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Fast Track #5

Slow Ride

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As a tribute to her late journalist father, Tuesday Jones is planning a career benefit, auctioning off racing memorabilia and meet-and-greets with drivers. Ex-racing star Diesel Lange has had his own brush with death, and is determined not to waste another minute of his life- especially when he meets Tuesday. He wants nothing more than to shift their romance into high gear, but he knows she's still grieving. Can Diesel do the one thing he could never do on the track and take it slow?

283 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published October 4, 2011

About the author

Erin McCarthy

196 books4,810 followers
USA Today and New York Times Bestselling author Erin McCarthy sold her first book in 2002 and has since written over seventy novels and novellas in teen fiction, new adult, and adult romance. Erin has a special weakness for high-heeled boots, beaches and martinis. She lives in Ohio with her family, two grumpy cats and a socially awkward dog.

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 248 reviews
Profile Image for Ingie.
1,424 reviews167 followers
May 24, 2015
Written May 23, 2015

3.8 Stars - Amusing, touchy-feely and witty

Book #5

Slow Ride is the fifth part in a m/f series I mostly liked much every time so far. I read the two by myself and this will be my third as a audiobook. ~ 7:33 hrs narrated by Emily Durante, a voice I like a lot. She is absolutely perfect for these books.

"Fast Track" are m/f contemporary romances about a bunch of NASCAR drivers (stock car racing), their women and friends. Always good stand-alone romances in a lighthearted, funny and hot steamy style. (Reviews: )


Time for Tuesday Jones and the ex-racing star Daniel 'Diesel' Lange's own book. Both friends to Kendall & Evan from the recent book now getting to know each other on their friends wedding reception.
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These characters have each of them their own (life) problems to solve and struggle with. She mourns her recently dead father and have a tendency to push away bad feelings using too much alcohol. He still suffers from the aftereffects of the car-crash in the racing circuit a couple of years ago. He also lost a bit of confidence of his manhood.

But no worries, this is not a story filled with anxiety and sadness, on the contrary, these books are lighthearted romantic entertainment reads with moderately high steaming factor. - A tease of yummy kink, much laughter, well written dialogue with banters and a perfect sweet (believable) closure. I really liked and cared for these lovebirds Tuesday and Diesel as well. She is a tough naughty lady and he is the kind of man you want to catch and marry. ~ Just lovely.
 photo 47525e40-84d8-4046-93e8-a2a05e0f9ef8_zpstdtxhg0m.jpg

I'm happy and satisfied and I already look forward to pick up the next part (#6 - Jacked Up) from this (for some unknown reason) "perfect-for-me" series.


I LIKE - lighthearted CR listenings for sunny days
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,656 reviews4,711 followers
October 12, 2011
Thoughts After Reading:

3 ½-4 stars – Contemporary Romance

This series seems to have lost a little speed with this and the previous book. I'm hoping things get back on the "Fast Track" with Jacked Up, which based on the snippet at the end of this is finally going to be Eve's book. Although it's not my favorite of the series, Slow Ride is still an entertaining, steamy, and satisfying contemporary romance. I'm hoping Eve's book revs the series up a bit!

Thoughts Before Reading:

"Slow ride, take it easy - Slow ride, take it easy
Slow down, go down, got to get your lovin' one more time
Hold me, roll me, slow ridin' woman you're so fine"

Oh sorry...I got distracted singing "Slow Ride" by Foghat for a minute.

Is anyone else really disappointed that there's a woman and a freaking t-shirt covering up the hunky man chest on this cover? I much prefer the chesty goodness of these studtastic specimens:

Flat-Out Sexy (Fast Track, #1) by Erin McCarthy
Hard and Fast (Fast Track, #2) by Erin McCarthy
Hot Finish (Fast Track, #3) by Erin McCarthy

And there's a woman partially covering up this cover hunk, too, but at least he's shirtless.

The Chase (Fast Track, #4) by Erin McCarthy

Profile Image for Auntee.
1,336 reviews1,444 followers
October 27, 2011
I really loved this book, which surprised me, because after reading a few reviews I didn't have high hopes. But I loved it because...well basically, it entertained me.:) It was a quick easy read, filled with witty dialogue and sexy, sometimes snarky banter, and featured the most adorable, husband-worthy male lead of this series (outside of Elec Monroe, that is) in retired race car driver Daniel "Diesel" Lange. Oh how I loved this sexy, kind, thoughtful, big-hearted and slightly insecure hunk!


Diesel has been retired from racing for 2 years after a crash that left him with serious injuries and a permanently damaged knee. The shaggy blond Diesel doesn't have much family left (no father; his mother and brother recently died, and his cousin Pete Briggs (Flat-Out Sexy) died in a race accident years ago) except his aunt and uncle and his dog Wilma, but that's okay. He may be a bit lonely and no longer has the career he loved but he has a nice house, isn't hurting for money, and spends his time restoring racing classics. His knee injury (and an embarrassing incident with a woman because of it) has him a little gun-shy around the opposite sex, but when he reacquaints himself with a bold, sexy, slightly inebriated woman at a friend's (Evan Monroe from The Chase) wedding, he gets the feeling that it's time to get back in the saddle again.

Tuesday "Talledega" Jones is a sports writer and race car blogger. The tall, dark-haired beauty is maid-of-honor at her best friend Kendall Holbrook Monroe's wedding reception, and she's feeling kind of melancholy about her sports writer dad (who recently passed away after a 3 month battle with cancer). If Tuesday ever got married, her beloved dad wouldn't be around to walk her down the aisle...Tuesday is having a rough time grieving for her father, and she turns to alcohol to help her get past the pain.

A tipsy Tuesday spies Diesel at the reception, and wonders if he remembers lending her a shoulder to cry on at the cemetery after her father's funeral. She brazenly flirts and propositions him, but an amused and turned on Diesel doesn't take advantage of the increasingly drunk Tuesday. When he hits the sheets with Tuesday, dom-in-the-bedroom Diesel wants sub-in-the-bedroom Tuesday sober and fully aware of what's happening.

Oh yeah...it doesn't take long for these two to act on the sexual attraction brewing between them. And my goodness, their first time together...hot! Actually, all their times together are oh so hawt--I felt like I was reading an erotic romance. Diesel is a delicious combination of both an alpha (in the bedroom) and beta (quiet, laid back) man. He's the total opposite of Tuesday, who is talkative, sarcastic, snarky, emotional, and high energy. But they both have big hearts, have some insecurities around the opposite sex, and have some issues dealing with their respective grief and how they handle it (his career, her father's death). Diesel prefers to bury his grief and not think/talk about it, and Tuesday hides hers behind a smile and/or sarcasm and increasingly, a wine bottle.

This book is all about the relationship between Diesel and Tuesday, and despite how well they get along in the bedroom, do they have what it takes to make it beyond that? Do they both want the same things? Are they compatible or will their different personalities drive them apart or bring them closer together? Can they communicate and be emotionally as well as physically intimate with each other? Can they open themselves up to the possibility of love and risk being hurt?

So yes, I was thoroughly entertained by this book, and enjoyed reading some updates and tied up loose ends (no spoilers!) about Elec and Tamara, Ty and Imogene, Ryder and Suzanne, and Evan and Kendall. It was good to see all of them again. This book deals convincingly about the grieving process, but I felt the ending was a little bit too rushed and neatly wrapped up Tuesday's drinking problem. I also didn't think

If you enjoy hot and sexy, adorable laid back heroes and feisty, sassy, talkative heroines, you're going to love this book. No need to enjoy NASCAR or anything like that, so no worries. Get ready for a fast, quick ride and enjoy Slow Ride like I did--it's a tasty bit of brain candy for a rainy afternoon! 4 1/2 stars

Profile Image for Saly.
3,434 reviews568 followers
October 5, 2011
Rating 3.5

Slow Ride is the story of Kendall's friend Tuesday who writes sports blog.
Tuesday just lost her father to cancer and on his funeral cries all over Daniel "Diesel", her dad's favorite race car driver.

They meet again at Kendall's wedding where a drunk Tuesday hits on him. Diesel stopped driving after his accident and has suffered many doubts since combined with his personal losses(mother, brother etc).

He's incredibly sweet and understanding. My problem with the book was that it seemed to be about sex, there was not much depth, both Tuesday and Daniel had problems, Tuesday who refused to deal with her father's death and drank and Daniel who didn't talk about his accident.

The baby situation from the last book was solved. Also Tuesday was a bit bitchy as well, not very attractive.

Then in the end everything suddenly becomes okay, way too fast in my opinion. The book was enjoyable but not without faults.
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,319 reviews726 followers
October 6, 2011
I’m not a car race fan in real life, but I do like the idea of this series that follows these drivers lives. However, this one just doesn’t quite rev my engine.

Daniel “Diesel” Lange first meets Tuesday Jones at her father’s funeral. Diesel was her father’s favorite race car driver, until Diesel got into a horrible crash which crushed his knee. Unable to drive anymore, Diesel now restores vintage race cars and leads a pretty quiet life. Tuesday writes a very popular blog gossiping about the lives of the drivers on and off the track.

Devastated by her father’s passing, she still is on shaky ground when she goes to her best friend’s wedding a few days later. Unintentionally eating a piece of coconut cake, which she hates, she accidentally ends up spitting it out…in Diesel’s hand. Diesel is amused by this very verbal, outgoing woman. Tuesday turns to lots and lots of champagne to get her through the evening, and Diesel, being the gentleman, makes sure she gets home safely and that nothing happens between them that night. But these two are very attracted to each other and they start to pursue a relationship.

It is kind of hard to write a longer summary for this book because there really isn’t a lot that happens. There is no real conflict – just Diesel and Tuesday dating, having sex (a lot of sex) a little fight, and then a happily ever after. I kept waiting for a conflict, something to push this story along, but nothing ever comes about. Throughout the book, Tuesday is working through her grief over her father’s death. This leads her to drink wine, to a somewhat excessive amount. She gets tipsy more than once, and embarrasses herself towards the end of the book. We are led to believe this is a big deal – and Diesel is always very disappointed when she turns to the wine. Partly because Diesel doesn’t like to see Tuesday act drunk, but he also can’t have sex with her if she has been drinking and that is just a downer! The drinking angle just didn’t do it for me – if she is really going to have a drinking problem, to the point she needs counseling and to give up alcohol all together, her few times of getting drunk in this book didn’t live up to that.

Speaking of sex, wow this book has a lot of sex in it. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. The sex scenes are not only plentiful but drawn out. One thing I enjoyed in this book is that Diesel has a very serious knee injury, and in every situation in the book, Diesel is always reminded he can’t quite function fully with it. It puts a little doubt in his head – sometimes embarrasses him when he winces or he can’t put full weight on it when in bed with Tuesday, or even in just a normal circumstance. Diesel likes to be in control in the bedroom and Tuesday, while she says she likes to submit, she is pretty feisty herself. The sex scenes are done well, but I think with the lack of conflict, they just go on and on and sacrifice the plot.

I also think the argument at the end, and how things are resolved, is really rushed and felt forced.

What it comes down to is that I didn’t love Tuesday. She has her funny, sarcastic moments, but I don’t think she is fleshed out well or that we really get to know her. I connected with Diesel a little more and the sex scenes are erotic, but without much else pushing this story along, this isn’t one I can recommend.
Profile Image for Jacqueline J.
3,534 reviews348 followers
February 11, 2012
Decent quick read. I enjoyed the character of the hero particularly. There were some fun bits where they were flirting with each other in the beginning that I really enjoyed. Didn't like the heroine so much. I think I just didn't really like reading about a heroine with a drinking problem.

It was fun to catch up with some of the characters from previous books.
Profile Image for Splage.
614 reviews387 followers
January 2, 2012
3 1/2 STARS Another sexy read in this series and an opposites attract romance- and boy were they opposites. The hero Diesel was a dreamboat and I loved his personality. Easygoing, respectful, reserved, and grounded- not full of himself AND a Dom in the bedroom. He was no longer a driver because of a horrible accident in a NASCAR race. He accepted his forced retirement with dignity, lived a quiet life, and wanted a relationship, not bimbos or just random sex. The heroine, Tuesday was crazy, it was hysterical at first. So high energy and she would say exactly what she thought, no filters. She wore me out and I started to see her more as a spoiled brat, but there was definite chemistry and hot, hot sex between the two of them. She also had a drinking problem because she was trying to deal with her father's death. I think towards the end she exhausted Diesel too and he was questioning if he could really live with her. It was a sweet book and the characters from all the previous books were there so you could catch up on there stories as well.

Erin McCarthy is an auto buy for me and I usually move her to the top of my TBR list. She writes page turner stories with scorching HOT sex scenes (almost erotica), but they aren't so drawn out that they lose there excitement. This wasn't my favorite of the series, but I do love Race Car Drivers because of this series!

September 19, 2015
This review was posted at Under The Covers

I find myself at odds on how to rate this book. First of all, I haven't been a fan of Ms. Tuesday Jones a.k.a. Tuesday Talladega, gossip blogger extraordinaire. But she started to grow on me in the last book. Fast forward to the beginning of this book and I was actually liking her.

Her father has just passed away, which was a big thing for her and she's still struggling with her grief. Her best friend just got married. And she has to figure out how to deal and move on.

Along comes Diesel. He's a retired stock car driver, who had a pretty bad accident and because of that has been off the track and off the public eye since. Tuesday and Diesel are about as polar opposites as you can get. She's outspoken, outgoing, calls it like it is, and pretty much doesn't know what a mouth filter is. Diesel is more serious, very private, and likes to be in control.

As a couple, these two had me from the get-go. Their relationship worked, they complemented each other nicely. When she wanted to bitch and rant, he would be nice and cool her off. When he wanted to be sexually dominant she gave up control and enjoyed the ride. They just worked. Plenty of chemistry, and a lot of hot sex! Riding crop, hat and boots... just saying!

So the romance worked for me. We also got the light, fun style of writing I have come to expect from Erin McCarthy. Her books are always so easy to read, and quite frankly very enjoyable.

But I did have some issues. Every time Tuesday was facing something emotionally difficult she went for a bottle of wine. It didn't bother me as much in the beginning. What bothered me was Diesel's immediate reaction to her having a glass of wine. He had a pretty bad and judgmental attitude about it from the start when it didn't seem to me like it was a big deal. But towards the end you can see it does become a bit of a problem, just not handled correctly.

Another thing that bothered me, actually pissed me off, was Tuesday's lack of respect for Diesel's feelings and request. I won't say what it is, but she does something towards the end of the book that is a complete betrayal and even if she was intoxicated at the time, she should've had more sense than to think that was ok.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed the story. I do think the characters are cute together, and even though we didn't get any racing storyline, it still felt it was part of the series.

Now, of course I had to read the teaser for Eve's book. I've been waiting to see Eve get her HEA since book 1. And this is looking up to be an interesting one! Can't wait for summer 2012!
Profile Image for Jenn.
330 reviews27 followers
December 19, 2012
Erin McCarthy... another hit! Slow Ride meshes right into the series with the rest which is no easy feat because both characters were not in the original group. Tuesday being the racing blogger only briefly mentioned in book 1 and Diesel, the retired/injured race car driver.

I can't help but give 4 stars because I am so smitten with the series as a whole, but there were a few points that I wasn't crazy about. Her drinking was hard to deal with as a reader. I realize that it was an important element to his character, being the care-taker, but it was hard to "watch". Honestly, I am still on a book high to care about the other reasons... Obviously, it was worth the minute frustrations.

Wilma was perhaps my favorite character... Something about a man having a female dog and naming her something ridiculous... Its cute! Especially when he leaned over and said, "Wilma, I think I'm in trouble" (Tuesday flipped her hair and went inside with a smile) "Yep, definitely in trouble". Adorable!

I am loving the Fast Track series and am looking forward to next book! Keep 'em coming!
Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,772 reviews412 followers
February 2, 2012
I liked this book. All are pretty consistent. I actually liked Danial [Diesel] quite a bit. I like the strong, silent type and he fit this bill. He and Tuesday were evenly matched.

My one big complaint - too short. I think this book with all the angst in the story, could/should have been longer. She had quite a bit of material to get into a limited number of pages. Unfortunate. I think if she had lengthened the story and delved a bit deeper into the undertones of grief both characters were dealing with, she could have pulled off a better story.

Another thing I noticed ... she didn't expand any additional characters - winding this storyline up. She also didn't have too much about the previous characters in this book. I think this was a "rush to print" or something.

Oh, well.... Love these drivers.

Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Dinjolina.
534 reviews528 followers
October 6, 2011
The Evan baby bonanza is finally resolved!
Oh the joy!

Other than that...man. This book was really disappointing.
Not in a rant inducing way,either.
Just really,really nothing special.

A lot of issues were thrown in there but non of them tackled really well.
The couple getting married in the end did not make me warm ad fuzzy-they just made me frown.
Where was the rush? Why are they doing it?

Nobody knows.

Also, we all like goatees,do we not? But who really likes a mountain man beard? :/
Not me. And that visual does not make a pretty picture in my mind. :(

Storing my hopes in the next book. :)
Bring it on!
Profile Image for Jasja.
65 reviews1 follower
January 25, 2013
Normally I enjoy Erin McCarthy's books, but I was extremely disappointed in this story and could not even bring myself to finish reading this book. Could have something to do with the fact that I really don't like drunk people all that much, let alone drunk people who do stupid things... I will delete it from my ereader and move on to something more worthy of my time. Obviously this just wasn't my cup of tea.
Profile Image for Paige.
1,809 reviews13 followers
June 3, 2013
***Detailed Review***


SLOW RIDE was fantastic. It dealt very well with grief and struggle through two very different scenarios.

At the end of THE CHASE we learned of Tuesday Jones father’s terminal cancer. SLOW RIDE picks up three months later at Tuesday’s father’s funeral. Barely holding it together, Tuesday ends up crying in the arms of retired driver, Daniel ‘Diesel’ Lange.

Diesel himself has also gone through grief. He’s lost his younger brother, his mother, his relative Pete Briggs and suffered a devastating race crash himself that has left lasting injuries.

Without his racing career, Diesel has turned to restoring old car and has gotten out of the limelight. His limited abilities and constant knee aches really causes self-doubt in his manly abilities. He doesn’t want to seem weak and less of a man, especially when things begin really taking off with Tuesday. He’s faced with his restrictions in every way such as dancing, walks and especially in the bedroom.

Diesel and Tuesday are very venturous in the bedroom. Diesel is a pure dominant and the bedroom is the one place that Tuesday prefers to give up the control, but with a little sass thrown in. Every time, Diesel is reminded of his shattered knee. Not to mention, his quiet life is the exact opposite of gossip bloggers, Tuesday’s. His fears of being too boring for her and not being able to open up about his crash are his weaknesses.

For Tuesday, dealing with the death of her father isn’t going so well. Use to being in control in every aspect, she begins turning to wine and other drinks when things get out of her hands. Diesel is there through many of her episodes and is disappointed.

Diesel and Tuesday are the perfect example of opposites attracting. I really enjoyed the time they spent together and how Tuesday loved his dog. Their love slowly crept up on them, but they were fairly quick to admit it and cautious but optimistically go forward with their relationship.

However, things begin going sour Tuesday, drunk at her father’s auction benefit, promises a ride along with Diesel in the car he donated after he told her he wouldn’t drive it.

She drunk and Diesel hurt she undermined him, they both attack each other weaknesses before breaking up. After embarrassing herself in an interview, Tuesday spends a few days recovering and missing her lost opportunity with Diesel.

She finds him honoring his ride along she promised and they are able to patch things up. Along with getting counseling, Diesel has found his peace with his losses and enjoyed getting back behind the wheel. They both conquered their fears and together can face anything.

Ryder and Suzanne welcome baby Track into the world while Evan learns he isn’t the father to Sarah’s baby. Both Evan and Kendall deal with the mixed emotions over the news and agree to start on a family.

Overall, I saw a lot of realness and heart in this story. I know Tuesday’s drinking problem can be very common after losing a loved one. I can also emphasize with Diesel not wanting to admit his limitations after a career ending crash and becoming a loner.

Everyone has ways of coping and SLOW RIDE picked two common ways on two very different people to explore.
Profile Image for Lisa Filipe.
Author 5 books254 followers
October 26, 2011
Was this book written by someone other than Erin McCarthy?? The first chapter or two was cute and was setting up to be a really great story. And then it juts went downhill...at least for me.

The dialogue between Diesel and Tuesday was just weird...it wasn't sexy...it was just weird. And the dialogue between Diesel and everyone else was weird...He had NO voice, or he said things that I didn't think a guy like him would say...and his guy friends sounded like girls!!

For someone who LOVED the whole series so far, I was SOOOOOO disappointed with Slow Ride. There was no REAL conflict....she drank too much (which made me like her less...she seemed like a real bitch) and he was just blah. And for me to have NO CONNECTION to either of the characters is huge...I love romance and can normally find the best in all books...but this one...I skimmed through the last 35% of the Kindle Book.

The best part of the book was seeing Ryder and Suzanne interact with their baby. They seemed really happy. And all the Evan/Kendall crap with Sara and the maybe, baby...was so unneccessary.

All in all...this book was a mumble/jumble of BLAH!!

I want Erin McCarthy back.....I hope she comes back before the release of Eve's book!!
Profile Image for Riverina Romantics.
428 reviews28 followers
October 22, 2011
This was a solid four stars for me. So even though I may mention a few things that I didn't enjoy in this book - the good parts far outweighed them.

Erin McCarthy has a writing style that I envy. Her stories are smooth and deliciously descriptive without having an ounce of boring content. So not only do I enjoy her stories, but I thoroughly enjoy the way she tells them.

Slow Ride was the story of two sexy characters - with names I absolutely adore - Tuesday and Diesel.

Now their story was great - both characters had realistic issues which gave the story a continuous stream of drama, however, Tuesdays issues involved her treating Diesel badly and it was something I didn't think he deserved.

In my mind the scales of goodness in this relationship were tipped with Diesel being a sweet honey and holding about 60% with Tuesday being a bit painful and high maintenance at 40%. So I didn't think it was the best balance. But it wasn't a huge issues for me. The heat level and connection between the two was fantastic and I enjoyed this book from start to finish!

Profile Image for MountainKat.
2,212 reviews96 followers
April 14, 2012
*4.5 Stars*

I loved this book! Overall, I have loved this whole series, but there was something about this one... (Doesn't overtake Flat-Out Sexy because that one was something special!) I loved the chemistry between Diesel and Tuesday - talk about interesting names! They had a lot of heat, but a lot of insecurities and compassion too. There were occasional moments of such tenderness, followed right up with some silliness or sarcasm. It was great to see them push each other, even if it wasn't in the healthiest ways, but for both of them to pull themselves together on their own because they needed to , not because they needed to so they could be together. This was really important and much healthier, if you care about that sort of thing for your characters. And while I usually want more at the end of my books, the ending here totally worked for me!
Profile Image for Anne.
4,394 reviews70.2k followers
May 27, 2012
I thought Slow Ride was good. It's a solid contemporary romance with McCarthy's trademark humor sprinkled throughout. What can I say? She makes me giggle.
I had given up on the Fast Track series after my disappointment with Hot Finish, and the less than favorable reviews I read of The Chase. After reading this one, I think I've changed my mind. Jacked Up, here I come!
Profile Image for Auj.
1,508 reviews113 followers
February 12, 2021
I really liked this one. In the first 3 books, Tuesday wasn't the most likable figure as she was the gossip columnist & didn't write the nicest things about some of the couples/the guy in the pairing. Then we finally met her in Book 4, Kendall and Evan's book, since she is Kendall's best friend. She was portrayed as this hard-ass, takes no-nonsense journalist, which she definitely still is, but we saw a lot more of her humanity in this one. (Okay, that sounds weird but you know what I mean.)

Diesel "Daniel" Lange was a new character we were introduced to, but I liked him.

Tuesday's father has just died from cancer. At his funeral, she cries into the shirt of Diesel. Diesel is a former race car driver whose career was put to a sudden halt when he was in a serious accident on the track. He still has a bad knee from the accident & takes pain killers weekly. I noticed someone else wrote this in their review--how they didn't like how often Tuesday seemed to be getting drunk in this book. However, it was not totally out of place because it was helping her cope with her father's death. She didn't have a drinking problem beforehand, and I'm glad that at the end of the book, she decided to get help. I'm not sure if it was that bad, but maybe it was starting to get that way.

Also, I liked this book a lot better than Book #4, Kendall and Evan's. I had trouble connecting to them in that book, so I'm glad this was much of an improvement. Eve's book is up next and I'm excited because I have been looking forward to hers for a while now!

One last thing, I liked the scene with another couple in the series, Suzanne and Ryder, right after their baby, Track (lol), was born. I liked how they gave us updates on the other characters too :)
loll I wonder if Nikki's going to be able to gain weight...I'm sure it would be easy if she just let herself eat, omg.
Profile Image for Shelby.
3,079 reviews86 followers
November 30, 2021
3.5 Stars

I didn't love this story as much as some of the others in the series. In large part because the romance ultimately felt rushed. Diesel and Tuesday have issues that need to be addressed and instead of that being covered throughout the story, they pretty much cause the conflict and then are resolved in the next twenty pages. I wanted to see these two actually work together towards a better future together. That's not to say I didn't like their potential as a couple, I just felt like the issues were mentioned and then snap of your finger they were solved.
Profile Image for Ivelisse.
689 reviews6 followers
March 6, 2023
I've gone through 5 books and have been neutral with most. They are good reads for those in between darker reads. In this edition of Fast Track, Tuesday is outspoken whereas Diesel is more reserved. She is going through the passing of her father and turns to the bottle to deal with her trauma. Diesel has past trauma himself he has not dealt with. Their chemistry is instantaneous but their issues clash... it's obvious by now they all have a HEA (not complaining).
Profile Image for Fae.
1,144 reviews26 followers
June 12, 2024
Mixed feelings about this book. They had an insta lust from the start of the book and I never believed in their romance because of how much sex they were having. The emotional bonding and connection was lacking.

Nevertheless, I did think they had great sexual tension and chemistry. They matched each other in the bedroom, being communicative & dominant. It’s a shame the hero and heroine couldn’t be as communicative outside the bedroom.

Also, after getting back together at the end of the book, I felt them taking the next step in their relationship was way too rushed.
Profile Image for Julie.
535 reviews140 followers
October 12, 2011
Posted at http://yummymenandkickasschicks.com/?...

Slow Ride is the fifth book in Erin McCarthy’s Fast Track series. A series I fell in love with after reading the very first book. A series that captured the same magic found in book one in the second installment. A series that has still been making me happy but not quite like the first books since the third book. And even though Slow Ride still eludes the deep emotional connection that the first books delivered, it still managed to capture the fun and sexy style that this series is known for.

Slow Ride is the story of sports journalist Tuesday Jones. In the prologue, we find out that Tuesday’s father has passed away from cancer and that she is not taking it very well. Who’s to blame her after all? I found Tuesday to be a fun and spunky character in the last book, The Chase and this book has made me like her even more. She has sass and is not afraid to say what is on her mind, but she is somewhat mindful of it so she’s not a total b*tch. She’s funny and smart too. Overall a good character to read.

Also in the prologue, we meet Daniel ‘Diesel’ Lange. I liked him immediately. How he treated Tuesday right off the bat was just so… *sigh*. You can’t not like his character. Does he have flaws? Of course. But they were character flaws and not writing flaws. He wasn’t made out to be anything that didn’t fit his personality. He was in a really bad car crash and has had to retire from racing – even though he’s only 30. The accident still haunts him and he really doesn’t want to talk about what happened. He tends to hold things in because that’s how he copes. Basically, he is a man. It is very frustrating to someone who is trying to get to know him and someone who loves him though.

Tuesday and Diesel had almost instant chemistry. (I say almost because their first meeting was in a cemetery and for me to say that their red hot chemistry started at that meeting may be a tad inappropriate ;) ) Tuesday needs to be in charge of everything around her, but in the bedroom she tends to prefer the man take over – and Diesel is more than happy to take charge. I suppose he is a Dom, but not in the hardcore BDSM way. He’s gentle yet firm. He knows what he likes and he’s not afraid to tell ask for it. I found Tuesday and Diesel to be compatible in every way. They were a well written couple.

What I found odd is how Tuesday turns to liquor when she is feeling stressed or down about her dad. I think what miffs me the most about this is that I don’t understand how Diesel stays with her while she’s dealing with that. He’s concerned and worried and thinks things are not quite right, yet he stays. Yes, I understand, true love and all that stuff. But it all started before he fell in love with her. I know that some people do tackle their grief with alcohol, and I understand that these people shouldn’t be left alone just because they may drink a little too much, but it all just felt off to me. I think the reason I found it so strange in this book is because it felt as though the author was just trying to give Tuesday a fault (other than her ‘regular ones’) that would add tension to the couple. It all just felt forced to me.

To be honest with you all, I was worried going into this book. You see, I really enjoyed the last book…right up until the end. I was so upset at what the author decided to throw at the finally happy couple, it ruined the book for me. I was concerned that this incident would play a large part in Slow Ride seeing that Tuesday and the heroine from the last book are best friends. Well, the incident was mentioned…and actually sort of dealt with. There is sadness involved with how it all turned out in the book but I was actually happy with how it all went. I know many readers felt the same way after reading the last book as I did and how it all ends up in this book leaves me to wonder if the author always planned this to be how it would be or did she change the story a bit because of how readers felt. Not something I’m going to ask her, but I am curious…

Overall, I enjoyed Slow Ride. It’s a sweet and sexy contemporary read. We do get news and visits from the characters from the past installments which is always nice. And really there was only one issue that rubbed me a little oddly. Tuesday was great. Diesel was great. Together they were great. Just why the drinking?…

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Christi Snow.
Author 68 books745 followers
October 22, 2011
My Review:
Hmm, where to go with the review on this book? I enjoyed the process of reading this book. I was hooked from page 1 til the very end, but it was not a book that left me with a good feeling. Both Diesel and Tuesday have issues that they really aren't dealing with. Tuesday's father has just died and rather than dealing with her grief, she drinks. Diesel's driving career ended with a horrific crash that left him scarred both physically and mentally, but rather than deal with it, he ignores it. These are not two people that are really in a place where they can establish a healthy relationship, especially Tuesday. Instead, they settle into a pattern of happy, magical times and hot sex, followed by times where she drinks, they fight, and things go to hell. Then they start all over again. That would have been okay if those issues were resolved, but there was truly no resolution in this book, or true change in their behavior that I saw. I wanted to see them go through a lengthy, healthy measure of time together as a couple before I could buy that this is a relationship that is going to last past the first speed bump.

Regardless, this was still an entertaining book. I really liked both Tuesday & Diesel's characters. They are COMPLETE opposites, but they have incredible chemistry that is sizzling. I loved that Diesel was this quiet, laid-back, unassuming guy, but was a total Dom in the bedroom...a great twist to his personality. In the same way, Tuesday is an in-your-face, tell-it-like-it-is kind of gal that is always the life of the party, but Diesel's Dom personality totally does it for her. Like I said, the sex is sizzling.

I really enjoyed both of these characters and how they interacted with each other... most of the time. I also loved getting to revisit the characters again from the past books. Honestly, I wouldn't have even minded the issues that were there for these two characters, if I felt like that there was true resolution for them. The conflict is good because any good book needs some conflict, but it just went on for too long, or else the book did not go on for long enough so that I could believe as a reader that these two could actually have a long, healthy relationship.

There are really some great moments in this book. Here are some of the fabulous quotes, to give you an idea of the fun that there is to be found in this book:

Tuesday pulled back and stared at him, her eyes searching his. Sniffling, her nose red, she said, "You're a nice guy, aren't you?"

Bemused, he told her, "We do exist. Hard to believe, I know."

She nodded. "An endangered species. I don't think I've ever seen one in the wild."

Just so you know, I can be a badass, too." He wanted to make sure he didn't come off as a total pansy.

Tuesday laughed, wiping her cheeks free of tears. "Well, that just proves you're clearly all male. I give you a compliment and you want to make sure you're not appearing too sensitive. Typical."
Profile Image for vale pao.
644 reviews357 followers
March 10, 2012
3.5 stars

Don't be fulled by this rating because it was a great read. This series might not be my favorite but I really enjoyed each of the books in it. With every new book I find myself always coming back to this series once again. I'm not sure what it is but I do adore the racing world and I find it extremely intriguing and fascinating.

This installment is about a character we have been reading about since the beginning: TUESDAY JONES, sports news reporter, more like a blogger. I will admit I didn't like this character before, not at least until the previous installment. I found her shallow, naive and pretentious. But then with the last book we got to know her much better and I did start to like her right there. Now with this book I really got to enjoy her wild and crazy moments. She is different, no doubts about that, but once you get to know her better you can't help to like her more. She did have a little drinking problem that annoyed the hell out of me, there's a limit for times you can screw things up without realizing you have a serious problem. But she did get better eventually... And she had some very funny thoughts now and then, which made me laugh like crazy:
“Diesel better have a big dick, that's all she was saying.”

DIESEL LANGE... oh, boy. Now that was a character I didn't mind reading about. You know how we all (girls) praise ourselves of loving all those alpha type of heroes the best? Well, I definitely changed my mind after reading about 'Daniel' Diesel Lange... **sigh. This author definitely managed to achieve the PERFECT HERO. He was top-alpha-material, but he had this other side to him, all sweet and caring. This sounds great but it's not an easy thing to achieve for an author. If you get them too much around the sweet side they tend to lose all that virility we love so much about them, but if you give them too much 'alpha' attitude they may seem callous and cold, maybe even detached. Well, Daniel just had the perfect alpha and beta mix on him going on.

THE BOOK was a great addition to the series although it was a bit slower-paced than the previous ones. I didn't like that. I missed the racing world as Diesel was a retired-driver and wasn't driving any more, nor wasn't he seeing the other racers (which made me miss the previous characters big time). On the other hand, the romance was great. Diesel and Tuesday were great for each other. I always adore books about total opposites, I think they make the best couples.
Profile Image for Wminbc.
1,136 reviews82 followers
June 12, 2012
Well...Deisel I loved...but Tuesday...

I do believe that because I have so many alcoholics in my family, I find it very hard and frustrating to read a book where alcohol abuse is a focal point.

Tuesday is a big 'ole hot mess. The death of her beloved father has left her lonely, depressed and seeking solace in the bottom of a bottle.

Deisel, who's driving career was cut short, is kind, generous and moving forward despite his life challenges. He believes that he and Tuesday can move forward with a new chapter in each of their lives...but first he needs to force her to see that her drinking cannot be part of the equation.

Trust me on this, if someone who is drinking does not want to stop, no amount of love on your part will make them stop. They need to come to their own decision to not live life hung over any more. The HEA was lovely, but not my favorite book in the series.
Profile Image for Seena Seena .
660 reviews211 followers
October 9, 2011


Yes I am using CAPITALS because I am yelling, expressing my sorrow and disappointment that it ended.

I could of read this book till I was gray & wrinkly and never get old.

I absolutely adored both Tuesday & Daniel. More so Tuesday. I haven’t come across a female character like Tuesday in a very long time & I loved her!

All of McCarthy’s work feels as though it was effortlessly written, and they are so easy to read. So beautiful!

Another great instalment from McCarthy and I wait un-patiently for the next Fast Track instalment.
Profile Image for Cindy.
2,308 reviews168 followers
October 8, 2011
Oh how I love thee Erin... We go from a sad funeral in the prologue to a hilarious wedding reception.. What a range of emotions just in 19 pages. This book is about alot of loss and how our hero Diesel Lange and heroine Tuesday Jones deal with their respected losses. In the midst of said losses Diesel and Lange fall in love but to get there happily ever after they both have to face there demons. We got to see the birth of Ryder and Suzanne's baby which was totally cool and we got to see how Evan and Kendall are doing now that they know the baby Sara was pregnant with wasn't Evan's. This was a quick read with some sexy dominance going on in the bedroom..
Profile Image for Pete.
447 reviews42 followers
March 23, 2014
Slow Ride is book 4 in the Fast Track series by Erin McCarthy. I was almost grossed out when maid of honor at Evan and Kendall’s wedding, Tuesday Jones, regurgitates a coconut concoction into the hands of Diesel Lange, a post-crash retired driver. Heck of a way to start a romance!!

Tuesday the pretentious and sarcastic blogger has become a maudlin drunk that somehow finds herself in a steamy romance with Diesel who had his own issues following his forced retirement.

The story had a lot of sarcasm, humor, and sex, but Tuesday’s drunkenness became the bulk of the book stealing any other interesting plots that could have been brought forth.
Displaying 1 - 29 of 248 reviews

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