Ancient Peoples

Petroglyphs, Rock Drawings, Cave Paintings all over the world are all proof that Man was there. Funny thing though as humans in the modern age we carve our initials, make elaberate chalk drawings on sidewalks and paintings on buildings and walls, make hugh sand sculptures and take selfies all to prove that WE ARE HERE!
24 Pins
advice from a cliff dwelling poster
Advice from a Cliff Dwelling Frameable Art postcard
a poster with an animal's head on it that says advice from a fossil
Advice from a Fossil Frameable Art Postcard
Fossil thoughts... that took a really long time to realize.. Native Spirituality, Mother Nature Quotes, Illustrated Quotes, Ocean Quilt, Animal Medicine, Good Advice For Life, Animal Spirit
Fossil thoughts... that took a really long time to realize..
an advertisement for petroglyph
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Advice from a Petroglyph Frameable Art Postcard
the inside of a cave filled with white and red paint on it's walls
'The oldest work of art ever': 42,000-year-old paintings of seals found in Spanish cave
These paintings of seals were discovered in the Nerja Caves near Malaga, Spain. They are at least 42,000 years old and are the only known artistic images created by Neanderthal man
an image of different types of symbols
Part 4:  Mysterious 12,000-Years-Old Gobekli Tepe, Turkey – Interview with Geologist Robert Schoch. Science | Part 4: Mysterious 12,000-Years-Old Gobekli Tepe, Turkey - Interview with Geologist Robert Schoch
some red and white drawings on the side of a rock
Altamira, Spain
an image of some kind of cave painting on the side of a wall with horses in it
The Amazing Gifts of Ice Age Artists
Lions -- #Chauvet Cave Paintings -- France -- 32,000-30,000 BCE