Reading 1001 discussion

1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die
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Kristel (kristelh) | 4798 comments Mod
I love thinking about a new year and what books I might read, challenges are might join. Lets use this thread to discuss those things. You can move your discussions here that you've started already.

I will choose the annual and I will be doing it by comparing Joseph and his brothers with Clarisa to see which one has the copies with the most pages. If I can't do it that way. I will throw them to the randomizer and let the best book win.

Quarterly reads should be books undere 999 or maybe 900 pages and over 600 pages.

Other things to consider. Do you want to continue the randomizer lists, the TBR takedown, the bingo card?

Any other suggestions are welcome as well.

Also there has been a question about adding some books to the list; Do we want to do that? They have to be books that are actually part of some list of 1001 books. Please provide link to where these books are mentioned as part of 1001. We certainly could add in the Scandinavian list, German list, etc, etc, as this a international group.

Lets talk!

Kristel (kristelh) | 4798 comments Mod
Oh, and lets wait to nominate Q reads until November. Keep your lists nearby so you're ready.

message 3: by Kristel (last edited Oct 17, 2021 06:21AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kristel (kristelh) | 4798 comments Mod
Winner of the annual read by far is Clarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady by Samuel Richardson. But...

Anniversaries: From a Year in the Life of Gesine Cresspahl 2022.
Clarissa for 2023
Joseph and His Brothers} for 2024.

message 4: by Diane (last edited Oct 17, 2021 10:00AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Diane  | 2044 comments I am pasting my post from the other thread here.

For quarterly books, I second Tracy's nominations for

Fortunata an Jacinta
In the First Circle

I also nominate:

The Recognitions
The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
Gravity's Rainbow
Giles Goat Boy
The Discovery of Heaven

I am bummed about the annual read, as I read Anniversaries this year and won't be reading it again. I would have held off reading it had I known. I will be reading both Clarissa and Joseph and His Brothers in 2022 to finish the list in 2022.

I think we definitely should continue the TBR, Randomizer, Bingo, etc., although I may not be participating. I have too small of a pool of books left to work from and these may complicate my completion.

message 5: by Tatjana (new)

Tatjana JP | 307 comments Kristel wrote: "I love thinking about a new year and what books I might read, challenges are might join. Lets use this thread to discuss those things. You can move your discussions here that you've started already..."

I will try to read books from all 1001 books in English editions, combined, including:

- Gentlemen prefer blondes (2018 Life of Pi edition on page 305)

- Tyll (Daniel Kehlmann) and Night Boat to Tangier (Kevin Barry) updated 2018 edition printed in 2019. (both published on page 949). I have a scan of the front cover, inside cover and Title and Author's index, if somebody is interested to take a look.

- all new updates from new 2022 edition (to be published February 2022).

I think it will be too difficult to locate (and translate titles of) all books in other translated editions, such are those translated from Boxall's original English one to German, French, Chinese etc.

message 6: by Valerie (new)

Valerie Brown | 771 comments I also would like to see the TBR, Randomizer, Bingo, etc continuing; although my percentage of completion is very low! ha, ha...

The randomizer list in particular has introduced me to books that I may not have picked at first pass of the total list. I keep track of past years randomizer choices and get to them as I can, as a kind of personal sub-challenge.

Diane  | 2044 comments Kristel wrote: "Also there has been a question about adding some books to the list; Do we want to do that? They have to be books that are actually part of some list of 1001 books. Please provide link to where these books are mentioned as part of 1001. We certainly could add in the Scandinavian list, German list, etc, etc, as this a international group."

I would really like this! It would also give me books to continue once my English version list is completed.

Diane  | 2044 comments Anyone have links to the book lists from the "foreign" editions of Boxall?

message 9: by Tatjana (new)

Tatjana JP | 307 comments Diane wrote: "Anyone have links to the book lists from the "foreign" editions of Boxall?"

This is French list
and it seems to have books not mentioned in English version.

Diane  | 2044 comments Tatjana wrote: "Diane wrote: "Anyone have links to the book lists from the "foreign" editions of Boxall?"

This is French list"

Thank you!

message 11: by Hilde (new) - added it

Hilde (hilded) | 367 comments I made a list for the additions in the Norwegian edition a while back, I’ll see if I can dig it up again. If I remember correctly, they added approx 10 more titles/authors in addition to the Norwegian titles in the original Boxall book. As far as I know only the original was translated.

message 12: by Hilde (new) - added it

Hilde (hilded) | 367 comments Found my old comment, copying in it here again if anyone is interested:

I checked my physical copy of the Norwegian edition of the list today (1001 bøker du må lese før du dør), which is based on the original list from 2006.

Unfortunately it didn't have a register to list the extra Norwegian additions, so I scanned the index of all 1001 to try to identify them. So please note that there may be some inaccuracies as I may have overlooked some. But there were more additions than I intially thought, and lots of the books included are part of a series while only listed as one book. Quite a few are translated, but not all it seems though. They may be hard to locate overseas, I am not sure.

I have listed them with the Norwegian title below, and the English title in parenthesis if they are translated.

I have not included the ones that already exist in the English version of the book.

1. The Elling series by Ingvar Ambjørnsen. Consists of four books, strangely only book number 3 seems to be translated to English (all of them are in German though):

1.1 Utsikt til paradiset
1.2 Fugledansen
1.3 Brødre i blodet/(Two English titles:
Elling and Beyond The Great Indoors)
1.4 Elsk meg i morgen

2. De dødes tjern by André Bjerke - doesn't seem to be translated

3. The History of Bestiality Trilogy by Jens Bjørneboe

Bestialitetens historie: Frihetens øyeblikk / Kruttårnet / Stillheten/(The History of Bestiality Trilogy: "Moment Of Freedom" , "The Powderhouse" And "The Silence")

4. Den Siste Viking/(The Last of the Vikings) by Johan Bojer

5. Lillelord by Johan Borgen (same title in both Norwegian and English)

6. Beatles by Lars Saabye Christensen
(same title in both Norwegian and English)

7. The People of Juvik series (six volumes) by Olav Duun. Probably hard to locate in English copies.
7.1 The Trough of the Wave
7.2 The Blind Man
7.3 The Big Wedding
7.4 Odin in Fairyland
7.5 Odin Grows Up
7.6 The Storm

8. Dalen Portland/(Dollar Road) by Kjartan Fløgstad

9. Sofies verden/(Sophie's World) by Jostein Gaarder

10. Trilogy by Jan Kjærstad
10.1 Forføreren/(The Seducer)
10.2 Erobreren/(The Conqueror)
10.3 Oppdageren/(The Discoverer)

11. Naiv. Super/(Naïve. Super) by Erlend Loe

12. Lasso rundt fru Luna/(Lasso Round The Moon) by Agnar Mykle

13. Ut å stjæle hester/(Out Stealing Horses) by Per Petterson

14. The Neshov family by Anne B. Ragde Series of five books, the first two were included on the list, only the first one seems to be translated to English.
14.1 Berlinerpoplene/(Berlin Poplars)
14.2 Eremittkrepsene

15. The series of "Hellemyrsfolket", four books by Amalie Skram. Seems none of them are translated (which is a shame, they are great).
15.1 Sjur Gabriel
15.2 To Venner
15.3 S. G. Myre
15.4 Hellemyrsfolket 3 - Avkom

16. Roman 1987 by Dag Solstad (not translated to English)

17. Is-slottet/(The Ice Palace) by Tarjei Vesaas

18. Kvinnen som kledte seg naken for sin elskede/(The Naked Madonna) by Jan Wiese

Many of these are great. hope you'll enjoy them when/if you get to them :)

message 13: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Dawn | 1636 comments Woo, planning time!

I do love the randomiser, tbr, bingo etc. and would love to see them return. (I can also edit the 'updated' WL list before the new year to remove books reviewed since I made it, if no one else has the time for it).

I've read Anniversaries previously and wasn't huge on it so won't read it again, but if the group is keeping the rule from this year that people who've read the annual can pick another previous annual for points. I've been trying to backtrack and finish up all the big annuals done previously. I'll be reading Remembrance of Things Past for that. I think it was done on shelfari so I can't access the original discussions, but will make my own for it if that's cool.

I'm down to add all of the books Tatjana mentioned, since they are part of non-region specific editions. I'm also fine with any of the German, French, etc books being added. I'll probs not add those ones to my personal challenge (at least for now, I'm just trying to finish all of the books that have been on the general editions).

Also have my quarterly wishlist saved for the November thread. Excited for that :)

Diane  | 2044 comments Hilde wrote: "Found my old comment, copying in it here again if anyone is interested:

I checked my physical copy of the Norwegian edition of the list today (1001 bøker du må lese før du dør), w..."

Thanks, Hilde!

message 15: by Gail (new)

Gail (gailifer) | 1967 comments I am sad about the Annual Book. I was looking forward to Joseph but I guess I will wait until 2024.
I also love the TBR Challenge, the Random Challenge and Bingo so I would love to continue all of those.

message 16: by Kristel (last edited Nov 03, 2021 05:55PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kristel (kristelh) | 4798 comments Mod
Here's a list of our Alpha BOTM for 2022. CORRECTED 11/3/2021

January-Rike to Schatzing
February- Vaz de Camoes to West
March- Kennedy Toole to LaFanu
April- Wharton to Zweig
May- LeGuin to Mahfouz
June- Naian to Peake
July - Malouf to Merle
August- Schlink to Sommerville Ross
September- Meyer to Nabokov
October- Thornberg to Vassilikos
November- Pelevin to Rider Haggard
December - Somozo to Thoreau

*corrected and randomizer 11/3/21

Kristel (kristelh) | 4798 comments Mod
Kristel wrote: "Here's a list of our Alpha BOTM for 2022.
January-Malouf to Peake
February- Schnitzler to Soseki
March- Wilson to Zweig
April- Pelevin to Rider Haggard
May- Vittorini to Williamson
June- Thurber t..."

I did add the 3 additions to our list but not the other lists.

message 18: by Pip (new) - rated it 5 stars

Pip | 1828 comments I especially love the TBR. Please keep that!

message 19: by Tracy (new)

Tracy (tstan) | 559 comments I agree- the TBR is a great incentive to keep reading!

message 20: by Gail (new)

Gail (gailifer) | 1967 comments Amanda, I found the list of previous quarterly reads but can’t find the list of previous annual reads that you mentioned. Can you point me to that? Thank you.

message 21: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Dawn | 1636 comments Gail wrote: "Amanda, I found the list of previous quarterly reads but can’t find the list of previous annual reads that you mentioned. Can you point me to that? Thank you."

Yeah no probs. It got if off the link to the mod spreadsheet, where they are all listed. For expediency, here is the list from 2014-2021 in order:

A Dance to the Music of Time
Remembrance of Things Past
A Dream of Red Mansions
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
The Water Margin
Monkey: Journey to the West
The Man Without Qualities

message 22: by Gail (new)

Gail (gailifer) | 1967 comments Great, thank you!

message 23: by Patrick (new) - added it

Patrick Robitaille | 1308 comments Mod
Tatjana wrote: "Diane wrote: "Anyone have links to the book lists from the "foreign" editions of Boxall?"

This is French list"

I have gone through the French list and, as expected due to parochialism, there are 66 different books compared to the English list. I won't list them here, but most are from French authors of all eras and not necessarily the most known. I have only read a handful. There are also works in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, German, Dutch...

message 24: by Nike (new)

Nike | 90 comments I'd love to link to a Swedish list but I haven't got the book and I can't find a list somewhere.

I still haven't find my way through this group either, I haven't yet come to grip of how it works compared to other groups so I feel a bit lost but I love books so I simply say Yes! to your suggestions =). A list of quarterly readings is interesting, I'd love such a list.

message 25: by George P. (new)

George P. | 666 comments Diane wrote: "I am pasting my post from the other thread here.
For quarterly books, I second Tracy's nominations for
Fortunata an Jacinta
In the First Circle

I also nominate:
The Recognitions
The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
Gravity's Rainbow
Giles Goat Boy
The Discovery of Heaven....

Diane I just read The Discovery of Heaven and I think you will like it. I already passed it on to someone else so can't send it to you however.

message 26: by George P. (last edited Oct 21, 2021 09:38AM) (new)

George P. | 666 comments Patrick wrote: "Tatjana wrote: "Diane wrote: "Anyone have links to the book lists from the "foreign" editions of Boxall?"

This is French list"

This would be nice resource for people who criticize the 1001 list for being too Anglophile. Amanda I think you have mentioned being able to read French? if so, more books for you to read in French.

message 27: by George P. (new)

George P. | 666 comments Kristel wrote: "Winner of the annual read by far is Clarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady by Samuel Richardson. But...

Anniversaries: From a Year in the Life of Gesine Cresspahl 2022.
Clarissa for 2023
Joseph and His Brothers} for 2024.

Kristel, I'm wondering if there are two annual books for next year (2022) or if you have a mistake on the years for the books, maybe meant to type 2023, 2024 & 2025?

message 28: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Dawn | 1636 comments George P. wrote: This would be nice resource for people who criticize the 1001 list for being too Anglophile. Amanda I think you have mentioned being able to read French? if so, more books for you to read in French."

Yeah, I'm fluent but not fully bilingual but can read most French. I'll probably check those ones out after doing the general list. I know at least a few other people here read French as well. I also imagine at least some of them are translated.

Diane  | 2044 comments George P. wrote: "Diane I just read The Discovery of Heaven and I think you will like it. I already passed it on to someone else so can't send it to you however.."

Thanks for thinking of me. I own a copy of it already. I just haven't got around to reading it yet.

message 30: by Kristel (last edited Oct 22, 2021 08:55AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kristel (kristelh) | 4798 comments Mod
George P. wrote: "Kristel wrote: "Winner of the annual read by far is Clarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady by Samuel Richardson. But...

Anniversaries: From a Year in the Life of Ge..."

Anniversaries: From a Year in the Life of Gesine Cresspahl for 2022.
Clarissa for 2023
Joseph and His Brothers} for 2024

I am confused as to what you're asking George. Anniversaries is 2022, Clarissa is 2023, and Joseph and his brothers is 2024.

I did make a mistake and said Clarissa but that was before I was reminded by Tracy that Anniversaries is in English translation.

message 31: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Dawn | 1636 comments Thanks for adding Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Tyll, and Night Boat to Tangier to the list, Kristel. Whenever they are added to the index review list, I'll add my review for Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. It's super short and read it recently.

Kristel (kristelh) | 4798 comments Mod
I just checked the price of the Annual read: Anniversaries and it is way more than I think I am willing to spend.

Who will be reading this book? I think we need to make sure someone will actually read it.

Diane  | 2044 comments Kristel wrote: "I just checked the price of the Annual read: Anniversaries and it is way more than I think I am willing to spend.

Who will be reading this book? I think we need to make sure someone will actually..."

I will not be reading it as I already read it this year.

message 34: by Patrick (new) - added it

Patrick Robitaille | 1308 comments Mod
Kristel wrote: "I just checked the price of the Annual read: Anniversaries and it is way more than I think I am willing to spend.

Who will be reading this book? I think we need to make sure someone will actually..."

I will read it, it's on my TBR shelf, the box set still being wrapped in plastic :-)

message 35: by Gail (new)

Gail (gailifer) | 1967 comments My library appears to have at least volume one and two and potentially all four in an edition that comes in two volumes. It is difficult to decode the online catalogue sometimes. If I can get it, I will be reading it.

message 36: by Pip (new) - rated it 5 stars

Pip | 1828 comments It is a available on Kindle for just under 40 dollars, which is 10 bucks per volume. It sounds intriguing, one could read one day at a time to finish in a year. I will buy it and read it.

message 37: by H (new)

H | 124 comments Anniversaries is a bit expensive but I will read it if we go with that one as it does sound interesting.

I also agree I think we should keep the tbr, bingo and randomiser going. I haven't actually used them this year as I was still getting used to the group but will use them next year.

Also happy with adding international titles to the list :)

Kristel (kristelh) | 4798 comments Mod
Pip wrote: "It is a available on Kindle for just under 40 dollars, which is 10 bucks per volume. It sounds intriguing, one could read one day at a time to finish in a year. I will buy it and read it."

Pip, you convinced me! I will buy it too.

message 39: by Nike (new)

Nike | 90 comments It's not translated to Swedish and I'm not sure I'm in for reading such a chunkster in English, it will take so much more of my time and I prefer reading the books unread from my own shelfes. If it would have been translated into my own language I probably would have been interested enough.

The same goes for "Clarissa" - I can't find it translate into Swedish and when it comes to the Thomas Mann-book I must confess that I'm having a bit of a struggle coming through "Buddenbrooks".

Whenever I read it I find it okay but the moment I lay it down I completely forget about it and never seem to want to continue reading. I have to force myself to start again. I don't understand completely why since I think it's quite good when I actually do read it but maybe I find it a bit boring. So I can't even imagine reading another chunkster by T Mann. I will skip the annual reads for the next three years but that is totally fine with me =)

message 40: by Leni (new)

Leni Iversen (leniverse) | 528 comments TBR Takedown is my favourite challenge. Not just in this group, but in all the reading challenges I might try in a year. I definitely want to continue doing that.

The international lists are intriguing, and an incentive to work on my language skills! But I think it's a good thing I (hopefully) have several decades of reading ahead of me, because with all these additions I don't think I'll ever get the list down to under 1001 books left to read. lol

MaryAnn (EmilyD1037) I am not willing to pay the $40.00 wanted for Anniversaries. I did however buy both books of Clarissa in Kindle ($2.00), so I guess I will wait until then.

I know I have asked this before, but is there any reason the WL books can't be " started over" or eliminated from the randomizer list, altogether? There are so few, some are not in English or out of reach financially.

I do like the randomizer besides that, the TBR takedown and Bingo.

I am also concerned about people being able to throw unlimited votes at BOTM books and other decisions. It would be nice to read some "normal" books, instead of the few that haven't been read by the majority. There are lots of new people joining and it would be nice if we could read some that have been read.

I love this group and am happy to belong here.

message 42: by Tatjana (new)

Tatjana JP | 307 comments Thanks to Amanda and Hilde we have a list of nearly 100 titles of 1000 books from international editions. I am sure there are more editions (for example I saw Chinese, but do not know the language). How about introducing additional challenge for these titles only (quarterly or periodically)?

message 43: by Leni (new)

Leni Iversen (leniverse) | 528 comments Hilde wrote: "Found my old comment, copying in it here again if anyone is interested:

I checked my physical copy of the Norwegian edition of the list today (1001 bøker du må lese før du dør), w..."

Takk! Nice job. Glad to see Bjørneboe on the list. "Jonas" (not on the list) made a lasting impression on me in my teens.

message 44: by Leni (new)

Leni Iversen (leniverse) | 528 comments Tatjana wrote: "Thanks to Amanda and Hilde we have a list of nearly 100 titles of 1000 books from international editions. I am sure there are more editions (for example I saw Chinese, but do not know the language)..."

I think that's a good idea. Maybe a loose challenge where people pick freely whatever is available in a language they can read from across the international lists? I found the German edition list online and I'm looking through it:

Kristel (kristelh) | 4798 comments Mod
Thanks for the work everyone is doing on the international list and I will work with you all to put together some kind of challenge for those. Right now, thinking, thinking.......

message 46: by Leni (last edited Oct 28, 2021 05:26PM) (new)

Leni Iversen (leniverse) | 528 comments Ok, the German list I found is the 2010 edition, so there might be some changes, but as of that edition the German list has only 24 additional books. Somewhat oddly only two of them are originally in German, and one of those are from Austria. Some of the books don't even have German translations! But luckily for us they do have English translations. (Some of them have French and Scandinavian translations too, which I have added as I came across them, but don't consider that an exhaustive list. I didn't look too hard. There are also plenty of Spanish translations, but I didn't add those as I'm not sure there's a need in this group? For the same reason I didn't include the German translations.)

Arlt, Roberto: Los siete locos (The Seven Madmen) 1998 Argentina

Asturias, Miguel Ángel: El Señor Presidente (The President) 1946 Guatemala

Bachmann, Ingeborg: Malina (Malina) 1971 Germany

Bioy Casares, Adolfo: La invención de Morel (The Invention of Morel) 1940 Argentina

Borges, Jorge Luis: El Aleph (The Aleph and Other Stories) 1949 Argentina

Boyd, Martin: The Cardboard Crown - Langton Quartet # 1 - 1952 Australia

Brink, André: ´n Oomblik in die Wind (An Instant in the Wind, Un instant dans le vent, Ett ögonblick i vinden) 1975 South Africa

Emecheta, Buchi: The Joys of Motherhood 1979 Nigeria

González Gallego, Rubén: Белое на черном (White on Black) 2002 Russia

Geiger, Arno: Es geht uns gut (We Are Doing Fine) 2005 Austria

Hart, Maarten ’t: Een vlucht regenwulpen (A Flight of Curlews) 1978 Netherlands

Japin, Arthur: Een schitterend gebrek (In Lucia’s Eyes, Un charmant défaut) 2003 Netherlands

Kemal, Yashar: İnce Memed (Memed, My Hawk) 1955 Turkey

Kross, Jaan: Keisri hull (The Czar’s Madman) 1978 Estonia

La Guma, Alex: In the Fog of the Seasons’ End (Swedish: I dimman då sommaren dör, French: Les résistants du Cap) 1973 South Africa

Mpe, Phaswane: Welcome to Our Hillbrow 2001 South Africa

Pagnol, Marcel: Jean de Florette (?) 1962 France

Pamuk, Orhan: Beyaz Kale (The White Castle, Det hvite slottet, Den vita borgen, Le château blanc) 1985 Turkey

Papadiamantis, Alexandros: Η φόνισσα (The Murderess, Les petites filles et la mort) 1903 Greece

Roa Bastos, Augusto: Yo el Supremo - Trología el monoteísmo del poder # 2 (I, the Supreme) 1974 Paraguay

Ruiz Safón, Carlos: La sombra de viento (The Shadow of the Wind, L'ombre du vent, Vindens skygge) 2001 Spain

Soldati, Mario: La sposa americana (The American Bride, L’épouse américaine) 1977 Italy

Tekin, Latife: Berci Kristin Çöp Masalları (Berji Kristin: Tales from the Garbage Hills) 1984 Turkey

Tode, Emil: Piiririik (Border State, Pays frontière, Gränsland, Grænseland) 1993 Estonia

Kristel (kristelh) | 4798 comments Mod
Perhaps we need to poll what languages we all speak.
Me--Kristel, sadly, only English.

message 48: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Dawn | 1636 comments I can read English and French.

Also thanks for the German list Hilde! There's definitely noticeable overlap with the French list, so it will be interesting to count how many new books total it is. Hadrian the Seventh is on the original list, but the rest looks great.

MaryAnn (EmilyD1037) Only English for me as well.

message 50: by Leni (new)

Leni Iversen (leniverse) | 528 comments Amanda wrote: "I can read English and French.

Also thanks for the German list Hilde! There's definitely noticeable overlap with the French list, so it will be interesting to count how many new books total it is...."

All we Norwegians are the same, huh? ;)

I missed Hadrian the Seventh because the author had somehow ended up as Trolfe rather than Rolfe on my list. :P I've removed him now.

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