Kirby Wiki

KRtDLD Mike This page documents music in:
Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra
Kirby Super Star
Kirby Super Star Ultra

Part 1[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Part 1

Part 2[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Part 2

Part 3[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Part 3

Part 4[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Part 4

Part 5[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Part 5

Kirby Super Star Ultra Original Sound Track[]

KRtDLDX Maxim Tomato Main article: Kirby Super Star Ultra Original Sound Track

Sound Test[]

Song* Japanese Name Translation Music # in Sound Test Track # in Kirby Super Star Ultra Original Sound Track When/Where Music Plays
Grand Opening グランドオープニング
Grand Opening
01 000 1 "Grand Opening" and "Fly! Meta Knight" (
) movies, and the title screen (
Rest Area[2] 休憩所[2] Rest Area 35 001 File Select Screen (
); Rest Areas in The Great Cave Offensive, The Arena (
), Meta Knightmare Ultra (
), and The True Arena (
); ???
Corkboard コルクボード[3] Corkboard 02 002 Corkboard
The Beginner's Room[4][5] 初心者の部屋[3] The Beginner's Room 03 003 The Beginner's Show
Spring Breeze はるかぜとともに Together with the Spring Breeze 04 004 2 "Spring Breeze" movie
Spring Breeze: Title はるかぜとともに:タイトル Together with the Spring Breeze: Title 005 3 Spring Breeze title screen
Green Greens GREEN GREENS[3] Green Greens 05 006 4 Green Greens and Purple Plants (
Float Islands 06 007 Float Islands and Illusion Islands (
Bubbly Clouds 07 008 Bubbly Clouds and Crash Clouds (
Boss Battle[6] ボスとの戦い Battle with a Boss 08 009 5 Most boss battles and in the last room of Candy Mountain
Sparkling Star きらきらぼし[7] Sparkling Star 09 010 Spring Breeze and Revenge of the King (
) when a Sparkling Star appears; Dyna Blade Goal Game; Chapter 3 when encountering Dyna Blade; Continue Screen for Spring Breeze
Kirby Dance (full version) 10 011 After grabbing a Sparkling Star
King Dedede's Theme[8][9] デデデ大王のテーマ King Dedede's Theme 11 012 6 Mt. Dedede and Mt. Dedede Sky (
); fighting King Dedede
Dedede's Defeat S.E. 047 013 "Tomorrow's Wind" movie when King Dedede is sent flying out of his castle
Kirby Becomes a Balloon 014 "Tomorrow's Wind" movie when Kirby carries Castle Dedede with the power of the Sparkling Stars
Tomorrow's Wind あしたはあしたのかぜがふく Tomorrow, the Winds of Tomorrow Will Blow 12 015 7 "Tomorrow's Wind" movie
Dyna Blade 13 016 "Dyna Blade" movie
Dyna Blade: Title 14 017 Dyna Blade title screen
Dyna Blade (Map) 15 018 Dyna Blade world map
Peanut Plains ピーナツ平野
Peanut Plains
Plains Stage
16 019 8 Peanut Plains and Floria; "Knight's Story Scenes 1-3" Scene 2 (
Mallow Castle マシュマロ城[11] Mallow Castle 17 020 Mallow Castle
Cocoa Cave 洞窟ステージ[12] Cave Stage 18 021 Cocoa Cave and Cavius
Candy Mountain キャンディ山 Candy Mountain 19 022 9 Candy Mountain, Chapter 3, and Skyhigh
Kirby Dance (short version) 20 023 Spring Breeze and Revenge of the King (
) after defeating King Dedede, Dyna Blade after clearing the Goal Game, and in Milky Way Wishes after grabbing a Sparkling Star.
Mid-boss Battle 中ボスとの戦い[7] Battle with a Mid-boss 21 024 VS. Iron Mam
Trial Room 能力おためし部屋[3] Copy Ability Trial Room 22 025 Trial Room 1, Trial Room 2, the The Arena starting room (
) and rest areas (
); Options (
Dyna Blade's Nest 23 026 Dyna Blade's Nest; Helper to Hero Rest Area before the 13th boss
Giant Boss Battle 巨大ボスとの戦い Battle with a Giant Boss 027 10 Fighting Dyna Blade, Wham Bam Rock, and Wham Bam Jewel
Live Healthy たっしゃでくらせよ Live Healthy 24 028 11 "Live Healthy" movie; "Knight's Story Scenes 1-3" Scene 3 (
Gourmet Race 25 029 "Gourmet Race" movie
A Quick Nap 030 "Gourmet Race" movie when Kirby wakes up from sleeping
Gourmet Race: Title 26 031 "Gourmet Race" movie when King Dedede challenges Kirby and Gourmet Race title screen
Gourmet Race (Original) 032 "Original Kirby Movies" movie during the Gourmet Race scene when King Dedede challenges Kirby
Get Up And Go-urmet![13]
Gourmet Go Go[14][15]
激突!グルメレース Crash! Gourmet Race 27 033 12 Pumpkin Grand and Onion Garden
Corn Hall 28 034 Corn Hall
Drum Roll 29 035 Gourmet Race when calculating the score total
Score 30 036 Gourmet Race when the scores are totaled and for every "Win" bonus
Winner!! 31 037 Gourmet Race Win; clear Helper to Hero with all 20 Helpers
You Lose... 32 038 Gourmet Race Lose; fail in The Arena, Helper to Hero, or The True Arena
Great Cave Offensive 洞窟大作戦 The Great Cave Offensive 33 039 13 The Great Cave Offensive title screen; "Great Cave Offensive" and "Great Escape-Hero Up High" movies; "Original Kirby Movies" movie during The Great Cave Offensive scene
Sub-Tree Area 地底の木々エリア Underground Trees Area 34 040 14 Entrance, Sub-Tree Area, Old Tower Area, and Hotbeat; "Knight's Story Scenes 4-6" Scene 4 (
Cart Area 36 041 The Great Cave Offensive between main areas
Crystal Area 水晶の畑エリア Crystal Field Area 37 042 15 Crystal Area and Garden Area
Computer Virus 38 043 Fighting Computer Virus
Great Escape 044 "Great Escape-Hero Up High" movie when Kirby escapes the cave
Congratulations! 045 "Great Escape-Hero Up High" movie if all 60 treasures have been collected; a variation of 037 with a crowd cheering
Revenge of Meta Knight 39 046 "Revenge of Meta Knight" movie
Revenge of Meta Knight: Title メタナイトの逆襲:タイトル[16] Counterattack of Meta Knight: Title 40 047 Revenge of Meta Knight title screen
Boarding the Halberd[17] 戦艦ハルバード:甲板 Battleship Halberd: Deck 41 048 16 Chapter 1, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 before entering the ducts, Mekkai; "Halberd Scenes 1-3" Scene 3 and "Knight's Story Scenes 4-6" Scene 6 (
Revenge of Meta Knight (Map)[18] メタナイトの逆襲:戦艦マップ[19]
Counterattack of Meta Knight: Battleship Map
Counterattack of Meta Knight (Map)
44 049 "Halberd Scenes 1-3" Scenes 1 and 2, "Halberd Scenes 4-6," and "Halberd Scenes 7-8"; Meta Knightmare Ultra title screen (
); "Knight's Story Scenes 1-3" Scene 1 and "Knight's Story Scenes 4-6" Scene 5 (
Sea Stage 海ステージ Sea Stage 42 050 17 Chapter 2 and Aquarius
Heavy Lobster[21] ヘビーロブスター Heavy Lobster 051 18 Fighting Heavy Lobster in Chapter 5 and on Mekkai
Havoc Aboard the Halberd[22] 戦艦ハルバード:艦内 Battleship Halberd: Inside the Warship 43 052 19 Chapter 5 after entering the ducts, Chapter 6, Chapter 7 before fighting Meta Knight, Halfmoon, and The Revenge (
VS. Meta Knight VS.メタナイト VS. Meta Knight 45 053 20 Fighting Meta Knight; "Knight's Story Scenes 7-8" Scene 8 (
Wheelie Rider 054 "Halberd Scene 7-8" Scene 8 when Kirby finds the Wheelie Bike
Escaping the Halberd 46 055 Chapter 7 escape sequence; siren is Sound 307 (
Friends and Sun 友と夕陽と… Friend and Setting Sun... 47 056 21 "Friends and Sun" movie; "Knight's Story Scenes 7-8" Scene 7 (
); Meta Knightmare Ultra Continue Screen (
Milky Way Wishes 銀河にねがいを Wish Upon the Milky Way 49 057 22 "Milky Way Wishes" movie
Milky Way Wishes: Title 60 058 Milky Way Wishes title screen; Continue Screen for Dyna Blade, The Great Cave Offensive, and Revenge of Meta Knight
Milky Way Wishes (Map) 50 059 Milky Way Wishes world map
Fountain of Dreams 51 060 Milky Way Wishes when a Sparkling Star appears
Marx's Mad Plan マルクの野望 Marx's Ambition 52 061 23 "Marx's Mad Plan" movie
Galactic Nova ギャラクティック・ノヴァ Galactic Nova 53 062 24 Galactic Nova
To the Battlefield 063 "To the Battlefield" movie
Vs. Marx[8]
Meddlesome Marx[23]
VS.マルク VS. Marx 54 064 25 Fighting Marx and Marx Soul (
Kirby's Triumphant Return カービィ凱旋~スタッフロール Kirby's Triumphant Return-Staff Roll 55 065 33 "Kirby's Triumphant Return" and "Knight's Triumphant Return" movies (
Staff Credits 65 066 "Staff Credits" and "Hidden Staff Credits" movies (
Milky Way Wishes (Continue) 56 067 Milky Way Wishes Continue Screen
Super 無敵[7] Invincible 57 068 Obtain Candy
Done For... 58 069 Lose a life
Game Over 59 070 Lose all lives
Sub-Games: Title 071 26 Kirby Card Swipe, Kirby on the Draw, and Snack Tracks title screens
Kirby Card Swipe: Draw 072 Kirby Card Swipe when the cards on the touch screen are revealed and cherry blossoms drift by.
Kirby Card Swipe: Card Won! 073 Kirby Card Swipe when a card is won
Samurai Kirby 刹那の見斬り[7] Instant Look Slash 62 074 Samurai Kirby upon facing an opponent; Kirby Card Swipe sometimes when the cards on the touch screen are revealed and red & white origami shurikens drift by.
Kirby on the Draw タッチ! 早撃ちカービィ[3] Touch! Quick Draw Kirby 075 26 Kirby on the Draw
Snack Tracks 076 Snack Tracks during the first 30 seconds
Snack Tracks: Change Tracks 077 Snack Tracks during the latter 30 seconds
Fanfare 3[24]
Too Bad...[25]
078 Rank 4th in a sub-game
Fanfare 2[26]
Well Done![27]
079 Rank 2nd or 2rd in a sub-game
Fanfare 1[28]
080 Rank 1st in a sub-game
The Arena: Title 081 The Arena title screen (
The Arena 格闘王への道 The Road to the Fighting King 63 082 27 The Arena title screen (
) and after winning in The Arena (
); "The Arena" movie (
) and starting room (
Coliseum Battle コロシアムの戦い Coliseum Battle 64 083 28 The Arena during boss battles where "Boss Battle" would normally play
Revenge of the King 084 "Revenge of the King" movie
Revenge of the King: Title 085 Revenge of the King title screen
Flying Fortress Kabula 飛行砲台カブーラー Flying Fortress Kabula 086 29 "Flying Fortress Kabula" movie and when fighting Kabula
The Masked King[30] マスクド・デデデのテーマ Masked Dedede's Theme 087 30 Fighting Masked Dedede
The King and the Sun 088 "The King and the Sun" movie
Helper to Hero: Title 089 Helper to Hero title screen
Helper to Hero 090 "Helper to Hero" movie
Megaton Punch 61 091 26 Megaton Punch; Helper to Hero when selecting a Helper
Helper Coliseum Battle 092 Helper to Hero during boss battles where "Boss Battle" would normally play
Helper's Rest[31] ヘルパーたちの休息 Helpers' Rest 093 31 Helper to Hero Rest Area; Revenge of the King Continue Screen
Helper to Hero: Champion 094 Clear Helper to Hero
Meta Knightmare Ultra 095 "Meta Knightmare Ultra" movie
Galactic Knight 096 "Galactic Knight" movie
The Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy[32] 銀河最強の戦士 The Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy 097 32 Fighting Galacta Knight
Knight's Triumphant Return 098 "Knight's Triumphant Return" movie
The True Arena: Title 099 The True Arena title screen
The TRUE Arena 100 "The TRUE Arena" movie and starting room
True Coliseum Battle 真・コロシアムの戦い[33] True Coliseum Battle 101 28 The True Arena during boss battles where "Boss Battle" would normally play
The Final Four 102 The True Arena Rest Area after reaching the Final Four
Marx Soul Appears 103 "Marx Soul Appears" movie
Champion 104 Clear The Arena (
) or The True Arena (
Corkboard (Backside) 裏 コルクボード Back Corkbord 105 Corkboard sometimes after clearing The True Arena
Milky Way Wishes (Original) 46 106 "Original Kirby Movies" movie during the Milky Way Wishes scene when "KIRBY" appears
Notice 107 Corkboard when a new mode is unlocked
Special-Edition Blooper Reel 108 "Special-Edition Blooper Reel" movie
Kirby Master! 109 "Kirby Master!" movie
Stage Medley (Acoustic version) ステージメドレー/アコースティック ver. Stage Medley (Acoustic version) 34 Medley of "Helper's Rest," "Green Greens," "Peanut Plains," "Sea Stage," and "Boarding the Halberd"
Boss Battle Medley (Electronic version) ボスバトルメドレー/エレクトロニック ver. Boss Battle Medley (Electronic version) 35 Medley of "Mid-boss Battle," "Giant Boss Battle," "VS. Meta Knight," "Meddlesome Marx," and "The Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy"
Milky Way Wishes: Staff Credits (Orchestra version) 銀河にねがいを:スタッフロール/オーケストラ ver. Milky Way Wishes: Staff Credits (Orchestra version) 36 Orchestrated version of "Staff Credits"

*Unless cited, songs that are part of the Kirby Super Star Ultra Original Sound Track are given derivative names and songs that aren't part of the Kirby Super Star Ultra Original Sound Track are given conjectural names


  2. 2.0 2.1 Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Music Room song 27
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Kirby Super Star Ultra Japanese website
  4. Kirby Air Ride Sound Test music 03 "Kirby Super Stare: The Beginner's Room"
  5. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Music Room song 19
  6. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Music Room song 14
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 NINTENDO × JOYSOUND
  8. 8.0 8.1 Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  9. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Music Room song 3
  11. Nintendo 3DS theme "Kirby: Copy Ability Poll"
  13. Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition Compilation Soundtrack song 08
  14. Kirby: Triple Deluxe Dedede's Drum Dash Level 2: Gourmet Go Go
  15. Kirby Fighters 2 stage: Gourmet Go Go
  16. "Kirby 30th Anniversary Music Fest" as part of song 5, "The Knights' Revenge Fest"
  17. Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe Level 6: Boarding the Halberd
  18. Kirby Air Ride Sound Test Music 35 "Kirby Super Star: Revenge of Meta Knight (Map)"
  19. "Kirby 25th Anniversary Orchestra Concert" as part of song 6, "Kirby Super Star Medley"
  20. Kirby Air Ride Sound Test Music 35 「星のカービィスーパーデラックス:メタナイトの逆襲(マップ)」
  21. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Music Room song 30
  22. Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition Compilation Soundtrack song 09
  23. Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition Compilation Soundtrack song 10
  24. Kirby: Canvas Curse Sound Test music 32
  25. Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe Jukebox Track 93
  26. Kirby: Canvas Curse Sound Test music 31
  27. Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe Jukebox Track 94
  28. Kirby: Canvas Curse Sound Test music 30
  29. Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe Jukebox Track 97
  30. Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition Compilation Soundtrack song 29
  31. Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition Compilation Soundtrack song 30
  32. Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition Compilation Soundtrack song 31
  33. Nintendo Mobile