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Ieiridauna Amalree was a half-elf woman of the 11th century DR who became a watchghost, haunting Mirt's Mansion throughout the 14th century DR.[1]


Ieiridauna appeared as a tall, slim woman with blue-black hair to her knees, and long, pale limbs. She wore a simple, tight yet flowing moonglow-colored gown. Her eyes were large, black, and full of tiny stars; she could make only parts of herself visible if she wanted to, and also she flowed without a sound, except when she needed to make noise.[1][2]


After her death, Ieiridauna resented people living where her home used to be, but later came to accept Mirt, Asper, and their friends.[1]


Not a true watchghost, Ieiridauna could not use magic but she could trigger magical objects, slightly draining them in the process, and control the wards of the home to attack intruders.[2] She could also move small items, become imperceptible,[1] and drain the life out of people whom she came into contact with.[3]


During the 14th century DR, Ieiridauna watched over Mirt's Mansion.[1][2]


Ieiridauna Amalree was the daughter of Phanturgost and Nathra.[1][2]

She was friends with Mirt and Asper, and quite friendly with their guests, most often including Elminster, whose lifeforce she supped from sometimes.[3]

The Chosen of Mystra all knew Ieiridauna as a helpful "creature of the Weave".[1]


She lived with her parents as of the Year of the Final Test, 1036 DR, the year in which the two of them returned to their home, Thrauntspire, from a Netherese ruin with eight sorcerers from lands south of Calimshan as guests. During dinner, these sorcerers attacked as one, launching slaying spells; her father died protecting the two of them during the battle, and her mother soon after. Ieiridauna tried to escape, reaching for her parents' stash of artifacts, but a stray spell caused an explosion upon coming into contact with them, and both her and the eight mages were annihilated.[1]

She coalesced centuries later as a ghost and discovered that Mirt's Mansion was built where her home used to be, leaving only the cellars intact. Taking a quick disliking to Mirt, she tried to haunt him and scare him into leaving. Instead, on first sighting her, Mirt simply asked her what she'd like. She fled, reeling, only to find herself pursued and comforted by Mirt and Asper, his wife. They were friends ever since.[1]

The watchghost fought off Evaereol Rathrane when the latter tried to stalk Laeral Silverhand in Mirt's Mansion late in the Year of the Prince, 1357 DR, making him flee, but not before the ghostly entity learned of the spellfire wielder, Shandril Shessair. Her scream was heard even by Paraster Montheir, who was leaving Mirt's Mansion at the time.[2]

Ieiridauna Amalree greeted Elminster and reluctantly drank of his lifeforce in the Year of Rogue Dragons, 1373 DR right before he met Mirt, with whom he discussed his upcoming investigation of the Rightful Conspiracy.[3]



Novels & Short Stories


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Ed Greenwood (2004-06-20). Character Profile: Ieiridauna Amalree (HTML). Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2004-06-03.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Ed Greenwood (September 2002). Hand of Fire. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 16, pp. 201–202. ISBN 0-7869-2760-7.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Ed Greenwood (May 2005). Elminster's Daughter. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 1, pp. 14–15. ISBN 978-0786937684.