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Dimensional rift C Bsn 8VwAIzPgw.jpg large transparent "Kirby: Mouse Attack" redirects here. Not to be confused with Kirby Mass Attack.

In this game, Kirby chased down a gang of mice who'd stolen a precious, delicious treasure. Along the way, Kirby found many other treasures, including star seals and ability scrolls. Using the Copy Palette, Kirby could save items and Copy Abilities and mix them together. This new feature introduced players to a whole new level of strategy.
— Summary • Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition

Kirby: Squeak Squad (sometimes written as Kirby Squeak Squad and known in Europe as Kirby: Mouse Attack) is a platformer Kirby game developed by HAL Laboratory and Flagship and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS family of systems. It was originally released in Japan on November 2, 2006, in North America on December 4, 2006, in Australia on March 1, 2007, in Europe on June 22, 2007, and in South Korea on September 13, 2007.

The game was also rereleased on the Wii U Virtual Console in 2015.


Kirby's cake

Kirby's Strawberry Shortcake

Early afternoon in Dream Land... It's so peaceful even the clouds are drowsy. And now it's Kirby's favorite time of day — snack time. Today's yummy snack is a sweet, fluffy slice of strawberry shortcake! Time to dig in... WHOA! The cake Kirby was about to eat has suddenly vanished! That scrumptious berry-topped slice of mouthwatering goodness... No doubt about it! This must be the work of that greedy King Dedede! Well, there's no time to waste! Gotta get that cake back! And that's how Kirby's latest fantastic adventure begins...
— The Adventure Begins • Kirby: Squeak Squad Instruction Booklet
Squeak Squad2

The Squeaks' entrance.

KSqSq Pop Star

Popstar in Kirby: Squeak Squad

At the end of the game's first world, Kirby finds out that the Squeaks—an infamous group of treasure-thieving mice—are the ones behind the robbery. Kirby follows the thieves on a journey that takes him all over Dream Land. Kirby eventually fights the leader of the Squeaks, Daroach, at the end of the sixth level, Ice Island. After winning the battle, he comes close to obtaining a Treasure Chest supposedly containing his cake when Meta Knight swoops in and snatches the chest away.

Kirby chases Meta Knight to the end of the seventh world, Secret Sea, where a duel between the two rivals ensues. Meta Knight is defeated and gives up the chest, which Kirby is about to open when the Squeaks fly in and grab it from him. Daroach opens it, but the chest does not contain Kirby's cake; instead, a dark cloud envelops Daroach and flies off into outer space (the eighth world, Gamble Galaxy). Kirby follows, eventually encountering and fighting Daroach, now aptly named Dark Daroach, for the second time.

Kirby and Cake

Kirby finally gets his hands on the Strawberry Shortcake.

Once beaten, the dark cloud lets go of the Squeak's leader and floats away in the form of a small, black-colored star. Kirby follows the star to a crystalline arena, where the black star transforms into its true form: Dark Nebula, ruler of the underworld. Kirby confronts the fiend and after a short but intense battle, triumphs over the monster who disintegrates and explodes. Afterwards, Kirby, wondering where his cake really is, travels back to his home of Popstar as the credits roll. Meanwhile a bubble containing his treasured dessert follows close behind once the credits finish. The Squeaks have returned the cake, supposedly as an apology for all the trouble they had caused. Overjoyed at seeing his scrumptious sweet, Kirby gladly eats to his heart's content.


Unlike the title that preceded it (Kirby: Canvas Curse), Kirby: Squeak Squad follows the traditional Kirby formula; it is a 2D platformer in which Kirby must traverse through levels using Copy Abilities in order to reach a goal.

As in most of his games, Kirby is able to copy all of the abilities of certain enemies by inhaling and swallowing them. There are also interactive environments, with obstacles that are passable with Copy Abilities, placing an emphasis on elemental abilities. Examples include freezing water or lava to get across with the Ice ability, burning clouds with his Fire ability, sending sparks along metal or water with Spark, or cutting down grass with his Sword, Ninja, Animal, Triple Star, or Cutter ability. Fire, Ice and Spark and are particularly effective against the Squeaks, and the Final Weapon Triple Star's description shows three stars: red, blue, and green, representing fire, ice, and spark, respectively. Dark Nebula also has three forms which are based on these elements. Finding the Sword and Bomb Ability Scrolls allows versions of those abilities with properties of the elements to be created.

Copy Palette

The Copy Palette

The moveset of Kirby includes the inhale, super inhale, Star Spit, Slide, Air Gun, and floating. Kirby is also able to collect and store Copy Abilities and items in the Copy Palette, which is represented on the touch screen. The Bubble Copy Ability can be used to create such abilities from enemies. The Palette can store Food bubbles (these cannot be created) and Treasure Chests collected along the way. Lesser foods can be mixed to create foods which heal more when used, while mixing two Maxim Tomatoes give a random Copy Ability bubble. Stars created from the Bubble Copy Ability can be combined to create larger and more damaging stars when exhaled. Treasure does not do anything inside the game besides take up slots of the Copy Palette, but Kirby will open them if they are carried to the end of the stage. Being damaged while carrying treasure can sometimes cause them to come out of the Palette and drop onto the ground, though Kirby can inhale them again.

KSqSq CopyScroll

A generic Ability Scroll

A new concept to Kirby games introduced in this game are the Ability Scrolls, which power up any Copy Ability that Kirby has when chosen. Examples include Hammer growing nearly double its size if charged up, Tornado and Wheel taking the elemental properties of the terrain they pass over, Spark building up energy that can be released in a similar fashion to the Plasma ability's Plasma Wave, and Beam and Cutter's attacks having increased power.

KSqSq TreasureChest

A large Treasure Chest

Each level, except level 1-1, contains one to three Treasure Chests. Usually, each level contains two small red chests and a large blue chest, and boss levels also grant the player a blue chest when defeated. The ultimate goal of the game to collect all the chests, which include keys needed to unlock secret levels, the ability to change Kirby's color, portions of a jigsaw puzzle picture, and more additional game content; these are awarded when the player successfully completes the level with that chest. The player will need to make sure they have enough space in Kirby's stomach to store the chests, removing unneeded items or combining similar items to make space.

The larger chests are generally more difficult to obtain, and require Kirby to face a Squeak in a mini-challenge of sorts. If the opponent gets the chest, they will attempt to escape into their own small hideout, but if the player is fast enough, they can follow them into this hideout and attempt to beat them and retrieve the chest. If the player is too slow, the Squeaks will board up their hideout to stop Kirby from entering. If the player fails to obtain any chests, they are free to go back to any previously completed level to try to retrieve the chest again; chests already recovered can be collected again, but it will have a gray appearance and contain an ability or food item in a bubble when opened.

Basic Actions[]

Action Controls Description[3]
Ground Actions
Walk Directional Pad Left Right N/A
Dash Tap Directional Pad Left Right twice quickly in intended direction
Actions using Directional Pad Down
Duck Directional Pad Down N/A
Slide Directional Pad Down + A or B or Y
Midair Actions
Jump A or Y Use this command to leap up and leave the ground behind.
Float A or Y or Directional Pad Up Move through the air with multiple midair jumps.
Fire air puffs B Use this to release a blast of air and return to the ground.
Water Actions
Swim Directional Pad A or Y Use Directional Pad to swim, and press A or Y to rise to the surface.
Shoot water B Use this to blast enemies with a powerful squirt of water.
Other Actions
Enter a door Directional Pad Up Use this to enter doorways.
Use a ladder Directional Pad Up Down Use this to climb up and down ladders.
Inhale B Use this to inhale bricks or enemies.
Super Inhale Press and hold B Kirby's lungs are so powerful that he can inhale large enemies and faraway items.
With a Full Mouth
Exhale to Attack B Turn inhaled objects into stars and exhale them to attack enemies.
Swallow Directional Pad Down Copy enemy abilities by inhaling, then swallowing enemies.
Use Copy Abilities B Press B to use Copy Abilities. Check out descriptions of Copy Abilities on the pause screen.
Get Rid of a Copy Ability X or Select To drop a Copy Ability, press X or Select. The discarded abbility will float away sas a star.


Main Games[]


The game supports multi-card multiplayer and single-card download play for 3 special sub-games based on the Squeaks.

Goal Game[]

Kirby starts off in a regular rotating Cannon, with either Food, 1UP or nothing on eight platforms around it. The speed of rotation is randomized at the end of each level. Firing Kirby towards the platform nets whichever item Kirby flies through.


Db The following section contains transcluded content from the Database. Source: (viewedit • help)

Playable Characters[]


Acchi | Batty | Big Waddle Dee | Bio Spark | Blipper | Blockin | Boxin | Bronto Burt | Bubble Head | Bun | Caper | Chip | Cret | Crimp | Cupie | Flamer | Foley | Gaw Gaw | Glunk | Gold Waddle Dee | Gordo | Gussa | Heavy Knight | Hot Head | Laser Ball | Maiga | Metalun | Noddy | Parasol | Parasol Waddle Dee | Pengy | Perara | Scarfy | Shotzo | Sir Kibble | Snooter | Sparky | Squeakers | Starman | Sword Knight | Twister | UFO | Uja | Waddle Dee | Waddle Doo | Wheelie


Big Metalun | Bonkers | Boxy | Box Boxer | Buboo | Doc | Gao Gao | Mr. Frosty | Spinni | Storo | Tedhaun


King Dedede | Mrs. Moley | Mecha Kracko | Yadogaine | Bohboh | Daroach | Meta Knight | Dark Daroach | Dark Nebula

Copy Abilities[]

Kirby: Squeak Squad features 25 standard Copy Abilities, 5 of which are new. Many of the Copy Abilities feature multiple attacks, a trend also seen in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror.

Animal icon
Bubble icon
Ghost icon
Metal icon
Triple Star icon
Triple Star

Mix Abilities[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Mix#Kirby: Squeak Squad

Using the Copy Palette, the player can combine abilities together, via Mix. There are certain fixed combinations involving the basic abilities Sword, Fire, Ice, Spark, and Bomb, (and Sleep once the Ghost Medal is complete). Mixing abilities is achieved by dragging one ability over another with the stylus. If the two are compatible with each other, they will combine and produce a new ability (example: Fire + Sword = Fire Sword). These combinations require the Sword and Bomb Ability Scrolls, besides the Ghost Medal combination (which requires two Sleep ability bubbles).

If the chosen abilities do not fall into one of the fixed combinations, they follow a separate ruleset. While still random, the sets from which the resultant ability is randomized from can be chosen by the player.

There are 5 Mix abilities in Kirby: Squeak Squad:

Fire Sword
Ice Bomb
Ice Sword
TB icon
Thunder Bomb
TS icon
Thunder Sword

Items and Objects[]

Ability ScrollAbility bubbleBubble itemFood bubbleGhost MedalKirby BubbleMusic NoteRoulette bubbleSecret MapSpray PaintStar SealStrawberry ShortcakeTreasure ChestTriple StarVitality


Prism Plains SSScreen(half) Nature Notch Map Cush cloud Jam Jungle Map
KSqSq Prism Plains icon KSqSq Nature Notch icon KSqSq Cushy Cloud icon KSqSq Jam Jungle icon
Prism Plains Nature Notch Cushy Cloud Jam Jungle
Vocal Volcano Map Ice Island Map Secret Sea Map Gamble Galaxy Map
KSqSq Vocal Volcano icon KSqSq Ice Island icon KSqSq Secret Sea icon KSqSq Gamble Galaxy icon
Vocal Volcano Ice Island Secret Sea Gamble Galaxy
KSqSq Secret Area icon
Secret Area


KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Kirby: Squeak Squad/Music


KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Glitch#Kirby: Squeak Squad


Though the game received slightly less positive reviews than Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, the overall ratings were still positive. Kirby: Squeak Squad received a score of 7.5 out of 10 from Nintendo Power, and three scores of 7, 7.5 and 7.5 out of 10 from EGM. Criticisms concerned the lack of originality in the title when compared to the previous Kirby game on the Nintendo DS, Kirby: Canvas Curse and the removal of Kirby & The Amazing Mirror's map system. Television show X-Play gave the game a 3 out of 5, criticizing the game for weak subgames and unnecessary use of the touchscreen. The British Official Nintendo Magazine gave the game, on its European release, a score of 70%. Even though reviews were less positive, Kirby: Squeak Squad has managed to sell over 1.7 million copies, with one million copies sold in Japan alone. It has a score of 71 on Metacritic and a ranking of 72.24% on Game Rankings based on 34 reviews.[4]


KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Kirby: Squeak Squad/Transcript


KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: List of Kirby: Squeak Squad Staff


KSqSq Birthday

Birthday screen

  • If the date on the Nintendo DS system matches the date of birth entered into the DS system, a screen saying "Happy Birthday" with a cake will appear.
  • There is an unused ability called Block in the game's data. This may be an early or scrapped version of the Triple Star. Interestingly enough, Kirby wears a hat similar to that of the Mirror ability from Kirby Super Star when Block is active.
  • This was the first Kirby game to be officially released in South Korea; in previous years, the nation had banned the import of most Japanese cultural products as backlash against Japanese rule from 1910 to 1945.
  • Despite being a recurring Kirby boss, Whispy Woods does not appear in the game outside of his cameo on the title screen. In fact, Kirby: Squeak Squad is the only traditional platformer in which neither Whispy Woods nor any counterpart of him (such as King Golem, Flowery Woods, and Clanky Woods) is fought.
  • Even though the Squeaks are implied to be the thieves of Kirby's strawberry shortcake, carefully observing the opening cutscene shows that the individual who actually committed the act closely resembles a Waddle Dee.
    • However, the Waddle Dee may instead be a placeholder sprite that the developers neglected to replace.
KSqSq DS Lite
  • An exclusive Polar White DS Lite (marked with a monochromatic Kirby holding a Treasure Chest) was released in Australia shortly after the release of Kirby: Squeak Squad. Forty of these handheld consoles were given away by the Australian magazine, K-Zone.[5]
  • In the Music Room in Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Kirby: Squeak Squad is represented by an image of a yellow Squeaker.
  • This is the last game to have the Boss Endurance mode, as future Kirby games replaced it with other modes, such as The Arena, The Ultimate Choice, and the Colosseum.
  • Many of the songs in the game are remixes of songs from previous games; most are from Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land and Kirby & The Amazing Mirror. The main theme itself is a remix of the track "Grass Land 3", from Kirby's Dream Land 3.
  • The time between the releases of Kirby: Squeak Squad and Kirby's Epic Yarn marked the longest duration without an entirely original Kirby release in North America since the beginning of the series, at 3 years, 10 months and 13 days.
KSqSq Dedede Arena
  • Castle Dedede looks very similar to how it appeared in Kirby: Right Back at Ya! Additionally, there is a device in Dedede's room very similar to Dedede's Monster Transmitter in the anime, though here it is actually a high-tech energy vault containing Dark Nebula's chest. The Halberd also appears similar to its anime appearance.
  • This was the last Kirby game to be developed by Flagship, and the last game Flagship developed before being dissolved.
  • Some of the game's backgrounds are modified versions of backgrounds from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror.
  • This is the only traditional platformer to feature Copy Abilities that does not include Stone.
  • This is the only time King Dedede appears as the first boss.
  • This is the second Kirby game to give the enemies health bars; the first game was Kirby & The Amazing Mirror.


Box Art[]


Official Miiverse Artwork[]

Concept Artwork[]




External links[]

Wikipedia-logo-v2 This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original page was at Kirby: Squeak Squad. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. Like Kirby Wiki, the text of Wikipedia uses the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.
