Linea R1 
Continuation backward
dirección San Vicente de Calders
Station on track
Molins de Rey Fin
Stop on track
San Felíu de Llobregat
Stop on track
San Juan Despí
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
dirección Castelldefels (nueva línea)
Urban railway Interchange on track
Interchange on track
Straight track
ampliación del túnel urbano hasta Hospitalet
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
dirección Bellvitge
Unknown route-map component "eINT"
Torrassa (nueva estación)
Unknown route-map component "tCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "KRZt" Unknown route-map component "tSTR+r"
Template:FFCC dirección Campo de Tarragona
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Unknown route-map component "tINT-L" Unknown route-map component "tINT-R"
Barcelona Sants Template:FFCC
Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "extCONTf"
Template:FFCC Túnel Sants-La Sagrera
Unknown route-map component "tABZgl" Unknown route-map component "tSTR+r"
dirección Paseo de Gracia
Unknown route-map component "tSTR+l" Unknown route-map component "tKRZt" Unknown route-map component "tKRZt" Unknown route-map component "tCONTfq"
dirección Provenza
Unknown route-map component "tKINTe" + Unknown route-map component "HUBaq"
Unknown route-map component "tINT" + Unknown route-map component "HUBeq"
Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Plaza de Cataluña
Unknown route-map component "exCONTg" Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tINT"
Paseo de Gracia
Unknown route-map component "exBHF" Head station Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Estación de Francia
Unknown route-map component "exABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "eABZgr" Unknown route-map component "tINT" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Arco de Triunfo
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTRa" Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "tABZgl" Unknown route-map component "tABZg+r" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
ramal Glòries
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTRl" Unknown route-map component "tKRZt" Unknown route-map component "tABZgr"
dirección Estación de Francia
Unknown route-map component "exHST" Unknown route-map component "tSTR+l" Unknown route-map component "tABZgr" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
estación de Bogatell (destruida)
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "tABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "tKRZt" Unknown route-map component "tSTRr"
dirección Paseo de Gracia
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "tINT" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "extCONTg"
Template:FFCC dirección Sants (Túnel Sants-LaSagrera)
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "etKRZt" Unknown route-map component "etKRZt" Unknown route-map component "extSTRq" Unknown route-map component "extSTRr"
Template:FFCC dirección Barcelona-La Sagrera
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "etHST"
La Sagrera-Meridiana
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "etHST" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Barcelona-La Sagrera Template:FFCC (nueva estación)
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTRe" Unknown route-map component "tSTRl" Unknown route-map component "tCONTfq"
dirección Moncada-Bifurcación
Unknown route-map component "exHST" Straight track
estación del Poblenou (destruida)
Unknown route-map component "exSTR" Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
dirección Granollers
Unknown route-map component "exSTRl" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
ramal Marina, antigua línea Barcelona-Mataró
Urban railway Interchange on track
San Adrián de Besós
Station on track
Stop on track
Stop on track
Montgat Nord
Stop on track
El Masnou
Stop on track
Stop on track
Premiá de Mar
Stop on track
Vilasar de Mar
Stop on track
Cabrera de Mar - Vilasar
Straight track Unknown route-map component "exCONTg"
Línea orbital dirección Villanueva y Geltrú
Straight track Unknown route-map component "exHST"
Mataró Nord
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exHSTq" Unknown route-map component "exABZg+r"
Mataró Oest
Straight track Unknown route-map component "exHST"
Mataró Centre
Station on track Unknown route-map component "exSTR"
Straight track Unknown route-map component "exHST"
Mataró Est
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl+l" Unknown route-map component "exSTRq" Unknown route-map component "exSTRr"
conexión con la Línea orbital
Stop on track
San Andrés de Llavaneras
Stop on track
Station on track
Arenys de Mar
Stop on track
Canet de Mar
Stop on track
Sant Pol de Mar
Stop on track
Stop on track
Pineda de Mar
Stop on track
Santa Susana
Stop on track
Malgrat de Mar
Station on track
Stop on track
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
dirección San Celoni
Station on track
Massanet-Massanas Fin
Continuation forward
dirección Gerona
Manuale · Legenda · Convenzioni di stile

Versione 2

  Linea R4 
Continuation backward + Unknown route-map component "STRc2"
Unknown route-map component "d-CONT3"
per Tarragona e Valls
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+1" Unknown route-map component "STRc4"
Station on track
Sant Vicenç de Calders Termine
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
per Calafell
Stop on track
El Vendrell
Stop on track + Unknown route-map component "STRc2"
Unknown route-map component "CONT3"
Unknown route-map component "STRc2" Unknown route-map component "KRZ3+1u" Unknown route-map component "STRc4"
LAV per Camp de Tarragona
Unknown route-map component "STR+1"
Stop on track + Unknown route-map component "STRc4"
Els Monjos
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eKRZu" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
LOF per Vilanova i la Geltrú
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa" Unknown route-map component "tSTRa"
Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tBHF"
Vilafranca del Penedès
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe" Unknown route-map component "tSTRe"
Unknown route-map component "eBHF" Straight track
obres Vilafranca TAV (in costruzione)
Straight track Stop on track
La Granada
Straight track Stop on track
Unknown route-map component "STR2"
Stop on track + Unknown route-map component "STRc3"
Sant Sadurní d'Anoia
Unknown route-map component "STRc1" Unknown route-map component "KRZ2+4u" Unknown route-map component "STRc3"
LAV per Barcellona
Interchange on track + Unknown route-map component "STRc1"
Unknown route-map component "CONT4"
Junction both to and from left Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
diramazione per SEAT
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl+l" Unknown route-map component "exSTR+r"
collegamento con la LOF
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa" Unknown route-map component "extSTRa"
Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "extBHF"
Martorell Oest (in costruzione)
Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "extABZgl" Unknown route-map component "extCONTfq"
LOF per Mataró
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe" Unknown route-map component "extSTRe"
Unknown route-map component "eKRWg+l" Unknown route-map component "exKRWr"
collegamento con la LOF
Interchange on track
Martorell Central
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
fiume Llobregat
Stop on track
Junction both to and from left Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
per Rubí
Unknown route-map component "STR+c2" Unknown route-map component "CONT3"
Unknown route-map component "STRc2" Unknown route-map component "KRZ3+1u" Unknown route-map component "STRc4"
Unknown route-map component "CONT1"
Stop on track + Unknown route-map component "STRc4"
El Papiol
Stop on track
Molins de Rei
Station on track
Sant Feliu de Llobregat
Stop on track
Sant Joan Despí
Urban railway Interchange on track
Cornellà Centre
Interchange on track
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "STR+r" Straight track
per Bellvitge
Unknown route-map component "tCONT2"
Unknown route-map component "eBHF" + Unknown route-map component "HUBaq"
Unknown route-map component "eBHF" + Unknown route-map component "HUBeq"
obres Torrassa (in costruzione)
Unknown route-map component "KRZ2+4u" + Unknown route-map component "STRc4"
Straight track
Straight track Unknown route-map component "KRZ2+4u"
LAV per Camp de Tarragona
Straight track Straight track Unknown route-map component "tSTR+4"
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa" Unknown route-map component "tSTRa" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Unknown route-map component "tINT-L" Unknown route-map component "tINT-M" Unknown route-map component "tINT-R"
Barcellona Sants
Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tCONTf"
LAV galleria di Provença
Unknown route-map component "utSTRc2"
Unknown route-map component "tSTR" + Unknown route-map component "utSTR3+l"
Unknown route-map component "mtKRZt" Unknown route-map component "utCONTfq"
per Provença
Unknown route-map component "utCONT1" + Unknown route-map component "lINT-L"
Unknown route-map component "tINT-R" + Unknown route-map component "utSTRc4"
Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Plaça Catalunya
Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tINT"
Passeig de Gràcia
Unknown route-map component "tINT" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Arc de Triomf
Unknown route-map component "KBHFCCa" Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Stazione di Francia
Unknown route-map component "tKRWgl" Unknown route-map component "tKRWg+r" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
Unknown route-map component "tSTRl"
Unknown route-map component "tSTRq" + Unknown route-map component "tABZg2"
Unknown route-map component "tSTRr" + Unknown route-map component "tSTR3"
per Stazione di Francia (via Glòries)
Unknown route-map component "tABZg+1" Unknown route-map component "tSTR2+4"
Unknown route-map component "tSTRc3" + Unknown route-map component "tCONTg"
LAV galleria di Provença
Unknown route-map component "tINT"
Unknown route-map component "tKRW+l" + Unknown route-map component "tSTRc1"
Unknown route-map component "tKRWr" + Unknown route-map component "tSTR+4"
El Clot
Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tINT"
La Sagrera - Meridiana
Unknown route-map component "etHST" + Unknown route-map component "HUBaq"
Unknown route-map component "etHST" + Unknown route-map component "HUBeq"
Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
obres Sagrera TAV (in costruzione)
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe" Unknown route-map component "tCONTf" Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
LAV per Girona
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Junction both to and from right Unknown route-map component "tSTR"
per Mataró
Straight track Unknown route-map component "tINT"
Fabra i Puig
Station on track Unknown route-map component "tSTRe"
Sant Andreu
Unknown route-map component "ABZg2" Unknown route-map component "STRc3" Interchange on track
Torre Baró-Vallbona
Unknown route-map component "STR+c1"
Unknown route-map component "exSTRl+4" + Unknown route-map component "STR2+4"
Unknown route-map component "extSTRa@gq" + Unknown route-map component "STR+c3"
Unknown route-map component "extSTR+r"
diramazione delle acque
Straight track Unknown route-map component "STRc1" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+4" Unknown route-map component "extSTR"
Straight track Stop on track Unknown route-map component "extSTR"
Montcada Bifurcació
Continuation forward Straight track Unknown route-map component "extSTR"
per Granollers Centro
Unknown route-map component "STRc2" Unknown route-map component "ABZg3" Unknown route-map component "extSTR"
Unknown route-map component "STR+1"
Unknown route-map component "eHST" + Unknown route-map component "STRc4"
Unknown route-map component "extSTR"
Montcada i Reixac-Sant Joan (non servita)
Stop on track Straight track Unknown route-map component "extSTR"
Montcada i Reixac-Manresa
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "KRZo"
One way rightward + Unknown route-map component "extSTRc2"
Unknown route-map component "extSTR3"
per Vic
Stop on track + Unknown route-map component "exSTRc2"
Unknown route-map component "extSTR3+1e" Unknown route-map component "extSTRc4"
Montcada i Reixac-Santa Maria]]
Unknown route-map component "eABZg+1" Unknown route-map component "exSTRc4"
galleria del Turó de Montcada
Station on track
Cerdanyola del Vallès
Unknown route-map component "kABZg2"
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "KRZo+k1" Unknown route-map component "kABZq+4" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Granollers Centro per Cerdanyola Universitat
Stop on track
Barberà del Vallès
Unknown route-map component "eABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
LOF per Mataró
Unknown route-map component "tBHFa@f"
Sabadell Sud
Unknown route-map component "tBHF"
[Sabadell Centro
Unknown route-map component "tINT"
Sabadell Nord
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe"
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Sabadell Can Llong (in costruzione)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Castellarnau (non servita)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Torrebonica (non servita)
Unknown route-map component "tBHFa@f"
Terrassa Est
Unknown route-map component "tINT"
Terrassa Stazione del Nord
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe"
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Terrassa Can Boada (in costruzione)
Stop on track
Sant Miquel de Gonteres-Viladecavalls
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
LOF per Vilanova i la Geltrú
Stop on track
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Olesa de Montserrat †
Stop on track
Stop on track
Stop on track
Castellbell i el Vilar-Monistrol dr Montserrat
Interchange on track
Sant Vicenç de Castellet
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Castellgalí †
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Els Comtals †
Station on track
Manresa Termine
Continuation forward
per Lleida Pirineus
Manuale · Legenda · Convenzioni di stile