Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Effigies, or poppets were small innocent-looking dolls crafted in a creature's likeness and used in dark magic rituals.[1]


Effigies varied greatly in their appearance, materials, and functionality, depending on the items used in their creation and skills of the crafter. Some of them were created using rags similarly to how rag dolls were sewn.[1]


In order to gain power over another creature via dark magics, an effigy needed to represent its target, bearing some likeness. A personal item needed to be a part of the poppet. For example, a strand of hair could serve this purpose.[1]


In 1372 DR, a lizardfolk shaman Uzzak-Szalzik stole a strand of greasy hair from the Green Hag of Lizard Marsh and created an effigy of the old witch. The shaman used the effigy to torture his old enemy, cursing her with rash from bites of hundreds of fire ants. The green hag was worried the lizardman was going to end her life at any moment and sent an adventurer to steal the poppet. Later, she crafted her own effigy in likeness of Uzzak-Szalzik and bestowed an infestation of dragon lice iron him.[1]

In the late 15th century DR, an effigy depicting Halaster Blackcloak was stashed in the Willowwood of Undermountain, wrapped in an aura of conjuration magic.[3]



Tomb of AnnihilationWaterdeep: Dragon HeistWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Video Games
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

