column design

38 Pins
a room with black and white tile flooring
中建壹品 × WJID | 上海 · 浦江之星
中建壹品 × WJID | 上海 · 浦江之星
two bath tubs sitting next to each other in front of large windows
Gallery of HEV•Flooring around / Fluo, Architecture and design studio - 21
Image 21 of 28 from gallery of HEV•Flooring around / Fluo, Architecture and design studio. Photograph by Panos Arvanitakis_Photographer/Cinematographer
the interior of a modern office building with marble flooring and glass partitions on each side
非标定制灯饰工厂#微信:andyfu118 QQ:2807983763动态艺术装置#售楼处工程灯饰#沙盘区吊灯#样板间客厅卧室书房餐厅吊灯#台灯壁灯落地灯#商场吊灯天花装置#会所酒店大堂灯#咖啡厅琉璃
several lit candles sitting next to each other in front of a wall with marble panels
矩陣上海|宋雅文化 詩意棲居
矩陣上海|宋雅文化 詩意棲居
the light is shining on the wall in the room that has two tall white columns
DINZ德网 | 柘壹设计Z ONE⁺ · 新型社区的极致体验
DINZ德网 | 柘壹设计Z ONE⁺ · 新型社区的极致体验