Branding Your Business

Often times prospective customers come to us wanting to “rebrand”, thinking they are going to update their logo or design a new website and launch a new, wonderful brand. But, when we look at what they have, it’s not usually the brand aesthetics that’s at the heart of what they need to have a successful brand. What’s missing most of the time is the brand story reflected through strong brand strategy, message points and coordinating graphics that draw new customers in.
28 Pins
a doctor writing on a clipboard while wearing a stethoscope and holding a pen
Building A Long-Term Brand Identity - Hummingbird Creative Group
The goal of #branding and developing a brand identity is for a potential customer to know you exist before they ever need your service. Depending on the market you serve, patients may have very different needs and expectations. #healthcare
a tablet computer sitting on top of a wooden table next to a cup of coffee
The Importance of Being Authentic to Branding a B2B Service Business - Hummingbird Creative Group
Authenticity remains one of the most important traits in #branding a B2B service business. There are many different definitions of the word #authentic, but the Cambridge Dictionary says it is “the quality of being real or true.”
a man in a suit holding out his hand with a house drawn on it
Smart Branding In The Real Estate Market - Hummingbird Creative Group
There are several different types of #realestate companies—ranging from individual agents to giant companies like Century 21 and BHS. #Branding for each of these entities is very different. A new or individual agent should probably spend more time increasing their online and #socialmedia presence rather than on developing their logo. But where to begin?
a magnifying glass sitting on top of a blue search button next to a keyboard
B2B Branding: Your Customers Are Researching Their Options… - Hummingbird Creative Group
The B2B market is as competitive as it’s ever been… and the landscape is changing rapidly. As more companies downsize and try to save on costs, the costs of goods and services is one of the first line items to be reconsidered. Increased competition is challenging traditional long-term relationships with suppliers. #branding #competition
a hand holding up a piece of paper with the word about us written on it
Corporate ID Materials Are Essential for Branding Professional Services Businesses - Hummingbird Creative Group
You invested a lot of time and energy and money into getting your education and training and certifications… Then you brainstormed and strategized and executed… And now you’ve established your brand. But how much thought have you given to your corporate ID materials?
a bottle of chanel perfume sitting on top of a white surface with the words build brand royaltyity
Branding Services
As you build a strong brand, it’s important to continue to understand customer’s needs and perception of your brand to build loyalty. The key to building brand loyalty is knowing who your customers are—and understanding how they want to feel about themselves. #brand #brandstrategy #marketing #branding
people are sitting and standing in front of a large window at an airport terminal with the sun shining through
5 Ways to Start Redefining Your Brand - Hummingbird Creative Group
Brand differentiation is a huge priority for any organization, but when you focus only on how you’re different, you’re missing the bigger picture. #brand #brandstrategy #marketing #branding
a carved pumpkin sitting on top of a wooden table
Nightmare on Brand Street - Hummingbird Creative Group
We’ve previously written about common brand mistakes before and weird brand decisions that take away from brand equity. But what happens when those mistakes are taken to the extreme? What happens to the brand?
the word plymouth written in cursive font on an old car's emblem
Choosing a Type - Hummingbird Creative Group
#Typography is the study of type, and the art of using this types/fonts to create something beautifully designed. To keep it simple we are going to discuss the 3 main sets of typefaces called Serif, Sans Serif and what we are going to call“Decorative” . These three font types can generally span all variety of types by having many sub categories.#brand #brandstrategy #marketing
a person reading a book next to a cup of tea and flowers on a table
Rebranding Your Business: 3 Tips On Telling Your Brand Story
Sometimes it’s in your brand’s best interest to go through a rebrand. Sometimes it’s due to a merger or acquisition of another company, or it could be because of a shift in your approach to business. Other brands try to rebrand to shed some excessive baggage or negative press. Other times, it’s just to refresh the brand and give it a more modern look for the market.
two women sitting at a table with laptops and coffee cups in front of them
Brand Vocabulary Matters - Hummingbird Creative Group
So you’re a business trying to get your name out there. Hurtle one: being discovered. You’ve spent hundreds of hours working on your service, message and story– now, it’s time to share with the world. Here’s where you might stumble; because you’ve spent the time cementing the value of your product so you can crystalize your internal vision, you’ve probably developed a distinct vocabulary.
two hands are holding a shopping cart in front of a colorful background with geometric shapes
Add AdWords to Your Brand Toolbox - Hummingbird Creative Group
Google AdWords gives you the ability to build your brand by reaching your audience across millions of websites, apps and billions of minutes of watch-time on YouTube. Google AdWords has the ability to reach further than you could ever dream– if you do it right.
the word social media spelled with scrabble blocks on a wooden table next to a phone
4 Ways to Better Your Facebook Brand - Hummingbird Creative Group
Can your fans tell the difference between you and your competitors on Facebook? Are your posts getting the attention they deserve and bringing your target audience to your business? Facebook can be an important tool for bettering your brand– but only if you do it right.
an ice cream cone with the words how to make your brand story relatable
How to Make your Brand Story Relatable with Visuals - Easil
How to Make Your Brand Story Relatable With Visuals #visualcontent #digitalmarketing #brandstory via @teameasil
a hand holding a tablet with the snap sticker on it next to a colorful background
Snap a Brand Moment with Snapchat - Hummingbird Creative Group
Snapchat is a great way to reach out to current and future customers. It's great for B2B and B2C! But does Snapchat fit into your brand identity? #brandidentity #brand