First Fruit Table recipes

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a white plate topped with food on top of a wooden table
Celebration summer pop up dinner - First Fruit Table
Roasted Aubergine Baba ganoush with olives, feta and boerewors meatballs. Pop up summer dinner event with First Fruit Table. Whole foods and banquet dining style food. Celebration dinner event.
a white plate topped with different types of food next to a knife and fork on top of a table
Butterbean hummus with cumin roasted chickpeas - First Fruit Table
Butterbean hummus. Clean and simple food styling and food photography. White food details. Roasted chickpeas with roasted vegetables. Sesame tahini and grilled baby aubergine.
two sheets of paper sitting on top of each other next to a pen and flowers
Download This Free Minimalist Meal Planner
Free meal planner printable with pantry basics! The perfect way to keep you on track with your goals!
a skillet filled with rice and chickpeas on top of a white cloth
Fragrant Chickpea Basmati Rice with Fresh Coriander
A delicious and easy to make recipe that only requires one pan and is incredibly fragrant!
a woman is holding an egg in her hand over the top of a large pot
Homemade Almond Milk to Start the Year on the Right Note
The ultimate DIY almond milk recipe - easy to make and with very few ingredients | Delicious and completely vegan |
chocolate truffles are in a glass jar on a white table with other ingredients
Snack on These Raw Truffles!
Easy to make raw, healthy truffles made with cocoa, chia seeds and almond flour - the ultimate snack | | Photography by First Fruit Table |
a bowl filled with food sitting on top of a table next to two silver spoons
A Most Delicious Coconut and Cardamom Korma
The ultimate warming recipe - this coconut and cardamon korma recipe is incredibly easy to whip up and oh so delicious!
a bottle of milk next to a glass with almonds on a wooden cutting board
Homemade Almond Milk to Start the Year on the Right Note
The ultimate DIY almond milk recipe - easy to make and with very few ingredients | Delicious and completely vegan |
a chocolate cake with nuts and raisins on top in a baking pan ready to go into the oven
Snack on This Awesome Raw Chocolate Bark!
Delicious and totally guilt-free raw chocolate bark, this is the perfect afternoon treat!
a pile of dark chocolate with pistachios on top
Snack on This Awesome Raw Chocolate Bark!
Delicious and totally guilt-free raw chocolate bark, this is the perfect afternoon treat!
several bowls filled with different kinds of nuts and other foodstuffs on a table
Snack on This Awesome Raw Chocolate Bark!
Delicious and totally guilt-free raw chocolate bark, this is the perfect afternoon treat!
a pan filled with chocolate and nuts on top of a white tablecloth next to wooden utensils
Snack on This Awesome Raw Chocolate Bark!
Delicious and totally guilt-free raw chocolate bark, this is the perfect afternoon treat!
a white bowl filled with food on top of a blue cloth next to a spoon
This Cauliflower & Pear Soup Is a Must-Try Festive Dish!
This easy to make recipe is the ultimate dish for the festive season - healthy and delicious!