Children Books Quotes

Quotes tagged as "children-books" Showing 31-60 of 88
Charlena E. Jackson
“Our children should have a wide range of imagination and think about the greatest achievements that they want to accomplish; not making sacrifices by having to give up their clothes, lunch money, or being robbed of their personality and stripped of their self-esteem.”

L. Frank Baum
“People lose a lot of time being afraid... People lose a lot of time in hating others, and there's no fun in it at all.”
L. Frank Baum, The Sea Fairies

Nathan Reese Maher
“Patches don’t look it, but when attached to your soul they can get pretty heavy. They go over the holes in your soul, like when you patch a sock. When you have a hole in your soul, it’s because you’re hurting from something. I don’t know if you noticed, but that girl had a lot of holes.”
Nathan Reese Maher, Lights Out: Book 2

Nathan Reese Maher
“The shadow self is what lies beneath the makeup. It’s those ugly parts that you haven’t accepted about yourself. You hide those parts in the shadows until you’re ready.” Her face remained a haunting calm. “When you realize the scars are who you are, that there was nothing wrong with you and that you were beautiful all along - that’s when you decide to take the makeup off.”
Nathan Reese Maher, Lights Out: Book 2

Nathan Reese Maher
“There’s nothing wrong with you at all. Sometimes people say or do things that are mean because there's something the matter with them. With Lydia, it seems there’s always something wrong with her.”
Nathan Reese Maher, Lights Out: Book 2

“Inspire someone today. Your action can change that person’s life forever.”
Gellaworks, Amara Bunny loves Spring

Kate Iffy Chukwu
“The trouble with parents is they remember the things you don’t want them to remember. Then the things you want them to remember, they forget." Kosi Kamsi”
Kate Iffy Chukwu, My Name Is Kosi Kamsi

Terance Shipman
“We were all different shapes, sizes, and colors. But, we were all kindergartners and we all were excited.

Mr. Shipman;s Kindergarten Chronicles: The First Day of School”
Terance Shipman, Mr. Shipman's Kindergarten Chronicles: December Celebrations: December Holidays

Jenny Delacruz
“Nia learned that our self-identity and connection to our roots is so powerful it can impact not only the course of our lives but also that of generations to come.”
Jenny Delacruz, Fridays With Ms. Mélange

Nathan Reese Maher
“She could spin it between her legs, skip with it, twirl it around her neck and transfer it from one arm to the other. Shelly hooped because she enjoyed it; it calmed her whenever she would have an argument or a bad day at school, and it also allowed her to think. Today, she needed to hoop more than ever.”
Nathan Reese Maher, Lights Out: Book 2

Nathan Reese Maher
“Shelly shook her head and made sure she had plenty of space so that she wouldn’t hit anything. As many times before, she kept the hoop close to her waist and then twirled it with small, tight bursts of speed. As the hoop gathered in momentum it started to give off a hum that soon took on a light blue illumination far brighter than the streetlamps. It was so bright, that it lit up the entire backyard.”
Nathan Reese Maher, Lights Out: Book 2

Nathan Reese Maher
“It’s no big deal. It’s kind of like a tattoo. It won’t hurt, not too much, just a few stitches and it’ll be all over. It’s really interesting how it’s done. You won’t believe where your soul hides. Go on, take a guess. Where do you think it is?”
Nathan Reese Maher, Lights Out: Book 2

Steve Cioccolanti
“The most important thing about family is that your parents love you and you love your parents.”
Steve Cioccolanti, 12 Keys to a Good Relationship with God

Jenny  Mitchell
“*To each house and each window
Comes a big, kind nanny- Harry the giraffe
With a long neck and big brown eyes
Bringing its magic gifts and stories...*

Jenny M. "Diary of a Giraffe. Harry and Bedtime

children-s-lit, children-s-literature, children-ya, childrens-and-ya, childrens-books, childrens-fiction, childrens-lit, childrens-literature, childrens-ya, childrensbooks, inspirational books for kids, genre__childrens_general_fiction, infanzia, kiddie, kiddielit, kidlit, kids, kids-books, little-kids-books, read-aloud-to-child, bedtime books stories for kids”
Jenny Mitchell, Diary of a Giraffe. Harry and Bedtime

Terance Shipman
“With captivating illustrations and an imaginative storyline, The First Day of School by Dr. Terance Shipman is a must-have for any child who is about to start school.
Terance Shipman, Mr. Shipman's Kindergarten Chronicles: December Celebrations: December Holidays

Terance Shipman
“You know it’s a great read when you can relate to the characters in the book. My kids are all grown up now. However, I am always looking for good reads to give as gifts to my family, friends, and their little ones. This book brought back memories for me. I remember the first day of school when I dropped my kids off. I think I had more anxiety than they did. Thank goodness there was a teacher much like Mr. Shipman that helped me cope. This is a great read for new parents, teachers, students , and more. I hope you enjoy “The First Day Of School as much as I did and more.

Sondra Stinson-Robinson”
Terance Shipman, Mr. Shipman's Kindergarten Chronicles: The First Day of School

Terance Shipman
“I love this book. It is a great book for any age to read. It brings back memories of
my first day of kindergarten. Also it's a good book to help your child overcome fear
of the first day.

-Adrienne Swain”
Terance Shipman, Mr. Shipman's Kindergarten Chronicles: The First Day of School

“It's not how big you are that counts, it's how big your heart is. ('Mighty Milo")”
Steve Berk, Mighty Milo the Little Big Dog

Maria Yiangou
“Learning should be fun!”
Maria Yiangou

Marisela Marquez
“The second magical part you cannot see at all, but it's inside of you. It's called a soul, THE MAGICAL SOUL.”
Marisela Marquez, The Magical Soul

“Ancora oggi il colore della pelle è un fattore di discriminazione per molti cittadini nel mondo. Le categorie etniche stabilite sulla base della melanina ci intrappolano in mondi che non riflettono la complessità della realtà in cui viviamo. Nel tentativo di decostruire questa narrazione, la pluripremiata fotografa Angélica Dass (n. 1979) ha realizzato Humanae, un progetto fotografico che è una collezione di ritratti in cui classifica i diversi colori della pelle umana. Mette in discussione il concetto di razza e le categorie limitate che usiamo per descriverci, raccontando così la società contemporanea e le nuove generazioni. Ora il progetto Humanae è anche un libro, appena uscito per i tipi newyorkesi di Aperture, con il titolo di The Colors We Share. Consigliato ad un pubblico di lettori giovani, dai sei anni in su, è puro stile a misura di bambino: 44 pagine e un formato quadrato di 22 x 22 cm, con copertina rigida, riservato proprio ai libri per lettori giovanissimi.

“The Colors We Share” è un libro fotografico (per bambini) che celebra la diversa bellezza del colore della pelle
Medium @ Sight, Touch, and Imagination”
Angélica Dass

Elisa Pierandrei
“Ancora oggi il colore della pelle è un fattore di discriminazione per molti cittadini nel mondo. Le categorie etniche stabilite sulla base della melanina ci intrappolano in mondi che non riflettono la complessità della realtà in cui viviamo. Nel tentativo di decostruire questa narrazione, la pluripremiata fotografa Angélica Dass (n. 1979) ha realizzato Humanae, un progetto fotografico che è una collezione di ritratti in cui classifica i diversi colori della pelle umana. Mette in discussione il concetto di razza e le categorie limitate che usiamo per descriverci, raccontando così la società contemporanea e le nuove generazioni.

Ora il progetto Humanae è anche un libro, appena uscito per i tipi newyorkesi di Aperture, con il titolo di The Colors We Share. Consigliato ad un pubblico di lettori giovani, dai sei anni in su, è puro stile a misura di bambino: 44 pagine e un formato quadrato di 22 x 22 cm, con copertina rigida, riservato proprio ai libri per lettori giovanissimi.

“The Colors We Share” è un libro fotografico (per bambini) che celebra la diversa bellezza del colore della pelle
On Medium @ Sight, Touch, and Imagination”
Elisa Pierandrei

“Allora la Bambina ha innalzato un muro di mattoni tutto attorno al suo cuore. E ha chiuso gli occhi. Anche nei giorni in cui tornava il sole, lei li teneva chiusi.”
Valérie Fontaine, The Big Bad Wolf in My House