Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Mantis (Brandt) (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 The Scarlet Witch was too slow! Mantis must not be! Quote2
—Avengers Vol 1 115
Quote1 Bring harm to this one's man at your own peril, rash one! Quote2
—Giant-Size Avengers Vol 1 2
Quote1 Seize the future, man-! Quote2
—Silver Surfer Vol 3 6
Quote1 This one may legitimately call herself a mistress of the martial arts... Quote2
—Fantastic Four Vol 1 323
Quote1 The star proclaims it! The time of dispersion is ended! The power has multiplied by five-- by five times five-- --and this one is once again-- --one! Quote2
—Avengers: Celestial Quest Vol 1 1
Quote1 This one enjoys intelligence men-- which is why she likes this swordsman better than the original. But she likes you best, darling. Quote2
—Avengers: Celestial Quest Vol 1 3
Quote1 We are now, each of us, obligated to honor the Groot's sacrifice. We will do so by completing our mission and saving this galaxy. Quote2
—Annihilation: Conquest - Starlord Vol 1 2
Quote1 In this place I spoke of, Peter, you will find a machine to disrupt the shield that imperils Earth. This much I have seen. This much I know. Quote2
—All-New Guardians of the Galaxy Annual Vol 1 1
Quote1 Thank you, T'Challa. This one is here to save her son. Quote2
—Empyre Vol 1 3
Quote1 That's still you, Quoi. You're still that sweet boy who stitched a second chance together from rags, just like his father. Quote2
—Lords of Empyre: Celestial Messiah Vol 1 1
Quote1 This one may legitimately call herself a mistress of the martial arts... Quote2
—Mantis (Brandt) (Earth-616)
Quote1 The boy's father whispers in his ear--poisoning him against his human heritage and against all animal life in turn. Quote2
—Swordsman (Cotati) (Earth-616)
DeathQuote1 Trapped, in fact -- with death. Quote2
MantisQuote1 She spoke--! Quote2
WandaQuote1 And what she said--! Quote2
—Avengers: Celestial Quest Vol 1 7
MantisQuote1 --but you love nothing! Quote2
ThanosQuote1 I love only myself. Quote2
—Avengers: Celestial Quest Vol 1 8

All items (14)
