Artists: Side hustle

Income for Artist: Fine Art | Passive Profit | Art Licensing | Hobby | Etsy | Side Hustle | Work at home | Side Business | Arts and Crafts | Side gigs
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Art Business Website
Think you need a website to put your art out there? Websites are a nice tool to have, but they won’t sell your work for you. If you want to learn what the best use of your time to help you make sales faster is, join me inside Consistent Income. I’ll help you weed out the procrastination work and get the ball rolling on your art business now.
Jessica Craddock | Art Marketing
I told myself I was too busy, really it was fear. I no longer had a desire to sell art. I thought if I paint but don’t sell, I would be a fraud. I wish I had given myself permission to stay true to what I believe: not everyone should sell their art. I’m nine paintings back into my art, but I’m proud for allowing myself this outlet again. If you're getting back into creating and want help staying accountable share your goal, join a artist's group, or create a daily list to check off.
there are ways to build an audience without social media the artist market co sell more faster when you start with collaboration
Start with collaborations to sell art faster
If you're spending hours marketing your art and nothing is happening, it's time to try something new. Click to learn how to build your art business and your audience through collaborations.
Jessica Craddock | Art Business Marketing
Struggling to find the “problem” your art solves? You’re not alone, and honestly, it’s not necessary. While your art might decorate a space or become a thoughtful gift, there’s something deeper at play. It’s not just about having a need; it’s about connection. Shift your focus. Instead of solving problems, delve into how your story evokes feelings in others. Click to learn how to start! #ArtConnects #FindYourVoice #ArtBeyondProblems
Make genuine connections online to grow your art business
Alexandra is a contemporary western artist. As the mother of a toddler and another little one on the way, Alexandra no longer has time to sell at multiple trade shows, art fairs and ranch rodeos. She needs a more flexible and reliable way to generate an income that doesn't take time away from her family. She’s ready to find a better business plan, possibly by expanding online. I teach Alexandra to make genuine connections online and determine a clear focus for her art career.
Art Business Habits | Jessica Craddock
You do so much work to generate interest in your art. So every time you forget to: follow up, follow through, reach back out, stay in touch, etc., You’re leaving all your money on the table. The good news is, that’s an easy problem to solve! Make this your first task every day and watch your business grow faster than it ever has. Want to learn what this looks like? Join me for Money Now, my sidekick program to Consistent Income! Click for the details!
Artists - Make Money NOW!
Money Now, is a six-week program designed for artists who haven’t figured out how to make $1000 - $1500 in a month yet but crave hitting those numbers so they can invest more in their business and contribute to their families. Not only is the program full of valuable information, but you'll be amazed at the bonuses I've included for you. Download "Five-Minute Pitch: Is Money Now right for me?" today and tune in Sundays at 7AM for a new mini-episode!
Planning content for your art business
Planning your content to have a purpose is a game changer. otherwise, your bank account probably isn’t looking too hot. Wanna do a challenge with me? For the next 30 pieces of content you create mention the thing you’re selling OR tell them how to buy it. Raise your hand if you forget to tell people how to buy your art and you’re committing to doing better! P.S. lucky for me (and you) I created a content planner to help me (and you) do just that. Click to learn more.
the quote art is a luxury the belie that's keeping the artist society broke
“Art is a luxury”: the belief that’s keeping the artist society broke
It's so easy to tell ourselves we have to price our art low so people will buy it -- because "art isn't a necessity. It's a luxury." How many times have you told yourself that? We as artists have to change our mindset around this because our beliefs affect all of us. Click to read more and grab a homework assignment to help yourself think more empowering thoughts.
Social Media Content for Selling More Art
For Nathalie Duflos creating content for social media feels like work. She struggles to tell the story behind her art because she feels like she’s not getting anything out of it. If you have to force yourself to create content for social media, try looking at it a differently. Click to learn more and listed to the entire episode!
Increasing your art prices | Jessica Craddock
Keith is an amazing wildlife artist from Alberta, Canada. A pivotal moment in Keith’s career was when he took the advice of seasoned artists. They pointed out that he was undervaluing his work and that he needed to raise his prices. Keith is a firm believer in testing everything, and because he valued their opinions, he took the leap and drastically increased his prices. Download Episode 8 today and hear more of Keith’s story.
Jessica Craddock | Sell more art
I just released Mini Episode 12 of my Intuitive Art Sales Podcast! This is the second in a series of three episodes that provide a behind the scenes sneak peak into what you should be working on in order to sell more art without losing your mind. Be sure to download Mini-Episode 12 today and tune in Sundays at 7AM for a new mini-episode!
Finding your focus while building an art business
In Episode 10 of Season 2, I am interviewing Melissa Loyd. Melissa Loyd is an acrylic artist living in Denver, Colorado. Melissa feels like she’s making a lot of progress in her business, but she longs to be more organized and consistent in her efforts. As an artist and a mother of four, she feels as though she is trying to do it all but isn’t really doing anything well. You’ll hear how I help Melissa find her focus and learn what to prioritize so she can continue to move her business forward.