review video
two women sitting next to each other with the words is having an accent a hindance to your business
Is having an ACCENT a hindrance to your business? | Live Interview with Jelena Ostrovska
Is having an ACCENT a hindrance to your business? | Live Interview with Jelena Ostrovska - Join our online community and learn how to brand yourself online even if you have an accent. Is having an ACCENT a hindrance? | Live Interview with Jelena Ostrovska #aurorejoneslive #fearofaccent
a woman is shown with the words roadmap to success to overcome limited limits
Roadmap to Success To Overcome Limited Beliefs
Roadmap to Success To Overcome Limited Beliefs New Blogpost Are you looking for the roadmap to success and STOP your limited debilitating beliefs? You are at the right place. Let me ask you something have you ever had these limited beliefs and said to yourself: Im too young or too old no one is going to listen to me Im not making any money yet I dont have the money what if it didnt work? If the answer is yes you need 5 things: 1- a roadmap to success you need a business roadmap to help you follow your plan regardless of how you feel then if you still want to feel bad again thats ok but follow the roadmap first! 2- stop getting ready to get ready because it will erode your confidence and leave you powerless (I know thatIm a recovering procrastinator) 3- a mastermind partner or a coach to give you constructive feedback and clarity on what you are doing and help you move forward 4- think about these RAGS to RICHES stories. What happened when they hit rock bottom and STILL overcoming their limiting beliefs what was the trigger which made them bounce back and become extremely successful? They ALL HAD a BURNING DESIRE FAITH...and followed a Roadmap to Success regardless of their situation 5- if you are not willing to invest any time energy financial resources to learn how to set your empty pockets free its time to drop everything and RUN away from your entrepreneurial adventure Excited for this Wednesday! This Wednesday as part of the weekly training we host at 9pm EST we are hosting a LIVE Training. In this PART 2 you will be shown the roadmap you can use today to GET MORE LEADS & SALES for ANY BUSINESS and it works with ANY business. If you havent registered yet go to Im sure it WILL BE a life changing webinar for you.
a woman is smiling with the words what's the best online marketing strategy as a newbie
What are best online marketing strategies to use as a newbie?
What are best online marketing strategies to use as a newbie? FULL blogpost at Would you like to find out what are the best online marketing strategies to use as a newbie? This post will show you how to stand out from the other reps and create an instant trust and likeability. Which is so crucial if you want to grow your business without being pushy or salesy. Excited for this Wednesday! This Wednesday as part of the weekly training we host at 9pm EST we are hosting a LIVE Training. In this PART 2 you will be shown the roadmap you can use today to GET MORE LEADS & SALES for ANY BUSINESS and it works with ANY business. If you havent registred yet go to Im sure it WILL BE a life changing webinar for you. What are best online marketing strategies to use as a newbie? As you know there is a countless number of online marketing strategies out there. So far in the social media jungle we have: Facebook Youtube Pinterest Instagram Busker Snapchat Google plus Blab (oops gone) and the list goes on. To be honest it can be quite overwhelming to get started or even chose only one marketing strategy to start with. However it seems that there is mainly ONE which absolutely stands out from the rest and will help you brand yourself position yourself as an expert very fast and also will help you build trust instant likeability. BUT many wont do it BECAUSE they find it too scary and they believe that they dont have what it takes to use it as part of their online marketing strategies. FULL blogpost at
a person holding an iphone with the text how to make eye - catching graphics for social media
FULL Tutorial: How to Make Graphics for Social Media
FULL Tutorial: How to Make Graphics for Social Media Go to to review ALL the tools used - FULL Vlog: How to Make Graphics for your Social Media Pictures. Have you ever wondered how you could make eye-catching graphics on social media to grow your brand? I remember being simply MESMERISED by some of the pictures I saw online and I had no clue how to make awesome graphics myself. Until. I Figured It Out So now its your time to learn my little graphics secrets. Watch the video
a woman is looking at the camera and has an ad for her website that says, what is the best online marketing strategy?
What is the best online marketing strategy? One of my coaching clients asked me what was the best marketing strategies. So in this Facebook live below I'm sharing what I think is the current best online marketing strategy which can get you online fame fast to build your home business. What is the best online marketing?
two people sitting next to each other with the words straight talk from the joness
Tag Video with My Husband: STRAIGHT Talk about Online Marketing , Live Events, and So on!
Tag Video with My Husband: STRAIGHT Talk about Online Marketing , Live Events, and So on!