Jungle Cruise Wiki
"It takes a real eye for talent, you know, Not just any bird can make it in the Enchanted Tiki Room. You have to be more than a pretty face – or beak"
—Kiki Serbano

"Tiki" Kiki Serbano is a character from the Adventure Trading Company, tied into Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room.



"Tiki" Kiki Serbano and her sister Rita were inhabitants of the Wilds of Adventureland during the mid 1930s. Kiki and Rita were connected to the Polynesian portions of Adventureland, participating in, "Tiki culture" and serving as talent-scouts for the Enchanted Tiki Room, finding birds to perform in its show. At some point, Kiki earned a, "Bird Juju" representing observation from the colonial Adventure Trading Company.

Rita was much more successful at being a talent-scout than Kiki was and gained much more recognition, particularly after a big interview in the Bird Call tabloid magazine. Out of envy, Kiki enlisted various recruits of the Adventure Trading Company to assist her in finding new talent for the Tiki Room. By 1938, Kiki wrote two books called, "Rongo's Right" and, "Birds of Song".

Jungle Cruise appearances[]

Adventure Trading Company[]

Tiki Kiki originates from this attraction, being the central character of the Bird Juju mission. Her photograph was also on the bulletin-board in the Outpost.

Skipper Canteen[]

Two books written by Kiki appear in the library of the Skipper Canteen. One is titled, "Birds of Song" and the other, "Rongo's Right".

Other connections[]

Dateline Adventureland[]

An article by Tallahassee Glover featured an interview with Kiki.

Disney's Polynesian Village Resort[]

The water-play area, "Kiki Tiki's Water Play" may be named for Tiki Kiki.

Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room[]

Tiki Kiki was tied into the story of this attraction.


  • Certain birds which players could log for Kiki in the Adventure Trading Company included the ducks around the park, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, and the Wonderland birds around the Alice in Wonderland attraction.


