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Get away from it all at Meta Melon Isle. Travel through five distinct environments, and transform between the Off-Roader, Fire Engine, Dolphin, Train, and Spin Boarder. This place has something special for everyone, and a Metamortex for every occasion!
— Official guide

Meta Melon Isle is the 49th stage in Kirby's Epic Yarn and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn. It is the first unlockable and sixth stage in Dream Land, the eighth and final world in the games. It comes after Yin-Yarn and precedes Battleship Halberd. It is unlocked by obtaining sufficient beads in the battle against Yin-Yarn.

The level's unique feature is in its name; this is the only level with more than one metamortex transformation, which Kirby uses to get through its varied environment. This is also the only level to contain the Off-Roader metamortex without making Kirby race Truck Monsters.


This stage opens near a yellow patch; pulling it off reveals the Off-Roader metamortex. Once the player collects it and transforms, he will have to go over numerous hills and through rocks, jumping to collect beads and power boosts as he goes. Once he passes the area with two floating platforms, he will reach one with multiple. On the first platform seen in this area, there is a spring; using this spring will get Kirby to the platform that curves upwards. At the end of this platform, Kirby must jump and hit the power boost, allowing him to collect the first Bonus Star. Then, after riding over some crystals that move upwards when Kirby touches them, he will reach the Reel Gate and fall into an area with the Fire Engine metamortex. After getting the metamortex, Kirby will have to extinguish a wall of flame and destroy an Embaconda. Passing the area with three Magmotamus that comes immediately after this, Kirby will reach a room with an Embaconda and two walls of fire. In between the walls of fire lies the second Bonus Star and destroying the Embaconda gives Kirby the Palm Chair. The player will then reach the stage's second Reel Gate.

Kirby will fall into a water area, and the Dolphin metamortex will be there. They will then swim upwards, going through hoops, being careful with the currents and avoiding Gordos. When he reaches the Reel Gate at the top, he will be able to reach the Train metamortex. After retrieving the Ice Cream treasure near the floor, he will go through another Reel Gate and reach the final area of the stage. The area has shallow water and the Spin Boarder metamortex. After navigating hills and jumping over a Gator, Kirby can gain the wing power-up, which allows him to jump up to the floating platforms. He will then have to jump over enemies and go over a rainbow in order to jump over another Gator to retrieve the final Bonus Star. Once he goes back down the rainbows, he will have to jump on a Buttonbee, go over another rainbow and hop on three Bronto Burts to retrieve the Ice Cream Island CD. He will then finally enter the last Reel Gate and reach the Bonus Bell, completing the stage.


Db The following section contains transcluded content from the Database. Source: (viewedit • help)
Theme - Ice Cream Island
Ice Cream Island 4

Ice Cream Island 2-2

Ice Cream Island 3
Ice Cream Island theme in Kirby's Epic Yarn
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Music kRGXcDJzVyU High Fidelity
Theme in Kirby: Squeak Squad
Kirby: Squeak Squad
Music ckj6na7Ipi8
Paletto Polis - Remixed theme in Kirby: Canvas Curse
Kirby: Canvas Curse
Music MhS4zuk5LMk
Theme in Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Music hq7iU8azXlk
(Different) overworld music in Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Music 5BMCtL0WYzU
Original theme in Kirby's Adventure
Kirby's Adventure
Music RrS2nlq7v9Q
Overworld music in Kirby's Adventure
Kirby's Adventure
Music x34JJiQasgY
Ice Cream Island is the second level in Kirby's Adventure and Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land. It is a sun-drenched, idyllic, tropical paradise. Common aquatic foes such as Glunks and Blippers make their homes here.

