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Mortimer "Morte" Rictusgrin was a fighter who, after greatly betraying the Nameless One and being condemned to exist in the form of a floating skull, became a planar traveler and guide.[2][1]


Morte's entire body comprised a humanoid floating skull, with two, pale-blue eyes sending a piercing gaze from its sockets. He hovered approximately 5 feet (1.5 meters) above the ground. It was unclear what force allowed him to stay within the air and move around (something that he himself did not know). His skull and teeth were very tough, and he was able to propel himself through the air with enough force to make him a durable and a formidable foe.[2]


Morte was a very witty, humorous, and raucous individual who would talk non-stop if given the opportunity. He loved to spit innovative insults at his foes, boast about himself and his deeds at any given moment, and would frequently act flirtatiously with female creatures that he found attractive. Despite his easy-going and at times opportunistic attitude, he truly cared about folks close to him and would not hesitate to protect them, with his own bony exterior if necessary. He often referred to those he was talking with as "chief", and would not drop his jovial attitude even for a minute, no matter how grim a situation he was in, but he was most definitely not immune to cowardice.[2]

Thanks to the very long time that he'd spent exploring the planes, he had a considerable amount of knowledge and experience regarding the various places within the multiverse and their inhabitants. However, due to his personality and tendency to exaggerate facts for dramatic effect and fill in the gaps in his knowledge with the products of his imagination, his stories were always to be taken with a grain of salt.[1]

He often described himself as a mimir, but this was only a cover story to hide his true background and make himself appear more knowledgeable and reliable than he truly was. Additionally, he frequently said that he was the skull of the archlich Vecna.[2][1][3]


Morte had a long and painful relationship with the Nameless One. As he was responsible for the death of his first incarnation and potentially for the curse that plagued him, he felt extremely guilty and wanted to make it up to him in any way possible. Because of this, he would stick with the Nameless One for many years and assist him however he could no matter what, even if the current incarnation would treat him poorly. Likewise, whenever a new incarnation came to be, Morte was usually the first one to greet it once it gained it's consciousness. [2]


Not much was known about his life before transformation into a sentient skull. Morte himself knew very little about that period, as most of his memories were wiped following his death. It is certain, however, that he lied to the Nameless One in a heinous way that possibly led to his first death, and could even have been the one to direct him to Ravel Puzzlewell, thus indirectly being responsible for the Nameless One's curse.[2]

When I came to free you from the fate you deserved, you couldn't help but try and help me. And when you could have left after I freed you, you remained. Because you felt indebted.
— The Nameless One about Morte's companionship[2]

Morte's transformation occurred after his death, when his soul was embedded within the Pillar of Skulls as a punishment for his sins. He was later found and pulled out of the Pillar by the Practical Incarnation of the Nameless One. Upon seeing him, Morte involuntarily felt an intense guilt, which led him to believe that he'd betrayed the Nameless One in the past, despite not being able to recall the details. Because of this, Morte ended up becoming his companion, as a means to pay him back for the wrongdoings he had committed.[2]

The Practical Incarnation eventually found out what Morte had done to him and had a tattoo drawn on his back that said "Don't trust the skull" as a warning for his future selves. Morte omitted this detail when assisting future incarnations, in hopes that he could earn his trust and help the Nameless One regain his mortality before he found out about the tattoo.[2]

Eventually, the Nameless One succeeded in his quest, and Morte was freed from his self-imposed servitude. Afterwards, he decided to become a full-time planar traveler and guide within the city of Sigil, happily lending his expertise and knowledge of the planes for a favor or some coin.[1]


Behind the Scenes[]

In the Planescape: Torment game, Morte is voiced by Rob Paulsen.


External Links[]

