Fun Science Facts

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a white object with green beads on it
Revolutionary brain mapping: hundreds of neurons tracked in a week
Revolutionary brain mapping: hundreds of neurons tracked in a week - YouTube
an image of a large storm coming in from the sky with jets flying above it
Kansas Derecho - Live Stream Archive
Medically accurate 3d model of the facial nerve
Journey through the pathways of the facial nerve with our stunning 3D visualization. Experience the anatomy that powers our most expressive features. Link on pin. #3dmodel #medical #FacialFrontiers #NerveNetwork #vray #neurology #anatomy #science #meded #3d #cg #zbrush #3dsmax
3d animation of a transparent animated human heart
Experience the heart in motion with SciePro's transparent, x-ray style animation. A new way to visualize and understand cardiac function. #HeartModel #MedicalAnimation #SciePro #meded #3d #vray #autodesk #heart #med #anatomy #science #sciart
an aerial view of a boat in the middle of the ocean with green algae growing on it's sides
National Geographic | The meeting point of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans | Facebook
a human skull with an open mouth in the dark
Ancient Human Discovery: New Fossils Reveal a Mysterious Hominin Lineage From the Levant
a close up of a toothbrush on a shiny surface with many small objects around it
Quantum tool opens door to uncharted phenomena
3D anamorphic portrait of Nikola Tesla made from a pile of electrical appliances
a man wearing glasses with purple light on it
Restoring Vision: Blind "See" Through Sound with Smart Glasses - Neuroscience News
an image of some type of machine that is blue and green with black lines on it
Time the Anunnaki and Quantum Physics Billy Carson | quantum mechanics | Register for BLUEPRINT FOR GODPOWER Workshop taught by Billy Carson | By 4biddenknowledge | tend to not understand is that time really doesn't exist. Clocks exist. Big time mainstream Quantum Physics and Theoretical Physics are admitting that this is true now. We've been given this functional arrow of time which puts us in one specific direction so that we can organize our thoughts and our days and our years and weeks and what we're going to do and what we're going to meet up with somebody and everything else. So, we have this ability to coordinate and collaborate with each other. However, if you understand that time is also an illusion. It's something that you can use as a tool but if you also understand that it's it's an illusion, then, you can actually master time and you can maximize what you're doing on this planet because if you go in all the higher dimensions, you know, we're in the third. So, if you draw a line on a piece paper. That's the first dimension. If you then connect those lines and and create a house on a piece of paper, that's a two-dimensional structure or you can move it into a computer. Anything you see in a computer that looks 3D is actually twoD and because we're in the third, we can see down into twoD. We can see all the way down obviously into one D and we can manipulate those dimensions from our higher selves. Now, there are beings in four, fifth, and sixth dimensions. People above us because of that, they see us and they recognize the past, present, and future operating all at the same time. Everything's happening at once. There is no separation between the past, present, and the hour doesn't exist because they're higher than us they can look down into the third and they can see into what we're doing the fourth dimension is something called a tesseract. If you go into the ancient tactics, Metatron's cube, meta, M E T A, metaverse, right? They got that from Metatron's Cube. Now, this fourth dimension is really something called a quasi crystal and this quasi crystal in the fourth dimension, it cast a shadow and the shadow that it casts, it creates the realm that we're living in here. We're living in a shadow of a higher dimension. That shadow creates dimension. It actually creates a fractal of it, creates this fractal holographic matrix that we're actually maneuvering in in the third dimension right now. You can address a fourth dimension of time like Albert Einstein was saying if you're just looking at a third plus or fourth being the arrow but when you actually move up into another dimension, we now know in quantum physics that there is actually a fourth dimension. So, all dimensions are in 90degree angles of each other and according to Quantum Theory right now, we're really anticipating that there's at least dimensions or the otherwise the universe will collapse. So, there really is truly a fourth, fifth, sixth hip all the way up. Not just the era of time. That's just something extra. I believe personally, just based off of my research and I've gone through now over a thousand scriptures, texts, papyruses, cuneform tablets from all over the world. They all have a very similar story. All these ancient civilizations talk about beings, not just beings who came here from other planets. People that look like us, not identical but very similar. With a bilateral bipedal hominade of some type that can maneuver around that has appendages that can manipulate the environment because without that, you can't move out into space and other places and they also talk about multidimensional. You get into like the non-commodity and stuff like that. You're talking about multi-dimensional beings and so, in physics, in quantum physics, in particular, they started theorizing on the dimensions and were able to even analyze and discover some that they actually do exist and on top of that, they realize that the dimensions are stack so it packs so tight on top of one another that if you can face shift your atomic structure, your subatomic frequency, you can walk right into another dimension and so they started postulating, what if being some higher dimensions are some of these apparitions and these paranormal phenomenon that we're seeing, are they able to maybe take a glimpse or a peek? Are they phasing through into our universe? And so, from higher dimensions and so, they started really theorizing it. It seems to be and based on my research that there's people living everywhere. Just and I'm talking about little green man with antenna. I think that there's people living all throughout this universe in the third dimension and I think it's people living all throughout even a higher multiple dimensions, maybe at a certain level, a certain height in those dimensions. Maybe they don't have a real corporal body. You know what I'm saying? But I believe that the consciousness is there. There's a tri and every star system that we know of called Sirius, the Sirius Darcism, A, B, and C. B is a failed son. In other words, it ran out of fuel, turned into a white dwarf. These beings were orbiting on a planet that orbit at Star according to the Dogon not me. Came here, they're called the Nomo. The Dogon called them the Nomo. Taught them all about the star system, the orbital pattern, our entire solar system, their names, the shapes, the sizes, the colors of all the planets in our solar system, all the planetary alignments, and they even knew that white dwarf star was so gravitationally heavy that one spoonful couldn't be lift by over 1 million men. They even knew that. We learned that in quantum mechanics and quantum physics. Right. In 1970s, nineteen you know, we hypothesize it and obviously, we couldn't even see that star until the 1980s and Professor James S. Gates who used to be the the science adviser for Obama when he was in office. He's now the professor, I believe at the University of Maryland in Super Cemetery and Theoretical Physics. He rediscovered them obviously and he took turn them into three-dimensional objects and then from there, he found the error correcting codes. He was analyzing and accessing information about the ether of space time and he discovered that the entire ether, in other words, everything this soup that we're operating in without the throughout the entire universe is running on a specific code. It's called an addictive code It's called error correcting codes. The same exact kind of codes that run search engines and web browsers. That's what's running the universe. One thing people don't understand is that for everything in the third dimension is made of life and so we are light and light as us. We know that the illusion of this avatar body and this chair I'm sitting on and the table that you're sitting at. What is this? This is slow down lightweight. Mhm. When you slow light down and the conscious interacts with it it collapses into what we call solid of solid matter is actually an illusion. Right. For example, the only thing stopping my hand from going through this chair is the repulsion of the electromagnetic frequencies. I don't actually touch the chair and so if I can face shift the atomic frequency of my hand to match the same frequency of the atoms in this chair, I pass my hand right through it because atoms are 99. 999% empty space. Because of that, we're a fractal. We have consciousness which is also light. A fractal is when you take, for example, if you look at a a hologram and you go to part of the hologram. One tiny piece and look at it, you'll see the entire image in that smallest piece. The only thing you lose is a little bit of resolution and so it's important for people to understand that this entire realm is a fractal of a whole. We're a fractal of universe and our consciousness, even though it's one consciousness, it's also a fractal of main master of consciousness and it's really incredible that every thought that you think in your skull, it leaves your skull as a form of a light wave. Every time you think, we know this because we can put cap on your head and a laboratory. Put a little electrodes on its sensors and tell you to think about something and it's going to show up on the computer screen. Mm hmm. Because the computer is reading the light waves coming out of your skull. We can't see those waves because we can only see 1% of the light spectrum as human beings. We're limited. We don't see gamma rays. We don't see ultraviolet. We have this power of thought which would have an ability to even travel through life with leaving your mind and traveling light. You can actually connect to other realms, other dimensions through conscious thought. Quantum entangling your light waves or other light waves that exist in the universe, not only in the third dimension leaving multiple dimensions. Your mind can entangle with somebody on the other side of the universe. A lot of the times, you know, you can say, I I came up with this great idea but you really did. You downloaded that idea because you entangled with the information. Big time, mainstream, quantum physicists, and theoretical physicists are admitting that this is true now. It's not woo woo science no more. This is like getting taught in university. When I was at MIT studying applied neuroscience, one of the things we learned about was this exact thing. The fact that not only can you walk and roll like you were saying earlier and you can sense the vibe and you can actually transmit negative or positive energy to somebody. Somebody's at a at a low frequency and you walk in positive and high frequency enough. Your light being can actually raise their energy level. Right. And if you're not high enough and then they're low, they can actually drop your energy level. Right. Depends on how strong you are consciously. And then also we talked about the fact that we can entangle with information throughout the entire multiverse. And if you're able to discern the information, if you can put the action behind it, it could be one of the greatest inventions. It could be web three, it could be NFTs or whatever. All the stuff comes from other places. A lot of the male and and the society right now, they're being emasculated, you know, and a lot of it's it's chemical based. Chemical castration, man. It's it's all these micro plastics. You know, we're we're inhaling em. It's in the food. It's in everything. They did a test on those microplastics. They were converting frogs in male frogs into women. This is a crazy stuff. So, the testosterone levels in men are the lowest. It's been since they've been recording and the ability for people to make a lot of logical decisions is also dropping. Hey, everybody. It's Billy Carson also known as Forbidden Knowledge. I want to talk to you about a very special event coming up July 30th 2023. The Forbidden Colleges Awards, the first annual event of its type. We're going to honor people who have been contributing to the conscious community for decades. People that you know and love that have helped you get to higher levels of thought and consciousness and awareness and guess what? It's time to give them their flowers while they're still alive. It's going to be alive in-person event but are going to sell out very fast. You want to make sure you're there in person for this amazing level event. It's going to be above the Oscars, above the Grammys and guess what? You can help vote for the winners. Voting is available on Forbidden Knowledge. com and the categories are going to be social media influencer, podcast slash radio host, TV host, actor, director, producer, entrepreneurs, health and wellness, philanthropist, authors, field researchers, archaeologists, space anomaly, hunters, and of course, a lifetime achievement award and you want to be there in person because I'm going to speaking. That's right. I'll be your keynote speaker that night at the Forbidden Conscious Awards. If you want to come to a mini conference, this is the place to be because I'm going to give you the knowledge that night as well as performances. We have celebrity guests performing. We'll have a half-time show where we actually going to perform music for you and don't forget about the pre-event mixer where if you buy a box seat, you'll be in the VIP section and you also have private access to a VIP mixer with celebrity guest shake hands, break bread, network, and then walk the red carpet with us and take amazing photos. It's going to be a night to remember. You don't want to forget this and you help vote by going to Forbidden Knowledge. com. Go to the Conscious Awards link. You can text in a vote for who you want for any category as well as if you're out of the country, you can use the web form ballot to still vote anyone you think is worthy of being honored that night. Make sure you hurry up and get your tickets because they're selling out very fast. I want to see you there for bidding towards twenty twenty-three.
a person swimming in the ocean with scuba gear
Massive ocean discovered beneath the Earth's crust containing more water than on the surface