2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE 2018 > Richo's 365 books for 2018

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message 1: by Richard (last edited Feb 03, 2018 10:26AM) (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) I really enjoyed my learning challenge of 2017 where I set the same goal. I didn't reach it, but definitely came close, at 340!

All these books are non-fiction books; I love to learn. Constant growth in business & life. The way I see it, I'm not going to learn from a book I don't read! :)

My goal: 1000 books, 400,000 pages.

(It was originally 365 books & 100,000 pages, however I seemed to have increased my reading speed from last year. I may be biting off more than I can chew, but without stretching yourself, there can be no growth.)

2018 Challenges: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...

message 2: by Richard (last edited Jan 06, 2019 04:10AM) (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) Here's the overview...

Jan: (view spoiler)

= 89 books, 24,941 pages

Feb:(view spoiler)

= 47 books, 14,086 pages

Mar: (view spoiler)

= 91 books, 28,094 pages

Apr:(view spoiler)

= 136 books, 42,714 pages

May: (view spoiler)

= 134 books, 41,132 pages

Jun: (view spoiler)

= 106 books, 34,008 pages

Jul: (view spoiler)

= 64 books, 19,098 pages

Aug: (view spoiler)

= 10 books, 3,266 pages

Sep: (view spoiler)

= 111 books, 31,749 pages

Oct: (view spoiler)

= 73 books, 19,570 pages

Nov: (view spoiler)

= 23 books, 5,043 pages

Dec: (view spoiler)

= 16 books, 3,748 pages

Total Books: 900
Total Pages: 267,457

message 3: by Susy (new)

Susy (susysstories) Richard wrote: "I really enjoyed my learning challenge of 2017 where I set the same goal. I didn't reach it, but definitely came close, at 340!..."

Impressive Richard, congratulations! And of course good luck & happy reading in 2018!

message 4: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) Susy wrote: "...good luck & happy reading in 2018!"

Thanks Susy, ditto!

message 8: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) 4. - 112p *** - The Sales Coach by Michael Patterson

message 9: by Susy (new)

Susy (susysstories) Wow, you're off to a great start!

message 10: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) Susy wrote: "Wow, you're off to a great start!"

Thanks :)

5. - 114p **** - Dream-Biz.Com: Design Your Future and Live Your Dreams in the E-Economy! by Burke Hedges

message 14: by Richard (last edited Apr 02, 2018 07:04AM) (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) 9. - 225p **** - The Gabriel Method by Jon Gabriel

message 17: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments Wishing you the best of luck with your goal this year.

message 18: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) Blagica wrote: "Wishing you the best of luck with your goal this year."

Thank you Blagica, same to you!

message 22: by Waco (new)

Waco Glennon | 91 comments Wow. Impressive. Good luck sir

message 23: by Angela (new)

Angela (love2sing13) Wow! Good luck!!!

message 24: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) Waco wrote: "Good luck sir"

Same to you, good sir.

message 25: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) Angela wrote: "Good luck!!!"

Ditto, Angela!

message 27: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments I thought I was doing well with 10 books done congrats on your first 14!

message 28: by Susy (new)

Susy (susysstories) Blagica wrote: "I thought I was doing well with 10 books done congrats on your first 14!"

You've read 10 books????
And Richard 15???
I must be doing something wrong....

message 30: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) Thanks Susy & Blagica. I just have a passion for learning. :)

message 32: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) 18. - 466p ***** - The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene

message 36: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) 22. - 176p **** - Ultimate Productivity by Jim Stovall

message 39: by Sara (new)

Sara Coon-Thompson | 23 comments How in the actual h*ll?! Wow, just wow. Looks like you are WELL on your way!!

message 40: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) Sara wrote: "Looks like you are WELL on your way!!"

Thanks Sara, good luck to you as well.

message 46: by Richard (last edited Apr 02, 2018 07:15AM) (new)

message 50: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) 34. - 480p **** - Dead Gods: The 27 Club by Chris Salewicz

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