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I met the man of my dreams on the dance floor.

—Sebastian Smythe, The First Time

Sebastian Smythe is an openly gay recurring character on Glee during the third, fourth and fifth seasons. He is the former lead singer of the Dalton Academy Warblers, is originally portrayed as the show's main villain in his introduction at the beginning of Season Three. He is captain of the Warblers during the third season, and for much of it leads them in a personal vendetta against the New Directions. In Season Four, he is demoted from his position, being replaced by Hunter Clarington. After Hunter is forced to step down due to drug scandals, Sebastian is reinstated, and remains in the position. He is last seen helping Blaine propose to Kurt in Love, Love, Love and graduated off-screen after these events. Since his first appearance in Season 3, he is mostly mentioned by Kurt Hummel, verbally or in his head.

He was portrayed by actor Grant Gustin.


The First Time

Sebastian first appears in The First Time during the Warblers' performance of Uptown Girl. Upon seeing Blaine, Sebastian takes immediate interest and takes his hand to join him in the song showing his confident nature. Blaine invites Sebastian as well as the rest of the Warblers to their opening night of West Side Story. Immediately following the song, the two are shown speaking at a table in what is assumed to be Dalton's cafe. Sebastian shamelessly flirts with Blaine and indicates that Blaine was a "legend" amongst the students at Dalton and says Blaine is "sex on a stick and sings like a dream," and asks why Blaine transferred. The scene is intercut with the performance of A Boy Like That/I Have a Love, suggesting Sebastian's promiscuity. Blaine seems bashful and flustered by his advances; however, he agrees to see Sebastian again for more "insight... Warbler to Warbler." They later visit the Lima Bean, where Sebastian continues to flirt with Blaine. Blaine responds by explaining that he has a boyfriend. They are interrupted when Kurt himself enters the scene. It is clear that Kurt feels threatened by Sebastian's desire for sexual relations with Blaine so Kurt asserts his dominance over Blaine by linking arms with him. Sebastian, after implying that their relationship is unexciting, invites them to visit the gay bar Scandals in West Lima with him. Blaine initially declines the offer, but Kurt is quick to decide for the both of them that they will go.

Sebastian manages to get them all fake ID's. Kurt and Blaine meet him at the bar, and Kurt admits, "I really don't like that guy." Sebastian gives Blaine a beer, and Kurt, the assumed designated driver, a Shirley Temple. While Kurt and Karofsky are conversing, Sebastian dances with Blaine. He is later seen with the rest of the Warblers watching West Side Story.

Hold on to Sixteen

Sebastian approaches Blaine and Kurt at the Lima Bean, saying that he was checking out "This Guy" before recognizing it was Blaine, by his hair. He asks Blaine why he hasn't been online. Blaine says they've been practicing for Sectionals and


congratulates him on the Warblers' win at their Sectionals. Sebastian assures him that Blaine is capable of whipping the New Directions into a "legitimate threat." Blaine abruptly leaves for more coffee, leaving Sebastian and Kurt alone. After each bluntly states their dislike for the other, they trade insults, culminating in Sebastian revealing that by the end of the year he plans on having Blaine and the Nationals trophy. Blaine returns and Sebastian leaves, winking at Kurt and advising Kurt to "take care of that Warbler."
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During New Directions' Sectionals performance, Sebastian is seen in the audience cheering on Blaine and giving standing ovations. At one point he makes eye contact with Kurt during the performance, causing a visible reaction from Kurt.


Sebastian interrupts a conversation between Kurt, Artie, Santana, Rachel, and Blaine at the Lima Bean.


Sebastian at the Lima Bean

Sebastian explains that the Warblers plan on taking the New Directions' idea of performing Michael Jackson at Regionals, information Blaine leaked to him during their phone conversations. After Santana ultimately fails to reciprocate Sebastian's insults towards her, Sebastian says "I'm captain of the Warblers now and I'm tired of playing nice," ending their exchange.

The New Directions infuriated by the Warblers stealing their song choices, ultimately decide to have a duel with the Warblers to settle who gets to sing Michael Jackson at Regionals. Responding to this, Sebastian, accompanied by the Warblers, meets New Directions in a parking garage to duel the New Directions through the performance of Bad. The Warblers all assist Sebastian in passing around a slushie for him to toss at Kurt. The attempt is foiled when Blaine jumps in the way at the last second. Initially Sebastian is disappointed that it hit Blaine, but all of the Warblers walk away from the scene, none of them attempting to help him.


Smooth Criminal

Back at Dalton, Santana visits him and informs him that Blaine would need surgery for a scratched cornea, and she relates her suspicions that the slushy had been tampered with. They duel over a performance of Smooth Criminal. It ends with Santana pestering Sebastian for a confession about what he had added. Sebastian admits to adding rock salt, a halite mineral used commercially to keep ice cold. The Warblers, knowing about Blaine's injury, the rock salt, and Dalton's zero-tolerance bullying policy, assist Sebastian once again by handing him yet another (non-tampered with) slushie to throw at Santana. Little to his knowledge Santana was wearing a hidden microphone that recorded his confession.

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Sebastian watching their performance

The Warblers and Sebastian are invited by the New Directions to watch them perform Black or White in an effort to explain what Michael's music is really about. During the performance, all the Warblers get up and join the New Directions, apart from Sebastian, who stays in his seat. Santana reveals that she had recorded his confession and could use it to get him kicked out of Dalton or even arrested. However, Kurt decides that he'd rather be able to compete against him at Regionals, and Santana gives the tape to Sebastian. Sebastian leaves.

On My Way

Sebastian is seen in the beginning of the episode trying to blackmail Rachel into dropping out of Sectionals by threatening to post a photo-shopped picture of Finn naked on the Internet. Sebastian and Kurt exchange insults back and forth. Momentarily before he finishes, he says she has 24 hours to drop out.

After the revelation of Dave Karofsky's suicide, Sebastian calls Blaine, Kurt, Santana, and Brittany to a meeting at The Lima Bean. He apologizes to Blaine for his eye, telling him it was a joke that went too far, and admits that he destroyed the doctored photos of Finn. He proceeds to say that he has never taken things too seriously, flashing back to a scene at Scandals where David Karofsky is talking to him, asking for advice on how to get a guy, and Sebastian insults him calling him "100 pounds overweight" and his eyebrows makes him look like Liberace. He ends the exchange saying that he should remain in the closet. He, visibly upset, proceeds to say that it's "All fun and games, until it's not." Sebastian says that they are taking donations to Lady Gaga's Born This Way fund and are dedicating their performance to Dave, win, lose or draw and invites the New Directions to do the same.


At Regionals after the Warblers perform Glad You Came as an opening number, he pauses in their performance to remind the audience to donate before leading the Warblers in perform their next song C'mon C'mon. He is seen openly cheering for the New Directions as they perform.

In the end when the Warblers place second, he and Blaine are seen shaking hands. This is the final time Sebastian is seen in Season Three.

Dance with Somebody

He is mentioned when Blaine and Kurt are arguing. Blaine is said to have texted Sebastian everyday and night like Chandler texted Kurt, but Blaine explains that he and Sebastian's texts were "family-friendly." Later Blaine admits he was "Kinda doing the same thing" with Sebastian. This is the final time Sebastian is mentioned in Season Three.

The Break-Up

When Blaine confessed that he had cheated on Kurt, Kurt automatically assumes it was Sebastian due to their history, though Blaine denies it and tells Kurt that it was someone else that he had cheated with.

Dynamic Duets


Blaine mistakes a blurred faced Hunter in a video for Sebastian and returns to Dalton to confront him, thinking he stole the New Directions' nationals trophy. Sebastian instead insists he has turned over a new leaf and directs him to Hunter instead, after revealing he has stepped down as captain of the Warblers. He takes the lead in enticing Blaine into performing My Dark Side with the Warblers.

He appears again later in the episode on a balcony with Hunter witnessing Blaine and Sam escaping with the nationals trophy.


In this episode, Sebastian performs two songs with The Warblers at Sectionals: Whistle, sung by Hunter, and Live While We're Young, which was his solo. When The Rosedale Mennonites performed, Sebastian was seen sitting in the audience smiling and chuckling to the performance.

Swan Song

In Swan Song, it is revealed that the Warblers claimed victory at Sectionals.

Sadie Hawkins

Sam and Blaine begin to investigate the Warblers cheating. Sebastian is briefly mentioned when Sam and Blaine get proof from Trent that they took drugs and cheated.

Love, Love, Love

Sebastian is first seen in the Warbler choir room during the performance of Help!, after which he interrupts Trent when he tries to speak on behalf of the Warblers, then requesting a show of hands in support of Blaine. Later in the episode he dances and sings backup with the rest of the Warblers during All You Need Is Love, and is seen celebrating Kurt and Blaine's engagement.

Loser Like Me

Kurt begs in his mind that Blaine's partner isn't Sebastian. He is also not present within the new group of Warblers, suggesting he graduated prior to this episode.


Sebastian is a foil character for the New Directions. He has been shown to be condescending, forward, snarky, cocky, and unapologetic. He also appears to be extremely snobby, as he openly hates living in Ohio, as well as the idea of going to a public school. Originally described as being the "male Santana," he is one of the only characters who can effectively out-do her in terms of insults.

He is openly gay, and continually makes advances on Blaine throughout much of Season Three, spoiling relationships between him and Kurt. He is generally promiscuous, and frequents Scandals, a gay bar in Lima, looking for men to pick up.

Otherwise, not much is known about his background, apart from having a father who is a state attorney. Sebastian's mean-spirited personality and actions have earned him the position of a villain for the New Directions. He appears to be used to getting his way, and seems to be willing to do anything to get what he wants as he doesn't give up on Blaine and blackmails Rachel to forfeit.

Sebastian attempts to begin an act of redemption in On My Way, apologizing to Blaine and trying to make things right between the show choirs, and for himself after some of the cruel things he said to Dave. In Dynamic Duets, he tells Blaine that he's done playing the villain and has decided to leave that position to Hunter Clarington.


Main article: Blaine-Sebastian Relationship (Seblaine)
Sebastian transfers to Dalton Academy the year after Blaine leaves, and hears a lot about him from his fellow Warblers. He thus quite excited to meet Blaine in
person. He makes Blaine drink a coffee with him, and takes him to a gay bar. Much to Kurt's dismay, Sebastian shows a lot of interest in Blaine, causing conflict between them. Blaine appears to be friendly towards Sebastian, until Michael, when the Warblers attempt to copy the New Directions' Regionals-setlist, and Sebastian blinds Blaine with a flavoured slushie. They only make up in On My Way, when Sebastian apologizes for his bad deeds.

Blaine suspects Sebastian is behind the robbery of the New Directions' Nationals trophy, when it is in fact Hunter Clarington. Sebastian does, however, help Hunter persuade Blaine transfer back to the Dalton Academy Warblers, but their attempts are ultimatively fruitless.

Despite their bad history, Sebastian agrees to help Blaine set up a proposal for Kurt in Love Love Love.

Kurt and Sebastian are unintentionally introduced to one another at The Lima Bean when Kurt catches him and Blaine drinking coffee together. Kurt instantly feels threatened by him and even admits to Blaine when they see him later: "I really don't like that guy." Kurt is the one to accept Sebastian's invitation to Scandals, presumably because he wanted to show Blaine that he, too, could be fun like Sebastian. Sebastian treats Kurt condescendingly, teasing him about his lack of sexiness, as well as giving him a Shirley Temple while automatically assuming him to be the designated driver. Kurt is shown jealously watching as Blaine dances with him. In Hold on to Sixteen, Kurt's feelings are made expressly clear when he confronts Sebastian about his dislike for him. Sebastian reacts to this by reciprocating these adverse feelings. The two of them keep their feelings for one another from Blaine, who seems to have been unaware that any arguing had gone on at all. When Kurt spots Sebastian at Sectionals, he is shown having a very negative reaction to his presence. In Michael, Kurt and Sebastian's hate for one another peaks when Sebastian injures Blaine in a failed attempt to slushy Kurt, and Kurt becomes infuriated with Sebastian and deems that he is "evil" and calls him the "criminal chipmunk."

Main article: Santana-Sebastian Relationship (Sebtana)
During Michael, a rivalry grows between Santana and Sebastian. Later in the episode, Santana shows up at Dalton Academy to get answers to what was in the slushie that damaged Blaine. In a deleted scene, while Sebastian and The Warblers are singing I Want You Back, Sebastian pushes Santana then proceeds to call her names as they walk out. The two end up singing Smooth Criminal and soon after they finish, Sebastian reveals that he put rock salt in the slushie that damaged Blaine's eye and then proceeds to slushie Santana. In On My Way, their rivalry has loosened up as Sebastian is seeing the repercussion of his actions towards Karofsky and apologizes to her, Brittany, Kurt, and Blaine. In fact, during Regionals, Sebastian smiles as Santana is singing What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger).


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Main article: Sebastian's Quotes