Ask the Author: J. Lincoln Fenn

“Ask me a question.” J. Lincoln Fenn

Answered Questions (9)

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J. Lincoln Fenn I tend to write as much as I can, then as things evolve or change, go back through and edit the previous chapter. Like three steps forward, two steps back, then another three steps forward. Then afterward, anything that's unnecessary gets cut.
J. Lincoln Fenn Well I'm so happy you enjoyed it. I just (and I mean just) finished my next novel The Nightmarchers, which will be coming out from Simon & Schuster, so keep an eye out for it. Thanks for spreading the word and sorry it's taken a bit to respond - just been in mad book writing mode for months.
J. Lincoln Fenn DEAD SOULS, which hits Sept. 2oth. If I finish the edits...
J. Lincoln Fenn Hey Anita, thanks for the question. Coming up next is a standalone novel DEAD SOULS, scheduled to land next September at a bookstore near you. I hear you on a POE sequel and am percolating ideas although Dimitri is VERY against anything else bad happening to him - he's currently undergoing therapy for PTSD. But when he's well enough...
J. Lincoln Fenn I feel like that too, but I have a couple of stand-alone horror novels in the pipeline for Simon & Schuster that will come out first. Follow me on Facebook ( or sign up for my newsletter ( to get updates.

What would you think of a post- POE trilogy but from Lisa's POV?

J. Lincoln Fenn Glad you enjoyed it Michelle (and that you didn't have to bury it). Ultimately poor Dimitri will suffer more indignity, however before that happens I have a couple of other horror novels in the pipeline, DEAD SOULS (2016) and THE NIGHTMARCHERS (2017) coming out from Simon & Schuster's Gallery Books. If you enjoyed POE, I think you'll like DEAD SOULS too - it's also very character driven.
J. Lincoln Fenn Make a schedule, and put your writing on it. Break it down by weekly page goals, know what your daily word count needs to be to reach those goals. And then build 'oops' weeks into your schedule, so when life happens (and it happens) you know you have a some buffer time.

Dedicated daily writing is the best and cheapest MFA in town.

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