Careers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "careers" Showing 121-150 of 168
Shannon L. Alder
“When people want to win they will go to desperate extremes. However, anyone that has already won in life has come to the conclusion that there is no game. There is nothing but learning in this life and it is the only thing we take with us to the grave—knowledge. If you only understood that concept then your heart wouldn’t break so bad. Jealousy or revenge wouldn’t be your ambition. Stepping on others to raise yourself up wouldn’t be a goal. Competition would be left on the playing field, and your freedom from what other people think about you would light the pathway out of hell.”
Shannon L. Alder

“Your career and your passion don't always match up.”
Amy Poehler, Yes Please

Shannon L. Alder
“God has a way of picking a “nobody” and turning their world upside down, in order to create a “somebody” that will remove the obstacles they encountered out of the pathway for others.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Satan will tempt you with many things in life, but the most powerful is the temptation to be grateful for what you have, when it is not the best life God had to offer you.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“If you want to be happy you have to study people who are happy. You have to hang out with people that are happy. Life won't go in the direction you want, by simply trying to stay positive in a life you're not happy with. You have to know what you want and why you truly want it so badly. When you figure that out then you need to change your current identity, in order to fit the type of person you envision would make those dreams come true. Happiness is not reliant on the actions or inactions of other people. It is your “courage in motion” toward your dreams.”
Shannon L. Alder

Fiona Thrust
“You know, there’s no pleasure like the joy of being a sexual woman.

You can take your careers, your money, your houses and possessions, and you go and throw them in a lake.

Because life is really all about sex.

That’s what I keep learning, again and again.

It’s the most important thing, woven into the very centre of life.

And I just know I was put on this earth to be a sexual woman, and to explore as much about sex as I can.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Shannon L. Alder
“You can't be tempted, unless you want what is tempting you.”
Shannon L. Alder

Lena Dunham
“Ambition is a funny thing: it creeps in when you least expect it and keeps you moving, even when you think you want to stay put”
Lena Dunham, Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She's "Learned"

“Some people that are in charge are usually less intelligent than the people who work under them. The reason why those people are in charge and you aren’t is because you have a conscience.”
Heather Chapple, Write like no one is reading

H.P. Lovecraft
“Heaven knows where I'll end up - it's a safe bet I'll never be at the top of anything! Nor do I particularly care to be.”
H.P. Lovecraft

Elizabeth Winder
“Sylvia rarely flattered the men in her life- she envied them. She was far more likely to compete with a man than a woman. In her journal she describes this jealousy of which she is painfully aware; "It is an envy born of the desire to be active and doing, not passive and listening." She craved the "double life" of men, who could enjoy career, sex, and family. "I can pretend to forget my envy," she writes, "no matter, it is there, insidious, malignant, latent.”
Elizabeth Winder, Pain, Parties, Work: Sylvia Plath in New York, Summer 1953

Fiona Thrust
“You know, there’s no pleasure like the joy of being a sexual woman.

You can take your careers, your money, your houses and possessions, and you go and throw them in a lake.

Because life is really all about sex.

That’s what I keep learning, again and again.

It’s the most important thing, woven into the very centre of life.

And I just know I was put on this earth to be a sexual woman, and to explore as much about sex as I can.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Oche Otorkpa
“The Media and the internet have taken up the responsibility of molding the young ones amongst us, leaving us to pursue
the careers we treasure.”
Oche Otorkpa, The Unseen Terrorist

Israelmore Ayivor
“We all have our unique careers that differ from one another, but the fact is that we must become "teachers and learners" at the end of it all! By the "learning career", we know what other people know; by the "teaching career", we make other people to know what we know!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

“The most common mistake you'll make is forgetting to keep your own scorecard. Very little at work reinforces your ability to do this, so you will have to be vigilant. When evaluators give you an assessment, they are just guessing at who you are; they certainly are not the ones who know your potential. They can rate you and influence you, but they don't get to define you. That's your most honorable assignment: to define, every day through the way you deliver your work, the scope and nature of your inherent abilities.”
Charlotte Beers, I'd Rather Be in Charge: A Legendary Business Leader's Roadmap for Achieving Pride, Power, and Joy at Work

Ben Carson
“Sometimes one has to be humble enough to start at the bottom with a minimum-wage job even if you have a college degree. Once you get your foot in the door, you can prove your worth and rapidly move up the ladder. If you never get in the door, it is unlikely that you will rise to the top.”
Ben Carson, One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America's Future

“You'll earn more money doing something you love, rather than just doing something because it pays you a high salary.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“Wealth is violent and uneasy to acquire, don't blow yourself by rushing. You won't find, you will only get lost on your way to find and you won't find it, Reserve yourself and wealth will find you.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“My goal in going into the entertainment world is not solely on the aspect of fame and fortune. But, solely on the aspect that I love creating new things as both hobby and professionally; because my profession is my hobby.

Yes; the fame, fortune and chicks will come. But, the aspect of creating things is eternal and awesome. The fortune to thrive on earth and fame to get more projects, more friends, fans and meet new people.”
Temitope Owosela Tim North Golden Phoenix

Stacie Zinn Roberts
“You've still got to work toward your goal. Educate yourself. Make plans. Network with peers and colleagues. Join groups related to your goal or aspiration. You've got to put yourself into a position to succeed and then get out of the way. Allow it to happen.”
Stacie Zinn Roberts, How to Live Your Passion & Fulfill Your Dreams

Melanie Pinola
“One of the great things about LinkedIn is it isn’t the same kind of networking that happens at conventions, where you’re wearing a name tag, trying to meet strangers, and awkwardly attempting to make small talk. LinkedIn is networking without the pressure.”
Melanie Pinola, LinkedIn In 30 Minutes: How to create a rock-solid LinkedIn profile and build connections that matter

Melanie Pinola
“When recruiters, co-workers, old classmates, and other people Google your name and click on a link to you on LinkedIn, your profile page is what they will see. They’ll learn about your work history, education, skills, interests, reputation, and other details you provide. It’s like your own 'Who’s Who' entry on LinkedIn.”
Melanie Pinola, LinkedIn In 30 Minutes: How to create a rock-solid LinkedIn profile and build connections that matter

Melanie Pinola
“How do you want the world to see you professionally? What kinds of work do you enjoy doing? Why are you on LinkedIn? Those are the questions you should think about when creating your LinkedIn profile, so it’s aligned with your personal brand. While marketing-speak like 'personal brand' feels fake to many of us, we’re really just talking about setting the right tone for your profile and positioning yourself for the kinds of opportunities you’re interested in.”
Melanie Pinola, LinkedIn In 30 Minutes: How to create a rock-solid LinkedIn profile and build connections that matter

“Sometimes you just need some reassurance about your Choice before you take any decision.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“Where there is less pain, there is also less pay.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Katherine McIntyre
“Don’t worry. I don’t plan on making homelessness my career.”
Katherine McIntyre, Poisoned Apple

Cash Nickerson
“Relax" or "Calm Down." When conversations get heated and we are listening to someone rant or speak heatedly, we may be tempted to say "relax" or "calm down." This never works and tends to amplify the emotions of the situation. Because what the speaker hears is that you are criticizing them for being overly emotional. So instead say nothing and let them run their course. If you have or want to say anything, say, "I understand.”
Cash Nickerson

Cash Nickerson
“You Don't Get it." This is more common in tech circles. When I was in the Bay Area in the 90's there were two kinds of people, if you listened to the nomenclature of the day. "They don't get it"meant they didn't understand, for example, that revenue didn't matter. Instead, say, "Hey, I did a bad job explaining my point, let me try again." Telling someone they don't get it is immediately combative.”
Cash Nickerson, Getting to Next: Lessons to Help Take Your Career to the Next Level