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Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men and Power

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“A vivid, clear-eyed glimpse into American politics from a woman who grew up in the hinterlands of Mississippi and against all odds propelled herself into the rooms of power in Washington and New York City. Disarmingly honest, Hinton has invited us into her extraordinary life, from her complicated relationship with the Mississippi Delta of her youth, to the famous—too often, infamous—men she met along the way in her career in Democratic politics. Hinton’s first book is brimming with the steady perseverance, relentless ambition and maddening frustrations of a talented woman who found her way in a world dominated by men less talented than she. Now, it’s her turn to tell her story. And Hinton, a longtime keeper of secrets, spares no one.”—Mara Gay, New York Times editorial board member and MSNBC political analyst.Penis A Memoir of Women, Men and Power is a compelling coming-of-age story, set both in small-town Mississippi and big-city New York, with a long layover in the nation’s capital. Karen Hinton chronicles her life from tiny Soso, Mississippi (pop. 408), to the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), where she played on the Lady Rebels basketball team, had embarrassing encounters with literary luminaries such as William Styron and Willie Morris, and received a degree in journalism . . . to stints at two newspapers, where she worked as a reporter—the Jackson Daily News and the Rocky Mountain News—to working on the political campaigns of two Black political candidates, one of whom was elected to Congress, thus becoming the first Black representative from Mississippi since Reconstruction.Hinton went on to become one of the most colorful and outspoken political communications professionals in Washington and New York. Best known for her role as press secretary to both former Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo and New York Mayor Bill De Blasio, Karen played what Politico dubbed the “Helen of Troy role” in the clash between the former Governor of New York and the Mayor that the New York Times called “one of America’s ugliest political feuds.” The Wall Street Journal described “the wisdom she dispensed in a Southern twang” in dealing with the strutting and chest pounding of New York’s two most powerful leaders. At the center of Hinton’s incredible rise to the pinnacle of success was an undercurrent of men behaving badly. The role that “penis politics” played in Hinton’s life began in childhood with a male school employee who demanded sexual favors from her female classmates—and extended throughout her life as she bore witness to the struggles that she and her friends and colleagues have undergone to deal with sexual abuse, sexual harassment and gender discrimination.Known for never ducking a fight, Karen was at the peak of her career when a catastrophic brain injury from a freak accident confronted her with the battle of her life. Emerging from a coma, learning to walk and talk again, as documented in a CBS News broadcast, Karen was determined to “speak up, not shut up” on issues involving women, men and power in politics.

278 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 1, 2021

About the author

Karen Hinton

1 book395 followers
Mississippi native Karen Hinton is a former journalist, political operative and seasoned media professional in Washington and New York. Known for her role as press secretary to both Andrew Cuomo, the former Governor of New York, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, she was lauded by the Wall Street Journal for “the wisdom she dispensed in a Southern twang” in dealing with the strutting and chest pounding of New York’s two most powerful leaders. Hinton, the author of "Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men and Power" is outspoken on issues of sexual harassment and power in the workplace.

Hinton cut her teeth as the press secretary for the first Black Congressman from Mississippi since Reconstruction in 1986. The Democratic National Committee hired her in 1989, serving a similar role for Ron Brown, who was the first Black Chairman of the DNC and a key political strategist to elect Bill Clinton as President. In 1995, Hinton joined the Clinton Administration as press secretary for Cuomo at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. During that time, President Clinton began to face charges of womanizing (and worse). When Clinton’s defenders tried to dismiss the women as “trailer park trash” and “bimbos,” Hinton went public with her own story about Clinton asking for a night of sex when he was Governor of Arkansas and she was a young Democratic campaign aide in Mississippi. The revelation resulted in Hinton being eased out of her senior administration position, one of the events which sparked her interest in giving a name to “penis politics”. Hinton later relocated to New York and became Mayor de Blasio’s press secretary. She found herself at the center of the crossfire between longtime frenemies Cuomo and de Blasio, often becoming the subject of news coverage herself. Known for never ducking a fight, Hinton was at the peak of her career when a catastrophic brain injury from a freak accident confronted her with the battle of her life. Emerging from a coma, learning to walk and talk again, Hinton was determined to “speak up, not shut up” on issues involving women, men and power in politics.

Hinton regularly contributes guest columns to the New York Daily News and other publications, focusing on the topics of #MeToo, sexual harassment in politics and skewering big oil, big banks and other bullies whenever possible.

Earlier in her career, Hinton was a journalist in Mississippi and Colorado, a cocktail waitress in Aspen and a high school teacher in Mississippi. Forty-five years after she left her small town in Mississippi (population 408), Karen was ranked as one of the 50 most powerful people in New York public relations. She ascribes her success to ignoring the advice a boy in high school inscribed in her yearbook: “Karen, we love you, but would you please shut up!”

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Profile Image for S.J..
Author 3 books12 followers
December 17, 2021
I now know more about Karen Hinton than I ever expected to know. However, the trajectory of her life is a textbook study of everything that is wrong about how We, the People once inculcate girls in these here United States. Notice the present tense. It has not stopped.

Yes, the book is filled with graphic details, some of which are almost too much, yet they remain, in some sense, not enough. Ms. Hinton's story is not a one-off, or even a rarity. From the moment a trusted high school coach abuses a fellow athlete, we already know the outrage of some teenage girls isn't gonna amount to anything that resembles action. As Ms. Hinton progresses through the halls of power, we already know what she will be up against...because we've seen it played out before. The lives of Anita Hill, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, and even Ruth Bader Ginsburg all provide theme and variation of this story: women are brutalized by men for doing their jobs well.

What separates Ms. Hinton from most of us is her willingness to put pen to paper. Once it's in print, the story is out there, unretractable, and accessible forever. Like Isikoff's UNCOVERING CLINTON, there is no going back. No one can truthfully refute any of it. Anyone who reads a newspaper is already aware of what machinations go on behind theoretically closed doors of government. Ergo, this is really a cautionary tale.

If you take nothing else away from this book, take with you the understanding that Ms. Hinton is, so unfortunately, NOT unique. There isn't a woman in today's workplace who has not been played by a man believing his gender is more equal than hers. Women can and must continue to fight the fight, but until the "equipment owners" decide to get on board, it will continue to be an uphill battle.

Brava, Karen Hinton! You speak bluntly, compellingly, and bravely for the rest of us.
Profile Image for Nursebookie.
2,559 reviews379 followers
February 5, 2022
REVIEW: Pen*s Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men and Power is a riveting read that tells the story of Karen Hinton, who is from small-town Mississippi, where she studied journalism and worked as a newspaper reporter following the political campaigns of two Black political candidates, one of whom was elected to Congress.

From there we all have seen Hinton move up to becoming press secretary to both former Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo and New York Mayor Bill De Blasio. Hinton also ran her own public relations firm in Washington, working on issues of poverty, the environment, and urban economics.

What I loved in this memoir is Hinton’s straight forward, no nonsense approach to telling it like it is - no sugar coating, no fear, just the truth. Hinton weaves into the memoir of men behaving badly, that she and women she knows and loves had experienced throughout their life dealing with sexual abuse, sexual harassment and gender discrimination.

This is an eye opening read - not surprising at all, but a compelling read of how women are treated by men in power.
Profile Image for Susan Crowell.
118 reviews26 followers
March 13, 2022
This Memoir was a fast-paced read for me. The book provided an insight into Karen Hinton who grew up in a small town in Mississippi and went on to work as a reporter for well-known political figures.
It covers many familiar situations that many women encounter no matter what their career is.

I really enjoyed how the book goes from her childhood and her best friends to almost today.

If you enjoy a woman's history or want to learn about some of the obstacles Karen has experienced during her lifetime, you may enjoy this book.

Thank you @tlcbooktours for this gifted copy of this book for a free and honest review.
5 reviews1 follower
December 25, 2021
beautiful and inspirational

This is so much more than a book about politics and men. It is also a glorious coming of age story of a woman who finds her way from the rural Mississippi Delta to the halls of power in Washington and New York. Her beauty makes her the object of desire for men who want to use and abuse her but her intelligence and grit keep her from becoming their victim. She tells her story with compassion and wit even when the subject is difficult. I couldn’t put it down!
9 reviews1 follower
March 17, 2023
Penis Politics is memoir of Karen Hinton’s life and career in politics, where she had to encounter and attempt to conquer the righteous failings of some of the politically powerful men she met along the way.

Author Karen Hilton tells how she navigated life into politics, after being raised in a prejudiced small town in Mississippi, and even encountering sexual abuse in college. From those beginnings Karen Hinton propelled herself into a male dominated political world in Washington, Albany and New York.

This is one of those engrossing books where you sink into the pages and hours pass by unnoticed. I found this to be a fascinating and revelatory insight into American politics. 5 stars from me.
Profile Image for Sharon Orlopp.
Author 1 book939 followers
January 30, 2024
Stunning. Exasperating. Stupefying. Disgraceful. When will it stop? When will it change?

I wanted to read Karen Hinton's memoir, Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men and Power, based on the title alone. I was not familiar with Karen Hinton prior to reading her memoir.

She is a Mississippi native who graduated from Ole Miss and started her career as a journalist with the Jackson Daily News. She later moved to Aspen and Denver and then back to Mississippi. She began working on political campaigns which later prompted a move to Washington, DC. During her career in politics, she worked with Mike Espy, Andrew Cuomo, and Bill de Blasio.

While she was in high school, one of her best friends was raped by their high school coach. Hinton and her group of friends agreed to not tell anyone because they felt the coaches word would trump the word of her friend who was raped. Hinton experiences countless examples of sexual harassment, gender discrimination, sexual overtures, and inappropriate comments throughout her career. Her memories brought back many of my own memories.

Research has shown that 80% of women have experienced sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual overtures, and/or gender discrimination. Hinton's book indicates that women are damned if they shut up and damned if they speak up.

Bill Clinton invited Hinton to join him in his hotel room when she was in her twenties. She declined and never told anyone until many women who began accusing Clinton of sexual acts were called "white trailer trash" in newspapers. Hinton then shared her story with Michael Isikoff who wrote the book, Uncovering Clinton: A Reporter's Story.

Hinton's definition of penis politics is when a man in authority uses gender to control and dominate. Men in power assert control over women by diminishing, dismissing, and humiliating them. She describes it as women being cut down to size.

Based on her experience in politics, she indicates that many powerful men in politics have public images of championing women's rights and equality but behind closed doors they use gender domination to silence women. She mentions that silence and penis politics go hand-in-hand.

In April 2017, Hinton had a horrible gym accident that resulted in brain trauma. Part of her scalp was temporarily removed to reduce the swelling in her brain. After 55 days in ICU and rehab, she went home. Her recovery has been long and arduous.

I recommend this book for men and women with the hope that we can change the future experiences of our daughters, nieces, aunts, sisters, spouses, partners, and mothers.

Profile Image for Lynnefinn.
37 reviews3 followers
March 13, 2022
From high school and college experiences to high-powered roles in Washington, D.C., and New York City, the author’s life story—told with heart and humor—shows how women’s lives are shaped by sexism, whether we succumb to or overcome it. This is not a book about feminist ideas; it’s the true story of lived experiences. Anyone with an interest in the inner workings of politics, through the lens of a strong Southern woman who has been inside the room where it happens, will enjoy this quick read.
Profile Image for Sara.
65 reviews
March 15, 2022
From a town in Mississippi to working for powerful men in DC and NYC, I was stuck by the raw honesty that the author provided in her experiences. She details her life and interactions with men (and their behavior) while working and navigating the political environment. This was a quick read and I enjoyed her straight-forwardness and not trying to sugar coat her experiences and how she overcomes in a world she is viewed as less than. I would recommend this book. Thanks to netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
7 reviews1 follower
March 16, 2023
Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men, and Power by Karen Hinton is the author's debut book. As a memoir, the focus is largely on the author's growing up time, and the ways in which she and her friends dealt with pretty overt harassment. The writing is graphic. From there as her life progresses she encounters men in powerful political positions and describes the various interactions. This is mostly a cautionary tale, but will likely appeal to many who think all men are bad. An interesting life story.
Profile Image for Janalyn.
3,693 reviews104 followers
April 11, 2023
This book could’ve been named penis insert business here because when men are involved they can be gross inappropriate and demeaning and I think the author hit the nail on the head in her book Penis Politics. She was not only honest but came across as angry sometimes in all justifiable she made a name for herself as a journalist for many well-known names in politics and although this is a fast read I think it is an important one in a book girls in high school and college should read I was so fortunate to have a mother who warned me about men and although I had a very respectful daddy I won’t say he was a stereotypical southern gentleman because when I think of them I think of the entitled take what they want mentality most men I’ve run into have had. It was only by the grace of God I didn’t grow up with these type of men in my personal life and I think the author did a great job expressing her interactions with these type of men and her struggles being a woman trying to make it in a world full of men this is a definite five star read in one I highly recommend please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.
Profile Image for Cambers Cambers.
9 reviews1 follower
March 24, 2023
Penis Politics is a memoir that provides a unique glimpse into male-dominated life in general, and a life in politics from a woman who was raised in a man’s world. Author Hinton was then able to navigate her personal and working life in the same male dominated environment. We have all either suffered from, or heard stories at one time or another of women being manipulated, ignored, sexually harassed and mistreated in the work place but here the author delves a little deeper and provided the readers with the real truth, from her own experiences, and sheds light onto how deep this kind of discrimination goes.

What I liked best about this memoir is the no nonsense attitude. Hinton has no qualms in telling her story in plain English with no holes barred! It was a riveting read that totally held my attention to the extent that I had a few late nights when I should have been more responsible and turned in earlier. If you have even a passing interest in politics, memoirs, women’s history or just like a good gritty read then I would most definitely recommend you give Penis Politics a read.
Profile Image for Soochi Sandhiya.
260 reviews13 followers
June 16, 2023
The story is about Karen Hilton and her journey from small town of Missisipi to big city New York. This is none other than a struggling tale of a determined woman in modern society still rooted with male dominance. This is a modern age tale which includes college, personal life, work experience and politics placed as important pillars.
The title is very well explainatory about the gender expressed here as the dominated one but this does not make the other one as recessive. Karen groomed herself as a basketball player and as an outspoken journalist during her college days. This helped her to evolve as the most colorful and outspoken political communications professionals in Washington and New York at one time.
The book includes her narration of being asked for sexual pleasures, facing sexual harrasment and gender discrimination during various phases of her life.
The author has placed all the incidents in a well grafted way and honest expression of emotions are reader's attraction point.The inspiring journey and never give up attitude is an important facet of this book.
Profile Image for Marissa Morrison.
9 reviews1 follower
April 21, 2023
This memoir is so well-written I often had to remind myself I wasn’t reading fiction. I flew through the pages as Hinton crafts a narrative with a point and a viewpoint. I also love reading about the political celebrities she worked for and with throughout the book. A very enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Grady.
Author 49 books1,794 followers
March 10, 2023
‘It’s better to pay the cost of speaking up, loud and clear’ - A strong window to gender abuse

Mississippi born New York author Karen Hinton is a highly regarded journalist, having served in Mississippi, Colorado and New York City, where she has been an outspoken communications professional. In short, she is a Wonder Woman, now expanding her controversial article on her term penis politics into this richly informative book. As she states, ‘The focus of this book is on women and how they deal with men who abuse their authority over women, as told through my experiences in mostly political environments. In politics, there’s a toxic brew of ego, entitlement, power, testosterone and a “bro culture” that is especially difficult for women to navigate.’

Yes, Hinton names names, and in doing so she brings credibility to her postulates about men, from her reportage - and her experience! The clever title is defined: ‘penis politics - a man in a position of authority using gender to control and dominate. Men like this need women but rarely value them. This kind of man needs to feed his ego and hide his insecurities, often at the expense of the women who surround and support him. Penis politics is not always about sex but it is always about gender.’ Openly frank about men we all know, yet always with that sensitive tone of quality professional reportage, she traces her observations from high school in Mississippi in the seventies to contemporary New York and national politics. Her writing is polished, sharing tough situations in a manner that reads like a novel, bringing poignancy to her words, especially as she shares her traumatic brain injury and sequelae. This book is an important addition to the armamentarium for women’s rights, while also being a very fine and entertaining read - a highly successful book from a woman of significance. Recommended on many levels.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book
6 reviews2 followers
June 19, 2023
The story is about Karen Hilton and her journey from small town of Missisipi to big city New York. This is none other than a struggling tale of a determined woman in modern society still rooted with male dominance. This is a modern age tale which includes college, personal life, work experience and politics placed as important pillars.
The title is very well explainatory about the gender expressed here as the dominated one but this does not make the other one as recessive. Karen groomed herself as a basketball player and as an outspoken journalist during her college days. This helped her to evolve as the most colorful and outspoken political communications professionals in Washington and New York at one time.
The book includes her narration of being asked for sexual pleasures, facing sexual harrasment and gender discrimination during various phases of her life.
The author has placed all the incidents in a well grafted way and honest expression of emotions are reader's attraction point.The inspiring journey and never give up attitude is an important facet of this book.
Profile Image for Rose.
2,461 reviews55 followers
March 29, 2023
I wasn't sure what to expect from the title, but this is a well written memoir about men and how they wield their power over women. The author says that domination is at the heart of her title: A man maintaining power over a woman through gender of sex-based control. Hinton begins her memoir with a tale of her with her 3 girlfriends when they learn that their basketball coach has had relations with one of them against her will. They want to expose him, but Janice won't let them. This spirals into disaster for Janice.
Hinton then tells of other incidents as she goes through college and then works in the world of politics, first in MS races, then onto the White House, working for Andrew Cuomo at HUD, in Clinton's cabinet. Later, she worked for Bill De Blasio. After a traumatic brain injury, Hinton wrote this memoir. Insightful.
Profile Image for Julie Barrett.
8,816 reviews179 followers
April 14, 2023
Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men and Power by Karen Hinton
Starts when the author Karen is young and she grows up with several of her friends around her.
Love how they bond and exchange secrets with one another til they graduate and all move on to their own goals in life.
Terrifying to learn some of the real facts of where she grew up in MS and interesting to learn her point of view of the racial tensions and how she got into politics.
Loved hearing about her drive and ambition on basketball court, journalism field and politics.
So much to this read, enjoyed it imme Love hearing about diaries and how they were used.
nsely. Tragic to learn about the medical issue and how she is able to survive today.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Lily.
2,959 reviews98 followers
May 10, 2023
Hinton takes the reader on a fascinating journey through her life - and discusses something that is still somewhat taboo, although less so today - sexual harassment perpetrated by men in positions of power. I love that she’s not shying away from discussing it, and calling out those who abuse what they have. I will warn you - she pulls no punches when discussing some things, so don’t go in expecting this to just be a light read. Although very frank, this is well-written, and although the topics can be difficult, it’s a book that you won’t struggle to read. A brilliant memoir that covers some important and timely topics along the way.
Profile Image for Michele Vaughan.
40 reviews
September 22, 2023
I enjoyed reading about Karen's life, from detailed accounts of her childhood in small town Mississippi to big town politics in Washington. Unfortunately, here experiences with men in power are all to frequent. The more women write and tell their stories, the more awareness there is on what happens behind closed doors.
2 reviews
March 27, 2024
I loved this book! I edged to it and moaned at the lady on the cover all night. THis book helped me change my sexual identity to xsexual. Thank you for providing such helpful resource for my little weiner!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emily Maya.
50 reviews5 followers
October 24, 2023
This book touched my heart and soul. The author's storytelling is both powerful and evocative. I will cherish this read for years to come.
Profile Image for Swati Tanu.
Author 1 book558 followers
June 16, 2024
Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men and Power by Karen Hinton is a powerful and honest memoir that takes readers on a journey through the author's life, from her upbringing in Mississippi to her career in Democratic politics in Washington and New York City. The book offers a candid glimpse into the world of politics and the struggles of a talented woman who rose to the top of her field in a male-dominated profession. Hinton's writing is vivid and engaging, and readers will appreciate her frankness and willingness to share her personal experiences.

Hinton's story is an inspiring one, and readers will admire her for her tenacity, perseverance, and determination in the face of adversity. Through it all, Hinton remained resolute in her commitment to speak up for herself and others who have been mistreated.

The memoir is well-written and engaging, and readers will appreciate the author's humour and candour. While the book does touch on some heavy topics, it is ultimately an uplifting and inspiring read that will leave readers feeling motivated and empowered. Overall, Penis Politics is an important and thought-provoking memoir that deserves to be read and discussed.

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