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Heroes Wiki

Charles Gunn is a major character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer spinoff Angel. He is a vampire hunter who becomes a reluctant ally to Angel and later becomes friends with Angel's employees at Angel Investigations.


Gunn led a crew to protect his hood from vampires. When Gunn first met Angel he tried to kill him but they later began working together, When Gunn's sister was turned into a vampire he was forced to stake her and was devastated. Gunn developed a deep bond with Angel's friends Wesley Wyndam-Pryce and Cordelia Chase.with Wesley taking a bullet for him and Gunn joining Angel, Wesley, and Lorne on their mission to rescue Cordelia in Pylea. When Angel briefly adopted a darker attitude to his mission Gunn was horrified and was the one least forgiving of him when he returned to his team.

Gunn was annoyed when Wesley tried to deduce the identity of who was murdering demons. When it turned out to be his crew Gunn turned on them to protect Angel though he admitted it was more because of their shared mission than seeing Angel as a friend, Angel understood Gunn's feelings and assured him he would not hold it against him.

Gunn started to date Fred Burkle but cruelly rejected her to spare her pain when Jenoff came seeking his soul which he had previously traded for a truck. Fortunately Angel saved him.

When Wesley kidnapped Angel's son Connor to protect him Gunn sided with Angel and their friendship became strained which was made worse by them both having feelings for Fred.

When Fred was going to murder the professor who sent her to Pylea Gunn took it upon himself to do so to spare her from the guilt of having to do so which ultimately led to the end of their relationship. After Angel took over Wolfram and Hart Gunn worked for him as a lawyer.

When his mental faculties began to diminish Gunn made a pact with Dr Sparrow to get a permanent upgrade. When this resulted in Fred's death he was guilt-ridden. He later returned to Angel's crew, seeking redemption for his sins and taking down Circle of the Black Thorne member Helen Brucker.

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