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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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All right, you egg-suckin' piece of gutter trash! You always did like pushin' around people smaller than you! Well I'M smaller! Try pushin' me!
~ Wolverine to Sabertooth
My true nature? I wish I knew what that was...
~ Wolverine

James Howlett, better known as Logan or Wolverine, is one of the main protagonists of 1992-97 animated superhero series X-Men: The Animated Series and its 2024 sequel series X-Men '97, as well as a guest character in Spider-Man: The Animated Series.

He's a mutant member of the X-Men who previously had his memories erased, as well as having his skeleton fused with Adamantium which gave him retractable Adamantium claws.

He's voiced by Cathal J. Dodd.


Wolverine is a short man with black and blue hair that sticks upwards on both sides of his head. He also has mutton chop sideburns. His X-Men uniform has a helmet with vizors that stick out past his head. The rest of his costume also consists of mostly yellow, but he does have some black and blue on his boots as well as his shoulder pads, giving him more of an animalistic look. When not in uniform, he usually wears jeans and a plaid yellow shirt, covered by a winter jacket.


Wolverine can best be described as a loner and someone who does things his own way, even if it means going off on his own and splitting up with his team on a mission. He can be headstrong, hardheaded, and even violent at times, coming off as a jerk and brute to anyone who sees him act this way, his friends included.

Despite his lone wolf persona and rude attitude, he is honorable as he refuses to hurt ordinary civilians, even if they express hate towards him or mutants in general. He also has a soft side as well, showing care for other people, especially his teammates. He's been shown to have romantic feelings for Jean Gray, showing affection and kindness towards her even after her and Cyclops were married. He was also extremely sad and angry when he thought Morph was killed on a mission, and expressed sorrow and worry when Jubilee's spirit was drained by an alien.


Wolverine has heightened senses and accelerated healing ability as well as an implanted adamantium skeleton and claws.

He also has the ability to rapidly heal faster and more efficiently than the likes of an ordinary human being. Possibly able to even regenerate damaged body parts such as organs and limbs. Because of this, Wolverine appears much younger than he actually is. His exact age is unknown, but he fought in World War II and looks the same age today. This also makes him immune to diseases, drugs, and toxins.

He also has animal-like senses making him an extraordinary hunter.

He has superhuman strength for a but has not demonstrate anything considerable strength feats such as Captain America or Spider-Man.


X-Men: The Animated Series[]

Sometime before the start of the show, Wolverine was kidnapped by an unknown agency and had his mind wiped, which got rid of his memories. They then infused his skeleton with adamantium, which in turn gave him retractable claws. They did all this in the hopes of turning him into the ultimate weapon. However, Logan managed to break out of the container he was in and escape the facility.

After escaping, he ran into Alpha Flight members James Hudson and his wife Heather. He mindlessly attacked them in a blind rage, but was able to be calmed down by Heather. They then took him to their home and helped him recover. Afterwards, he decided to join Alpha Flight, but later felt they were just using him as a weapon, so when he met Professor Charles Xavier and was offered the chance to join the X-Men, he readily accepts.

X-Men '97[]



          X-MenMovieLogo Heroes

Archangel | Anole | Armor | Banshee | Beast | Broo | Bishop | Blindfold | Boom-Boom | Cable | Caliban | Callisto | Cannonball | Chamber | Changeling | Charles Xavier | Cypher | Colossus | Cyclops | Danger | Darwin | Dazzler | Deadpool | Doctor Nemesis | Dust | Elixir | Emma Frost | Fantomex | Firestar | Frenzy | Forge | Gambit | Gentle | Graymalkin | Havok | Hellion | Hepzibah | Husk | Iceman | Ink | Jean Grey | Joseph | Jubilee | Juggernaut | Karma | Lady Mastermind | Lifeguard | Lizard | Lockheed | Longshot | Maggott | Magma | Magneto | Marrow | Marvel Girl | Mercury | Mimic | Ms. Marvel | Multiple Man | Mystique | Namor | Nate Grey | Nightcrawler | Northstar | Omega Sentinel | Petra | Pixie | Polaris | Prodigy | Psylocke | Rasputin IV | Revanche | Cecilia Reyes | Rockslide | Rogue | Sage | Shadowcat | Skids | Spider-Man | Stacy X | Storm | Sunfire | Sunspot | Surge | Sway | Thunderbird | Warlock | Wolf Cub | Wolfsbane | Wolverine | X-23

X-Men: Wolverine | Professor X | Jean Grey | Cyclops | Storm | Shadowcat | Nightcrawler | Iceman | Beast | Colossus | Magneto | Mystique | Archangel‡ | Havok† | Banshee† | Darwin† | Quicksilver | Bishop | Blink | Sunspot | Warpath | Negasonic Teenage Warhead | Rogue | Selene Gallio
Non X-Men Mutants: Jubilee | Kayla Silverfox | Gambit | Deadpool | Emma Silverfox | Yukio | Caliban† | X-23 | Wolfsbane | Magik | Cannonball | Mirage | Lockheed
X-Force: Deadpool | Danielle Moonstar | Cable | Domino | Peter | Bedlam | Shatterstar | Zeitgeist | Vanisher | Firefist
Humans: Moira MacTaggert | Kenuichio Harada | Mariko Yashida | Vanessa Carsyle | Dopinder | Weasel | Blind Al | Peter

X-Men (1992)
X-Men: Charles Xavier | Cyclops | Beast | Bishop | Gambit | Magneto | Jean Grey | Jubilee | Psylocke | Rogue | Storm | Wolverine | Angel | Morph | Polaris | Cable | Colossus | Iceman | Imperial Guard | Moira MacTaggert | Nightcrawler | Starjammers | X-Factor

X-Men: Evolution
Charles Xavier | Cyclops | Jean Grey | Rogue | Storm | Shadowcat | Wolverine | Nightcrawler | Beast | Iceman | Spyke | Angel | New Mutants | Alex Summers | X23 | Boom Boom | Forge | Colossus

Wolverine and the X-Men
Wolverine | Scarlet Witch | Emma Frost | Jean Grey | Cyclops | Nightcrawler | Beast | Storm | Rogue | Shadowcat | Iceman | Forge | Tildie | Angel | Colossus | Charles Xavier | Bishop | Berzerker | Domino | Firestar | Hellion | Kamal | Marrow | Polaris | Rover the Sentinel | Vanisher | X-23 Clones

Marvel Anime: X-Men
Charles Xavier | Cyclops | Storm | Beast | Wolverine | Armor | Emma Frost | Deadpool | Archangel | Colossus | Nightcrawler | Rogue | Jean Grey | Captain Britain

To be added.

The Gifted
Thunderbird | Erg | Polaris | Evangeline Whedon | Eclipse | Esme Frost | Andy Strucker | Caitlin Strucker | Lauren Strucker | Thunderbird | Zingo | Blink | Dax (Legion) | Doctor Kelsey | Dreamer | Erg | Elsa | Fade | Mark | Michael | Naya | Pedro | Pulse | Raghav | Randall | Reed Strucker | Sage | Shatter | Side-Eye | Skyer | Thomas | Trader | Wes | Zion | Blink | Morlocks

X-Men '97
X-Men: Cyclops | Beast | Bishop | Gambit | Magneto | Jean Grey | Jubilee | Rogue | Storm | Wolverine | Angel | Morph | Cable | Colossus | Imperial Guard | Nightcrawler | Charles Xavier

See Also
X-Men Movie Heroes
