Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Theodore Sallis (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 I've given you the means to sacrifice our humanity to the cause of profit! And if you use it -- you're a fool! Quote2
—Fear Vol 1 16
Quote1 Whate'er you fear is shadow mist! All worlds are dream and sleep. Become this truth, sweet fated child, and God is yours to keep. Quote2
—Man-Thing Vol 3 4
Quote1 Don't you recognize me? I'm the Good Humor man! Quote2
—Man-Thing Vol 5 1
Quote1 Reality is constantly changing on the other side of that door. I may no longer be my handsome self. Even if I find Oldfather, I may not be able to get back to this reality. Quote2
—Man-Thing Vol 5 3
Quote1 Uh-oh. What's the catch? Quote2
—Man-Thing Vol 5 4
Quote1 I can't do this! I've never understood the formula... Because I didn't create it! Quote2
—Avengers: Curse of the Man-Thing Vol 1 1
Quote1 You wanted to burn the world like it burned you. But your fires are embers. Your army is melting. And you, failed, ignored, irrelevant... ... You're afraid. And whatever knows fear... ... Burns at the Man-Thing's touch. Quote2
—X-Men: Curse of the Man-Thing Vol 1 1
Quote1 What e'er you fear is shadow mist! All worlds are dream and sleep. Become this truth, sweet fated child, and God is yours to keep. Quote2
—Theodore Sallis (Earth-616)

See: Man-Thing

Note: Traditionally, the Man-Thing is incapable of articulaton of any kind. However, during the Daydreamers limited series, he was briefly gifted with the ability to speak.

Man-Thing Quotes[]

Quote1 Whate'er you fear is shadow mist! All worlds are dream and sleep. Become this truth, sweet fated child, and God is yours to keep. Quote2

Quotes about the Man-Thing[]

Quote1 Whatever knows fear burns at the touch of... the Man-Thing! Quote2
Quote1 Scratch your mossy butt! Pick your nose. If you've got one. Quote2
—Ellen Brandt

All items (8)
