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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Tholan the Beautiful was a ranger who once paramour a coven of witches but later earned their scorn by marrying another.[1]


Sometime before 1372 DR, Tholan the Beautiful found himself a lover of a witch coven known as Newt's Brood. Being a ranger with endless wanderlust, he often traveled far away from his lovers and stayed away for long periods of time. To keep an eye on him, the Newt's Brood created a suit of enchanted chainmail for the man, the Zeal's Walk. Eventually, Tholan met another woman and, soon after, married her. To avoid his ex-lovers' retribution, Tholan disposed of the magic armor. The happy couple's final fate remained unknown.[1]



Video Games
Referenced only
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

