Home witchery

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herbs for banishing spells and how to use them
Herbs for Banishing Spells! Whatever you wish you get rid of in your life these are some easily accessible items that can be used in any spell or ritual. Use them as an oil to anoint a candle, roll a candle in dried herbs, or use fresh herbs to leave as offerings during a ritual for banishing. 🌿✨🌙🌱 . . . #banishingspell #spells #rituals #herbs #witchy #witches #witchcraft #witch #mystic #moss #magick #magic #herbwitch #greenwitch #hedgewitch #kitchenwitch #candlespells #altar #offerings #fore...
a card with two snails and the words tarot tricks
#Spirituality #Vibration #Aura #Manifestation #Energy #Tarot #Astrology
the witchy vibes list for halloween
My Favorite Songs with Witchy Vibes — Spooky Little Halloween
My Favorite Songs with Witchy Vibes - Spooky Little Halloween
Nature, Herb Sachets, Water Witchcraft, Sea Witchcraft, Beach Witch, Ocean Witch, Coastal Plants, The Sea Witch, Water Magic
10 Essential Herbs and Plants for the Sea Witch - Eclectic Witchcraft