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Heroes Wiki
TBubber holding candle

Travis Bruton (Tbubber)

Travis Bruton (Also known as TBubber) is the main and unseen-face protagonist in the DLC of Wick, No Way Out. Travis is an Youtuber who made videos about explore paranormal things. Travis go to Mountain Todd to investagate about The Weaver Family's case. While exploring the place, Travis got attacked by the Weaver's ghost childrens. He was voiced by the game designer, Maceo Mair.


Just like Sam, Travis doesn't show much of his body except his hand. He is a 15 years old boy who possibly wears a red hoodie.


Travis's case happened in October 2014 (Could possibly Halloween), which is before Sam, the case happen in 2015.

Travis went to Mountain Todd to recordding and investagate about The Weaver Family's case and make new video for his fans. He found the key to open the gate in a warehouse nearby. He found the graves of the children. After collect The Weaver's stuff, Travis got attacked by the children who are: Benny, Caleb, Tim, Tom and Lillian. He found a warehouse that belonged to The Weaver. In the warehouse, he saw a illusion of the father of the family, John Weaver suicide. After found all the stuffs, Travis try to go to the gate but Benny has waiting him and Travis got chase by all the children. He stopped at a wooden house, the door suddenly closed and the quote "NO WAY OUT". Travis got confused and someone hit him with a shovel. The attacker is unknown.

The game end with the broken screen of Travis's camera cover with blood, a crow flew to Travis's corpse and started to peaked and which meant Travis was dead. 

The next day which is November 1st, his mom Sheila reported about her son's missing and just like The Weaver and Sam, Travis's case has became forgotten.

Allies & Enemies[]


▪Sheila Bruton (Mom)

▪Unamed Father

▪Ducan (Friend, Assistant, Fomerly)


▪Benny Weaver

▪Caleb Weaver

▪Tim Weaver

▪Tom Weaver

▪Lillian Weaver



▪Travis is one of some characters characters actually talk in the game.

▪Acordding to Travis's missing report, his height is 5'11" and his weight is 180 pounds. His blood type is O.

He is arguably just as much of a villain as the Weavers since he shows no qualms about desecrating the gravesite of deceased children for views and willingly betrayed his friend and when compared to Sam, who is just trying to survive, Travis is more of a Designated Hero than anything else.
