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I’m not a beautiful angel like Frey. My name is Celine.
~ Celine when introducing herself to Chael

Celine is a heroine of Zenonia 3 and a girl that Chael loves and the damsel in distress of the game. Frey is a human girl who is also the same person as her.


Celine is a beautiful young angel girl with long straight flowing blonde hair with an ahoge and red eyes. She wears a white dress with blue details and separate sleeves and she has white and blue boots. Celine has a white pointed hat with a crescent moon and a star and wears two-winged hair clips.

As Frey, she is a human girl without the hat and wings. She wears a pink dress instead of a white dress.

Her sprite's dress has a red trim instead of blue and has no ahoge on the hair and is similar to Isel's sprite but blonde.

In Zenonia 4, She appears to be a beautiful young woman around her 20's and wears the same hat and wears golden-winged hair clips over her ears and wears a long-sleeved midriff, a long skirt with a blue trim, and silver boots. Her hair is much longer and no longer has the ahoge and has brown eyes instead of red.

Her redesign in Zenonia: Chronobreak has a short long sleeved white dress with a red trim and her shoulders bare and wears a white cloak with a hood with a moon symbol and wears a green jeweled necklace and also wears long brown stockings with white shoes.


Celine is caring, kind, sweet, affectionate, and honest. She cares for Chael, her brother Seru, and the divine tribe a lot and she also dearly loves Chael a lot.



When Celine and Seru were younger, their parents were killed by unique monsters. Celine and her brother were in the streets mistreated by people and nobody cared for them. A man named Fanu raised her and Seru and they both lived at the lighthouse with him until they both lived in Paramanon Temple when Celine become Shaman.

Zenonia 3[]

Frey was first shown as a child in the flashbacks of Chael's childhood. She saw him getting bullied by children and she tells him to stop crying. Later in the present timeline, Frey came to visit Chael and watches his training in the yard with his father. A few months later, Frey came to Regret and tells him that she came to see Runa, not Chael and wondered where Runa is and Regret tells her that Runa went with Chael in the fields and Frey returns home crying. When Chael was sent to Midgard, There was a girl who is identical to Frey. Celine, who was at the Akun Temple and was attacked by unique monsters. Chael heard a scream that sounded like his girlfriend. Chael saved from a Kraken monster (the first boss of the game) and she says she is not a beautiful angel-like Frey. She and Chael were heading to the town of Delfoy but Luxferre found them at the temple and then Luxferre starts yelling at Chael. She asks Chael is come to meet up with her and Luxferre.


Celine meets Chael and fairy Runa

When the group arrived at Delfoy town, Celine said she has to go to the temple and pray and can’t help Chael on his journey right now. At the temple, Luxferre was arguing with Chael about the pillars to home. Celine came downstairs to tell both of them to keep their voices down in a holy area and told Chael she can’t help him right now and tells Luxferre to calm down and keep the dignity of the Divine Tribe and went back upstairs to continue praying to the gods.

Later by the time when Chael read a mural at Akun Temple, Celine was finished praying to the gods at the temple. Chael was informed by Yiralia after he gave her the cooking salts and said that Celine waiting for her. Celine explained to Chael about actually wanting to help him out, but she was caught up due to her roles as a shaman. Then, Celine decided to go with Chael on a journey to Paramanon temple to go speak with Pontifex Temir about sending him back home. Then the scene switches into a secret room with Negir, a cloaked figure reporting to Tariq that he failed to capture the shaman Celine.   

At Lorela River, they encountered the Devil Tribe and found another method to cross the bridge. At night, Celine and Chael talked about their stories about their past. Later when they crossed the bridge, they encountered Scylla, one of the generals of the Devil Tribe. After Scylla was destroyed, the bridge falls apart and Luxferre was too late to find Celine.   

Celine, Chael, and Runa woke up at Lake Ellieh at Maru Island. They met Rherican, a member of the Maru tribe. They escorted him to the village of the Maru tribe and met the Chief Patriarch. There was a rumor going on, the cave of the Ekirnard is causing the waters polluted and made the animals turned into unique monsters.    

At the cave, Celine prayed to the gods to show mercy on the monster Ekinard and sent it back where it came from. Finally, the island is saved. But Celine, Chael, and Runa found an unconscious Luxferre in the cave and took him back to the village. At the village, they are having a conversation about the monster Ekinard gone and Luxferre came in rage and attacked Chael. Celine tells Luxferre to stop being angry at him. The chief puts Luxferre asleep and the three went out the Cloud Plateau.


Celine arguing with Luxferre at Maru village



At the plateau, Celine told Chael that she wanted to leave for the good of the Divine Tribe to escape her imprisoned lifestyle. She asked Chael if she can be friends with him and he considers her as a friend. Later, the headed to a lighthouse, the place where Celine lived with her brother. The lighthouse was attacked by monsters and Chael saved him. Celine introduced Chael and Runa to Fanu and they went inside to eat dinner. Chael went outside to go read a tombstone about the degenerated tribe member and a fairy. Celine called for Chael for a surprise. She told Chael about going to the heavenly realm and her wish to go there. The next day, she sadly says goodbye to Fanu and went the Paramanon temple with Chael and Runa.          

At Paramanon temple, She reunited with her little brother Seru. They haven’t seen each other for a long time. She waited for Chael until he comes back from the shop. After he came back, She and Chael got ready to see Temir at the Great Temple. When they met Pontifex Temir, Celine introduces Chael and Runa and told him that they were teleported to Midgard but, Temir informs her that teleportation cannot be performed in Midgard, but he is wrong. Luxferre came in the Great Temple and falsely accused Chael for tricking Celine he telling her he was from the human world. Then, the guards took Chael to prison and Celine is upset. She was upset at Luxferre for those absurd things he has done to Chael and the fairy Runa.


Celine crying at the Great Temple

After Chael went back to Shaman Lewiel's house, he saw a crystal ball showing Celine getting knocked out by Temir at the temple. Chael hurried to the Temple to go save her.          

Celine is taken to the altar of the ritual to sacrificed for nothing even if she's telling the truth about Chael. Temir didn’t believe her and knocked her unconscious and gets ready for ritual. When Chael arrived at the altar of the ritual, Celine was sacrificed by Temir and caused Chael to be enraged and caused Runa believed that Celine is dead.


Celine reunites with Chael in the ending

In the ending, Celine is revealed to not be dead. She is back to her normal state and stops Chael from killing himself. Lewiel told Chael that when Antione died, she’s back to her normal state.          

In the hard mode ending (true ending), she survived in this too and is actually inside a seal which is said by Pontifex Temir. Before Chael leaves, Celine was depressed to say goodbye to her lover Chael and gives him an Azalia flower which represents love. She cried after Chael left and said goodbye to her first love. After that, Chael went back home and gave the flower to Frey. The truth is, Frey is the same person as Celine all along. She has waited thousands of years for first love and later, she and Chael met Rherican again. Chael went back Midgard and Celine tells him to be careful in Midgard.          

Zenonia 4[]

Frey makes a short appearance and she appears to be serving as one of the commanders of Deva castle. She appears less often in the story, she appears when Lu returned to Deva Castle to have meeting with the knights. When she is talking with Chael about the current situation, then Regret arrives and asked her about the holy gem can really do, but she apologizes and tells him that only the people from the Heaven’s Realm can know its exact location, after that some soldiers come into the room and informed Chael that another castle called Aria Castle is under attack by a bunch of dark creatures and that his aid is needed in order to keep Aria Castle safe, Frey requested him to go to Aria Castle while she's staying at Deva Castle.

After Shaturu was defeated in Hard Mode which shows the true ending of the story, after that, Commander Lu, Chael, and Frey in the Meeting room were talking about Regret's disappearance, later, a guard came in the meeting room and informs them that monsters are invading Aria Castle. Once Chael and Frey arrived to Aria Castle, it is strange that there is no single monster around. The soldier from Aria castle may have misunderstood that are no monsters around. Frey and Chael spoke to a guard and reveals to them that a blonde haired man who wiped all the monsters out and read the letter written by Regret, who has went to another timeline.



            1272C505-9755-4236-B444-12F2A9BF4703 Heroes

Main Cast
Regret Lu EcneMorpice Daza Chael Ryan Neal Abel Evan
Supporting characters
SunWolfred Dupre Celine/Frey ElisaIselPontifex TemirLuxferre Lisa

Langue ParoleLepe Runa Anya Celina
